go by

  • na.走过;以…为根据(作判断);〈美〉顺道访问;受…所控制
  • 网络过去;经过;依照

第三人称单数:goes by 现在分词:going by 过去式:went by 过去分词:gone by

go bygo by

go by


人教版九年级英语单词表_百度文库 ... be angry with 生……的气 go by 过去;消失 friendship 友情;友谊 ...


人教版九年级上册英语单词表 ... be angry with 气恼 go by 经过 friendship 友谊 ...


高中英语新课程标准词汇表 ... go away 走开,离去 go by 走过; 经过; 过去 go for 主张 ...


大学英语四级常用词组 ... go back on 违背,毁(约) go by 走过,放过;依照 go down 下去;(船等)下沉 ...


九年级英语词组总结Unit1-8单元 - 豆丁网 ... stay angry 生气 6. go by 消逝 7. with the help of 在...的帮助下 14. ...


高一人教版英语必修3的重点短语_百度知道 ... all over the world 遍布世界 go by (时间)流逝;走过 too much 大量的 ...


英语介词搭配一览表[旺旺英语论坛] ... marvel at 对…感到惊叹 go by 遵循,遵守 abide by 遵守,坚持 ...


英语高手帮忙做下。 - 已解决 -... ... point to 指向(方向) go by时间)流逝 A。 break into 有闯入的意思,这里是蜂拥而入 …

As a dancer. Who apparently goes sort of mental, if the trailer's anything to go by. 从预告片判断,她饰演的是一个显然在精神方面产生错觉的舞者。
The cities supporting Kyoto in the U. S. are up to 780 -- and I thought I saw one go by there, just to localize this. 美国城市中支持京都议定书的已经有780个——我想我看到了一个名字闪过了,就是它!
Our group's task is to find out the cost to go by train. Our group's task is to find out how much it will cost by train. 我们组的任务是找出乘火车的费用。
This question I asked him a lot of my time, but I still do not know, I just go by their own sense of understanding. 这样的问题我问过我的他很多次,可我仍然不知道,我只是按自己的感觉去理解。
'It's too far to go by yourself, 'Orpah said kindly. 'Ruth and I have been talking. We've decided to come with you. ' “这太远了,你不能自己去。”俄珥巴好心地说,“鲁思和我已经谈过了。我们决定同你一起去。”
Hardly a week seems to go by without news of another venture. 几乎没有哪个礼拜没有新合资企业的新闻。
It would be just as well to go by train-the roads are icy. 乘火车去吧,路太滑了。
The train began to circle and I could watch the pink landscape go by. 火车就开始绕圈运行了,我可以看到粉红色的风景从我身边掠过。
Because your friendship means so much, I pray that you and I will always somehow keep in touch as days and years go by. 因为你的友谊如此重要,我只想对你说,不管岁月怎样流逝,你与我一定要设法保持联系。
The wedding day came and the wedding ceremony seemed to go by in a flash. Before I knew it, I was the next person to speak. 婚礼那天,结婚仪式好像一会就结束了,我还没回过神,就轮到我要讲话了。
She was so much terrified at the thought of flying that she decided to go by train. 她一想到坐飞机就心里害怕,所以就决定坐火车去。
He raised his hat and was about to speak, but she gave him the go-by as though she had never seen him before. 他摘下帽子,刚要讲话,她却根本不理他,好像以前从未见过他似的。
It would be just as well to go by train - the road is icy. 下了好大的雪。你建议说,乘火车去吧,路太滑了
It was a pleasure meeting you, too. Thanks for your help. And good luck! I've got to go. By the way, I'm Richard. What's your name? 我也很高兴认识你,谢谢你帮了我的忙,祝你好运气,我得走了。忘了告诉你了,我叫理查德。你呢?
And he almost ran after her again, feeling it unbearable that she should go by herself, but he did not. 他开始又差点儿跟在她后面跑起来,觉得不应该让她自己走,但他没有想这样做。
There are lots and lots of cabmen as you know, hay is dear, and folks are paltry nowadays and always contriving to go by tram. 赶马车的,您知道,多得数不清,草料还挺贵,坐车的又小器,老是打算去坐公共马车。
The team at Crew seems to have deviated very little from the Arnage design formula if the little bits we see are anything to go by. 该小组在乘员似乎已经偏离很少从雅致的设计公式,如果没有位,我们看到的东西去了。
Such a method, which assigns a definite meaning once and for all to a particular symbol, allows a lot of problems to go by unnoticed. 这样一个方法,一劳永逸地指定一个明确的意义给一个特别的符号,产生许多大家没有注意到的问题。
Let the world go by as when you are watching a film that you know has an ending, which enables you to close that experience. 让世界去了,当您正在看一部电影,你知道有一个结局,这使您可以关闭这一经验。
I would not like the waves impact of the strong to return to the island, I would think : If I go by the big waves blowing, the how do? 我不会像他在大浪的冲击下坚强回岛,我会想:要是我被大浪吹下海,那该怎么办?
Mr. Robinson had to travel somewhere on business, and as he was in a hurry, he decided to go by air. 罗宾逊先生因为出差时间紧迫,他选择了乘坐飞机。
Listen, I'm sorry. . . I let so much time go by without telling you that I really loved you, and the love still go on. 听着,我很遗憾,过了这么长时间我一直没告诉你我真的很爱你,而且现在仍然爱你。
It is all the same for me to go by train or plane. 对于我来说坐火车去和坐飞机去时一样的
He took her to a place where they would see the bus go by on their lunch break. 并且午餐休息时间,带她到一处可以看到这辆公车经过的地方。
I got the blue flag and I let him go by. Right after that, the safety car came into the track and I was stuck behind the leader. 我看到蓝旗后让他过去了。就在这之后,安全车进入赛道我被堵在了领先者之后。
It was quite a shock for some Russians in a rural backwater of the Urals recently to see lorry-loads of Chinese troops go by. 对乌拉尔的乡村地区的一些俄罗斯人来说,最近看到一车车中国军队路过是相当令人震惊的。
All the precious time . . . Like the wind, the years go by. 所有那些宝贵的往日时光,就想风一样,就想流年一样…
Most North-American busine travelers go by airplane, although some companies use the train for short distances to cut down on OCS expel es. 绝大多数北美人出差都乘飞机,只有少数公司在短途旅行时要求出差人乘坐火车来减少公务费用。
At present examination is basically the only measure that teacher can go by to determine whether a student is qualified or not. 目前考试基本上仍然是教师遵循的判断学生是否合格的惟一办法。
As a matter of fact, Xuan was so used to killing hogs that he felt something was wrong if he let a day go by without killing something. 实际上,宣已经习惯了要杀猪,如果他哪一天不杀点什么就觉得不对劲。