give birth to

  • na.产生
  • 网络生育;出生;引起

give birth togive birth to

give birth to

高考常考词组汇总_百度文库 ... give a talk 作报告,作演讲 give birth to ,产生 (sea,bus…) 乘飞机(乘船,乘公共汽车……) ...


高考常考词组汇总_百度文库 ... give a talk 作报告,作演讲 give birth to 生,产生 (sea,bus…) 乘飞机(乘船,乘公共汽车……) ...


字典中 诞 字的解释 ... (6) 大[ great] (1) 生育;出生[ give birth to;be born] (2) 同本义[ boast] ...


英语六级高频短语,词组 - 豆丁网 ... at birth 在出生时 ; give birth to 出生 blame sb. for sth. 因 … 责备某人 . ...


职称英语考试大纲答案 ... )stray away from“ 偏离”; )give birth to“ 产生,引起” )fall back on“ 求助于” ...


初三英语知识点_中考网 ... 讲述 tell of 生孩子 give birth to 由……制成 be made of ...


谁知道give的词组,详细点的_百度知道 ... give back 归还 give birth to 生小孩 give ear to 倾听 ...


高中英语词组大全 - 豆丁网 ... be beneficial to … 语…有益 · give birth to生下… · not a bit= not at all 根本不 · ...

Although he was as big as a young colt, it was easy for his mother to give birth to him. 虽然他如幼马一般大,他的母亲生他时却毫不困难。
Early when his wife is pregnant, he will take care of her so she can give birth to a fine healthy baby. 早期,他的妻子已经怀孕,他将照顾她,让她能生下一个健康的婴儿罚款。
If I give birth to a little daughter, I will raise a red flag, and then you should escape as fast as you can, and may God protect you. 如果我生下的是个小妹妹,我就升起一面红旗,你们就赶紧远走高飞,愿上帝保佑你们。
Do not give birth to dormitory accommodation, run, do not crowd, do not parallel up and down stairs, walking on the right. 住宿生出宿舍不要跑跳,不要拥挤,上下楼梯不要并行,靠右侧行走。
The healing and redemptive power of experience lies in its ability to help us access and give birth to the deepest part of ourselves. 经验里的治愈和拯救力量,在于它有能力帮我们进入并激起自己最深的那一部份。
However, the specialist is warning that the encouragement of money is only insufficient as still give birth to stimulation. 但专家警告说,单是金钱鼓励还不足以刺激生育。
She should be satisfied with you, because she give birth to a world's greatest basketball player. 她应该对你感到满意,因为她生出了一个世界上最伟大的篮球运动员。
Students, and cardiac effect? Heart not as good as action, female compatriots, you want to give birth to a baby such a lovely Mody? 同学们,心动了么?心动不如行动,女同胞们,你们想生一个这么可爱的baby么?
In 2009, Emmons and his wife, Katerina, also a shooter, were happy to give birth to a daughter. 在2009年,埃蒙斯与他的妻子卡特琳娜生下了女儿。卡特琳娜也是一名射击选手。
Women on low-calorie diets or who skip breakfast at the time of conception are more likely to give birth to girls, UK scientists say. 英国科学家说,如果女性食用低热量饮食或者在怀孕期间不吃早餐,那么她们生女孩的机率要大得多。
Communion between a man and a woman can and does give birth to the greatest positive force in the world. 男人和女人之间的交流能够也确实在世界上产生了最伟大的积极的推动。
This shift also allows Mila and Oa to give birth to a new direction within their school known as " The Community Program" . 这个转变允许Mila和Oa的学校内所知的团队项目的一个新方向的出现。
Ok, returning to now, we have realized that only the shared experiences will give birth to a strong aftertaste. 回过神来,细细体会,只有共同的经历才会生出深厚的回味。
A fossil cannot be ancestral to something older than itself any more than a daughter can give birth to her own mother. 一块化石不可能衍生出比自身历史更长的东西,这就如同一个女儿不可能生下自己的母亲。
The upstairs, speak save some character, you also refer to don't expect you to the mouth to give birth to a son half daughter an? 楼上的,说话留点品德,你还指不指望你那嘴生个一儿半女的了?
You did such a sacrifice to give birth to a lovely me, despite losing your attractive figure. Mom. You are so great! 您不惜牺牲了您苗条的身材,孕育了一个如此可爱的我,妈妈,您真的很伟大!
Female anteaters usually give birth to only one baby a year. It rides on the mother's back for several weeks after it is born. 雌性食蚁兽通常一年生一个崽子。出生后的几周内,它都骑在妈妈的背上。
She was also thought to give birth to the Morning Star (Venus), the pharaoh being described as the father in the Pyramid Texts. 她也被认为出生于晨星(金星),在金字塔铭文里被描述为法老的父亲。
Aristocrats and capitalists use such magic bullet, civilians would not dare say anything, then give birth to the strength of the class. 贵族和资本家利用这样的妙法,平民就不敢做声,于是生出了强弱的阶级。
It easystms these men, which are suffering a stressful life, even do not desire to give birth to off summer. 似乎那些承受绝大生存压力的人甚至不想生小孩。
An old lady told her, "I can find a way for you to give birth to another child, on one condition that you should offer a sacrifice to God. " 有一老母语此妇言:“我能使尔求子可得,当须祀天。”
That girl doesn't worry I also worry, I sometimes is still a little nasty, my parents BiHun, can't wait to give birth to a child. 那个女孩不急我也急,我有时候还是有点急的,我父母逼婚,恨不得马上生个孩。
I intend to embody love in the space between to give birth to a state of unity in my life dance. 我意愿在两极空间中展现爱,让我生命之舞的统一状态诞生。
As you perceive something, you give birth to a thought, and this thought now thinks. 当你注意到某物,你就产生一种想法,你就开始思考这个想法。
And mothers who were exposed to unusually high levels of stress during pregnancy are more likely to give birth to a left-handed child. 母亲在怀孕时承受不同寻常的高强度压力,更容易生出左撇子的孩子。
In Byzantine time, the queen would be arranged to give birth to the royal heirs in a purple room. 在拜占庭式时期,女王将被安排在紫色房间生育皇家继承人。
Yangchun in March, a few patches of light rain, the mulberry busy to take care of their children, give birth to a small fruit. 阳春三月,下过几阵小雨后,桑树忙着照顾自己的孩子,生出了一个个小青果。
'I hadn't been able to give birth to my baby; someone had to do it for me. ' “我未能自己生宝宝,而不得不让别人帮我生。”
Accompanied by the journey, always give birth to a strong dash of sentiment. 相伴的路程,总会生出几许坚强的情愫。
Women are often most affected, and women who are undernourished during pregnancy are more likely to give birth to undernourished children. 往往妇女受到的影响最大,怀孕期间营养不良的妇女很可能生下营养不良的孩子。