grown up

  • na.成人发生
  • 网络成年人;长大成人;成熟的,成人的

第三人称单数:grows up 现在分词:growing up 过去式:grew up 过去分词:grown up

grown upgrown up

grown up


新概念英语第二册17课课件_百度知道 ... it must be: 一定(推测) grown up: (形容词短语)成年人 grow up: (人)成长 ...


英语新词汇与常用词汇的翻译(G) -亿城英语 ... growlingly 怒吠 grown up 长大成人 grown 长大的 ...


Lesson 17_余光_新浪博客 ... 4 orange-coloured, 橘红色的。 5 grown up, 成熟的,成人的。 Lesson 17 Always young …


...经和20、30年前不同,当时他们不遵守某些规定或许没有多大关系。但现在中国已经成长起来(grown up),必须遵守其他国家 …


英文学习完全手册 ... government officials 官方官员 grown up 大人 guardian 法定监护人 ...


Friends 老友记 第三季 第九集... ... eater: 食者 grown up: 长成人 kick: 踢 ...

Now grown up, for you; I am strong, and for you; I changed for you. I know it is all in vain! 现在长大了,为你;我坚强了,为你;我改变着,为你。只是我知道这一切都是徒然!
I ask the indulgence of the children who may read this book for dedicating it to a grown-up. 我请孩子们原谅我把这本书献给了一个大人。
"She's a quiet one, " he thought; "she's grown up in poverty, and I am marrying for the sake of my motherless children. " 他已经折磨死两个老婆,正在物色第三个,于是就看中了她,说她“性格文静,生在贫苦人家,而我呢,之所以结婚,是为了失去母亲的孩子。”
The child talked to us as if he were a grown-up. 那孩子跟我们谈起话来像个成年人似的。
Once, he told me if he'd grown up differently, he might have become a mathematician. 有一次,他告诉我,如果自己成长方式有所区别,可能会成为数学家。
I know it seems like you have to be a grown up and have nice things, but you've got to think long-term. 我知道你感觉作为一个成人应该物质生活丰富,但是你要从长远来看这件事情。
Her mother's war was all to do with the family's evacuation from the Channel Islands, where she had grown up. 她母亲的经历则完全是她一家从她成长的海峡群岛撤离的事。
It's like pictures of children: You know they've grown up, but it's only when you look at the old pictures that you realize just how much. 就如同看你的孩子们旧时的照片:你知道他们已经长大,但只有当翻看老照片时你才能倍感他们成长得有多快。
Having growing up in the spotlight as a child star of Harry Potter, Emma Watson often had to fight to convince people she's all grown up. 凭借出演哈利波特系列电影走红的小童星,自小就生活在镁光灯下的艾玛沃特森还要经常向别人证明她已经完全长大了。
Cousin has grown up and matured, and is only a Dudangyimian's Shuai, are there any need to worry about him then! 表弟长大了,成熟了,并且是独挡一面的帅才了,还有什么必要为他担心呢!
Houses that have grown up around the river crossing are also being furiously rebuilt; almost none of the original structures remains. 沿着河畔的房子也都大大的加盖了一番,原先房屋的造型几乎都已经看不见了。
I feel fortunate to have grown up in a passionate, hugging Italian family. I associate hugging with a more universal kind of love. 成长在一个富有激情,乐于拥抱的意大利家庭,我感到很幸运。我把拥抱与更普遍的爱联系在一起。
The 'denier' pretends problems don't exist; this person may have grown up in a family where everyone feared facing unpleasant emotions. “否定者”则假装问题并不存在,这种人的家人可能都害怕正视不愉快的情绪。
As a scientist I have grown up to believe this law of nature: the only thing that travels faster than light is a rumour. 作为一个科学家,我从小到大一直坚信这样一条自然法则:世界上唯一比光速还快的就是流言散播的速度。
As mankind has grown up, we have learned that "new" is often better than "old. " 人类已经够成熟了,我们已经了解到“新的”往往比“旧的”好。
Still, her mother, who had grown up in Czechoslovakia, taught Mary and her siblings to take pride in themselves. 然而,在捷克斯洛伐克长大的妈妈还是教导玛丽和她的姊妹们要以自己为荣。
Not that it is possible to live with children any more than with grown-up people without imposing rules of conduct on them. 如果不把行为规范强加于孩子身上的话,那么大人同孩子们生活在一起则是不可能的。
The former ingenue has some grown-up scars now, singing the marital blues with a bite in her voice that she's never come close to before. 从前的天真已经被成熟打上了疤痕,她用有些辛辣的嗓音唱着婚姻生活中的悲伤---她的嗓音永远不可能像以前那样了。
Suddenly a little boy pushed his way through the grown-up legs and sat down by the window. He was all alone among the unfriendly grown-ups. 突然,一个小孩挤出人群,坐在窗边,在一群不友好成人中间显得格外孤独。
Having grown up in this house, I have seen the sun shine on the water many times, but I have never appreciated it as I do now. 我在这屋子里度过了自己的成长岁月,见过无数次海面上的阳光,却从未对此感恩过。
"Besides, " she said to Wendy, "he would be grown up by this time. " “而且,”她告诉温迪,“到现在,他该已经长大了。”
After years of rapid growth and its share of hurdles, the wind industry has grown up. 经历了几年快速成长及困难之后,风能行业已经成熟。
The face of the killing is now grown-up son of the murderer, once again fell into a son was sadness and fear. 面对现在已长大成人的弑子凶手,阿妮丝再次陷入了当年丧子的悲伤和恐惧中。
But none of these have grown up to be the next Windows. 但是,这些想法也没有一个能够成长为下一代windows。
Earning all that through my own efforts was hugely satisfying. It made me feel almost rich, and grown up. 我感觉自己几乎是个有钱人了,而且也已长大成人。
At present, I think it is cruel for you to be grown up! It is not your fault. To my surprise, you could understand a great many truths. 目前来说,要求你成熟一点对你来说是残忍的,这不是你的错!然而令我惊奇的是,你还是能明白一些事实的。
He had grown up in Shanghai and had ventured into real estate just as the local market was surging. 他是土生土长的上海人,在本地市场迅猛发展的时候涉足房地产业。
Mr Guest's widow and two grown-up children had no idea how much his collection was worth and were "pleasantly surprised" by the valuation. 盖斯特先生的遗孀和两个长大成人的孩子原先并不知道他收藏品的价值,所以对拍卖行的估价十分惊喜。
So far, none of these kids had grown up to win the Nobel Prize either. 迄今为止,这些孩子长大后也没有一个赢得过诺贝尔奖。
If it had grown up in those cities, he thinks, it might have evolved to serve the sophisticated multinationals nearby. 如果这个网站在那些大城市里发展话,也许现在它就在给周围那些实力雄厚的跨国公司提供服务。