and then

  • na.然后
  • 网络于是;然后呢;其次

and thenand then

and then


大学英语四级常用词组 ... and what not 诸如此类,等等 and then 于是,然后 one after another 一个接一个地,依次地 ...


大学英语四级常用词组 ... and what not 诸如此类,等等 and then 于是,然后 one after another 一个接一个地,依次地 ...


Steven Yang ... 所以呢? So? 然后呢And then? 这里会是英文文章发表的地方。 Here is the place to write in English. ...


考研英语常考固定词组(word下载版) - 豆丁网 ... thanks to 由于,幸亏 and then 而且,其次,然后 for one thing 首先,一则 ...


...译歌词 ...τελο?- (telos) ―― 而后 (――and then,) 有个男人亲手打开了冥府的大门 (the gate of hades...世界吗! ” “ 但只是沉 …


外国电影【2178】(不含中国电影) ... 家族游戏 the family game 其后 And Then 春天情书 Haru ...


最先固然是对上佳劳绩的寻求,打入初赛进而(And then)夺冠,这是每一名奥运选手和老师肯定的拣选,如果有一天我们不在一 …


词组短语大全 - 豆丁网 ... and so on 等等, 云云 and then 而且, 其次, 于是,然后 and yet 而,然而 ...

First is the concept of the system, reform, public hospital, private hospital, health care system and then explore its theoretical basis. 首先对医院、公立医院、民营医院及医疗体制的概念进行解释,然后对其理论基础进行探讨。
He looked back at me and whispered, 'Bandit Country, ' his eyes glittering, and then he ran off to explore some more. 他回头看看我,小声说:“强盗之乡,”他的眼睛闪闪发光,然后跑开去探寻更多的未知。
And then with a woman's reasoning, she was sure that her husband had come back to her. 然后女人的逻辑又让她确信自己的丈夫已回到身边。
A little later, the Cuban passed around fine Havana cigars. He took a couple of puffs of his and then tossed it out the window. 过了一会儿,古巴人给同伴发送上好的哈瓦那雪茄,他自己也拿了两支,然后就把剩下的雪茄也扔到窗外去了。
He had waited in the kitchen until Gladys Linch prepared it, and then carried it up to his wife's room himself. 他一直在厨房等到格拉迪斯•林准备好它,然后自己才带上去到妻子的房间。
Everybody cans want and then take place in the recent years. ( Iraq war) this war everybody should be very familiar with? 大家可以想想就在近年发生的。(伊拉克战争)这个战争大家应该很熟悉吧?
And then, from there, he climbed directly up the bark until he got to the top of the tree. 接着,从那里他直接从树皮爬了上去直到他到了树顶。
These little miracle makers allow you to pump your milk into a bottle and let your husband take a late-night feeding now and then. 这种小而神奇的器物可以让你把乳汁抽到一个小瓶子里,可以让你的丈夫在深夜偶尔去喂养下婴儿。
Yes, and then on Sunday it got even better. I found out that some paintings I've done are going to be displayed at an art gallery in London! 是的,而且在星期天也过得很好,我发现我的一些油画在伦敦的艺术画廊里展览。
The main thing for me now is to forget the injuries and then if I can play every game in the next season it will be even better for me. 最关键还是远离伤病,如果下个赛季我能够踢每场比赛,我的进球数还会上涨。
If I dance with you I cannot spin my stint and then my mother will scold me. 如果我再跟你一起跳舞,就不能纺完我的纱,我母亲会责怪我的。
He looked at it for a while, turned it over and over, weighed it in his hand and then said: "It's too big. " 他看著它一會兒,把它反轉又反轉,拿它在手中稱重,說“它太大了。”
E. I . . . and then he gave me a sheet of paper, a story about a farm worker and then said, "read it out" . 所以考官让我跟着他念一些词,然后他给我一张纸,上面有一个关于农民的故事,让我大声朗读。
"Almost finished, " he said cheerfully. And then his voice dropped into a lower key. "My dad made good on his promise last spring. " “快完工了,”他兴奋地说着。之后他的声音突然降了八度音。“这个春天那个承诺,我爸没有食言。”
And then you might realize that your eyes are a miracle, and that they allow you to see each of these other miracles. 然后你会发现你的眼睛才是最奇妙的,它让你能看到其他一切美妙的事物。
Then you were roped in by a factory, had a machine slung around your neck , and then you were hooked . up by the arse with a wife. 之后,你又被工厂套住,被工厂的机器拴住。然后你又被妻子用性生活给钩住。
It's easy to get started: upload some family photos to your site and then try out the tagging system on your photos. 人们很容易开始:一些家庭照片上传到您的网站,然后尝试标记系统在您的照片。
Lloyd continued as if he had not heard the remark. "She also likes a little taste of sugar now and then. " Lloyd似乎没有听到回答似的继续说道“她偶尔也喜欢吃点糖。”
I'm simply going to quote 37 Signals on this: "Everyone loves simple tools that help get the job done and then get out of your way. " 关于这一点我想简单地引用一下37Signals:“每个人都喜欢能帮助完成工作的简单工具,而且这种工具召之即来挥之即去。”
It collects performance data during the system initialization process, and then post-processes the data into a time line. 它可以搜集系统初始化过程中的性能数据,然后在一条时间线上对其进行二次处理。
Ever see that person who arrives late to work and then spends the next hour and 15 minutes getting ready to start working? 有没有见过那些上班晚到还要再花15分钟的工作时间才能准备完毕开始工作的人?
I took off my coat, took my wallet with my papers and my money all wet in it out of the inside pocket and then wrung the coat out. 我脱下军装上衣,从里边口袋里掏出皮夹子,皮夹子里放着我的证件和钞票,全给浸湿了。我拧干军装上衣。
A bad " Aha! " pirate question usually results in the candidate just sort of staring at you for a while and then saying they're stuck. 而不良的「原来如此」海盗问题,通常只会让应徵者瞪著你一阵子,然后说他们被难倒了。
He would now and then come back home all of a sudden, and with him came foreign servants with whom I felt extremely eager to make friends. 他有时忽然回家,带回一些我们很想与之交朋友的外地仆人。
I just had this feeling. And then I shook my head and said, no, it was nonsense, you were all right. 我有这样想过,接着我就摇头对自己说‘瞎,胡说八道,你好着呢。’
They remained AT the table in silence for some time, and then Easton asked, "" How much rent do we owe now? "" 他们默默地在桌子边坐了一会儿,这时伊斯顿问道,我们现在欠了多少房租?
Take a few minutes to silently gaze into each other's eyes, and then breathe in and out in unison for at least five minutes. 用几分钟静静地互相注视对方的眼睛,然后一起和谐地同步地呼吸至少五分钟。
The old man recovers a bit, and then has the children help him in putting together a certain device. 老先生有点复苏,然后有孩子帮他整理某装置。
Now take a little bit of food that we have for you here and some water, and then we'll be okay! 这里有一些食物和水,现在先吃点东西,我们不会有事的!
And then she complained and even became resentful towards me for not helping her to increase her business. 然后她埋怨甚至因为我没有为她增加业务而对我变得厌恶。