all the time

  • na.始终;〔美国〕老是
  • 网络一直;总是;无时无刻

all the timeall the time

all the time


大学英语四级常用词组 ... ahead of time 提前,在原定时间以前 all the time 一直,始终 at a time 每次;在某个时刻 ...


大学英语四级常用词组 ... all over again 再一次,重新 all the time 一直,始终 all the same 仍然,照样的 ...


英语新标准初中二年级上册单词表_百度知道 ... fan n. 风扇;迷 all the time 始终;总是; guitar n. 吉他 ...


初中英语短语汇总 A- Y_英语网 ... all the same 都一样,仍然 all the time 一直,始终;老是 all year round 一年到头 ...


初中英语短语汇总 A- Y_英语网 ... all the same 都一样,仍然 all the time 一直,始终;老是 all year round 一年到头 ...


英语成语大全 - 豆丁网 ... 刻不容缓 be of great urgency 无时无刻 all the time 受益匪浅 benefit a lot from ...


contagious_百度百科 ... I can prove I'm right 我会证明我是适合你的 All the time 永远 When you're around 但你在我周围 ...


Plastiscines - Bitch的中文歌词_百度知道 ... Just realize 只意识到了 All the time 一直都是 i-t-c-h 坏-女-人 ...

We re getting better at it all the time, but we also need to be very aware of its limitations. 我们一直在进步,但是我们也应该注意到它的局限性。
The Awakened One does nothing: but leaves nothing undone; for all thing are happening all the time around and through the Awakened One. 觉者不刻意作为,但又不会让事情无法完成。因为所有事情都一刻不停的在觉醒者周围发生着、通过觉醒者发生着。
I'm going to try and save you all the time and all the money and go through it in the next three minutes, so bear with me. 我会试着帮你节省点时间和钞票在接下来的三分钟里关于这究竟是怎么回事,且听我一一道来。
The next dish is the main course. At table , you should try to speak quietly and smile a lot, but do not laugh all the time. 下一个菜是主菜。在餐桌,你应该悄悄地说话和微笑很多,但不要总是一直笑。
"You may be able to balance these demands out a bit. As a consultant, you can be on call to clients all the time. " “你可以平衡这些要求。作为咨询顾问,你对客户要随时待命。”
Mr Smith, who was very fat, was rushing to the bus stop on a hot noon when he found a little boy followed him from behind all the time. 一个炎热的中午,肥硕的史密斯先生正在赶往车站,他发现一个小男孩总是紧跟在他后面走。
I always feel that she's trying to psych me out all the time. 我总感到她无时不在让我难受。
Plus, although they fought all the time, Caroline loves her mother and can't un-hear the fact that her ma essentially disowned her. 另外,虽然她们一直在开战,但卡罗琳爱她妈妈,却无法不听到的她妈妈不要她的事实。
"She said he wanted picking up and cuddles all the time, " said the friend. “她说他时刻都想要人抱,”这位朋友说道。
Sheila was very tired all the time. She had no energy for anything. After one week passed, her mother took her to the doctor. 舍拉总觉得很累。她干什么事都提不起精神。一个星期以后,她妈妈带她去看病。
He was so busy all the time that he had no idea how much his wife needs him. 他老是那么忙,竟然不知道妻子是那么需要自己。
If someone says dirty words all the time, it shows that something is wrong with his mouth. You'd better persuade him to "watch" his mouth! 如果有的人总是骂骂咧咧,满口脏话,那就说明他的嘴“出了问题”。你最好建议他去“注意”嘴巴(注意言辞)。
"Things are not happy in the house if I blame him all the time, so I don't do any of that anymore, " Ms. Mohammed says. “如果我总是在责备他的话,生活就不那么美好了,所以我再也不会开口骂他,”默罕默德说。
But they loved Elsa so much that they did not like to have her do any work; very foolishly, they let her play all the time. 可是这对父母是多么荒唐呀,因为他们非常疼爱埃尔莎,就让她一直玩啊玩,从不给她什么家务活干。
Well I am here to tell you that speaking in public is nothing to be afraid of; I do it all the time. 那么我在这里告诉你,在公众面前发言并不是什么可怕的事情;我一直是这么做的。
He permits nothing to trouble his mind, does everything as he pleases, and all the time lives like a fighting cock. 他什么事都不操心,爱做什么就做什么,一直过着养尊处优的日子。
My parents were never physically abused in all the time they were locked up, but it was a trying time, to say the least. 我的父母在监禁的时间里从来没有受过身体上的折磨,但是至少可以说,那是一段十分艰难的时刻。
She almost makes you cringe watching her, you think: stop kissing Helen, stop touching her all the time, because Helen never reciprocates. 她使你一直看着她,你想:别亲吻helen,别老是碰她,因为helen从来没有回应过。
"We're checking that, " Willetts cut in brusquely. "Look---could he have had that money on the boat all the time without yu knowing it? " “我们正在查核那个,”威利茨唐突地插嘴说。“注意,——他能把那些钱一直放在船上而没让你知道吗?”
So I really encourage you to know this Web site, to keep up with it, because we are updating it as new information comes out all the time. 所以我强烈建议你能了解这个网站,并能跟上它,因为我们随时都在跟新,只要有新的信息,无论何时。
"If you're being paid to be a professional, you have to put your nose to the grindstone and go hard all the time, " he said. “如果别人出钱雇你为专业人士,你就必须得忙的马不停蹄时刻努力,”他说。
Fortunately, his wife found out the truth not too late. She kept urging her husband to stop. However, She failed all the time. 妻子也算是发觉得早,她不断苦劝沉迷于赌博的丈夫,而张志业把妻子的忠言当作耳边风。
He always treats me like my man and protects me all the time, I am proud of him and proud of our love. 他总是把自己当做我的男人来时刻的保护我,我为他而自豪,为这份爱而自豪。
as well as in the days and weeks leading up to one. And feeling tired all the time may be a symptom of heart failure. 疲劳。特别是妇女,不寻常的疲劳可以在心脏病发作期间以及之后的数天或数周发生。一直感觉疲倦可能是心衰症状。
When he walks around the corridors inside at the training ground, he walks with a ball at his feet, doing little tricks all the time. 当他在整个跑道里面训练慢跑的时候,他会边带球边跑,并且做很少量的假动作。
How can you say to your brother, 'Let me take the speck out of your eye, ' when all the time there is a plank in your own eye? 你怎么能说你的兄弟,让我的斑点了你的眼睛,当所有的时间有一个木板在自己的眼睛?
It spend all the time with the little girl therefore I thought of putting stitches on its joints and give him a stitched smile. 它的所有时间都和小女孩在一起,所以我想在它的关节处放一些补丁,再给它做一个缝上去的针脚组成的笑脸。
For Dipa Ma, mindfulness wasn't something she did, it was who she was-all the time. 保持正念不是蒂帕嬷“要去做的事情”,正念一直与她溶为一体。
The non physical realms continuously support you, and members of the Family of Light are around you and with you all the time. 非物质领域持续不断地支持你们,而且光家族成员在你们的周围而且始终与你们同在。
"Then he would have the alcohol shakes. I'd try to play computer games with him, but he'd run to the bathroom all the time. " 她说,“他会有那种酒精引起的抽搐。我会和他玩一些电脑游戏,但他会时不时地跑去厕所。”