care of

  • na.烦…转交
  • 网络由…转交;好好爱护;烦……转交

care ofcare of

care of


C/O是什么意思?_爱问知识人 ... ( Company ) 公司 ( Care of ) 转交 ( Certificate of origin ) 产地证明书 ...


大学科技英语 ... compare (比较), care of (由…转交), signed on behalf of (代表…签字), ...


小学六年级英语总复习知识归类 ... put on( 穿上……), care of( 好好爱护,关心,照顾,保管), take photos( 照相), ...


首字母缩略词_百度百科 ... MENA ← Middle East News Agency 中东社 C/O ← care of 烦……转交 P.S. ← postscript (信未)附 …


pjiang | ... A. Home Address - No P.O. Box 家庭地址,不能用邮箱 B. Care of 若委托他人收转,填收转人


外贸人,学外贸英语 -... ... CERTIFICATE OF ORIGIN 原产地证明书 CASH ORDER;CARE OF 现金订单,转交 COMPANY 公 …


航海及海运专业词汇英语翻译(C) ... cargo block 装卸货滑车(包括吊货滑车 care of请……转交 care 谨慎 ...


pjiang | ... A. Home Address - No P.O. Box 家庭地址,不能用邮箱 B. Care of 若委托他人收转,填收转人 …

The shepherd dog does not know as much about most things as some other dogs, and yet he understands very well how to take care of sheep. 虽然牧羊犬不懂得基他种狗所懂的绝大部分事物,可是牧羊犬却精通于怎样看护好羊群。
I want you to take good care of him, Tony. He is one of our best customers. 托尼,我想让您好好关照他。他是我们最好的客户之一。
So Three-eyes went to Two-eyes, and said, "I will go with you and see if the goat is taken proper care of, and driven where there is food. " 所以三只眼走过来对两只眼说:“我要跟你一起把山羊赶到有食物的地方去,看看山羊是否得到了应该的照顾。”
This zombie will dig under your plants and attack from the back. Use magnet-shrooms or split-peas to take care of him. 这只僵尸会从直接穿到植物的背后攻击它们,用磁力菇或者双向射手来干掉它们!
please look after her, comfort her and protect her till the day we meet. . . . Please take care of him until the day we meet. 请你,照顾他,安慰他并且保护他,直到我们相遇的那一天。用英文…
When it started selling phones in the U. S. in 2010, Huawei continued to let the carriers take care of marketing, Hopkins said. 霍普金斯介绍说,早在2010年华为开始在美国销售手机的时候,华为就开始瞄准了美国的市场。
Hoping to lend a hand, volunteers took care of her medical expenses, and chauffeured her to a hospital in Chengdu to receive chemotherapy. 慈济志工得知后伸出援手,不但帮他负担全额医药费,还专车接送她到成都市的医院治疗。
I knew I was his wife and I should take care of him when he was busy in his work. 我知道,我是他的妻子,他工作忙的时候我应该照顾好他。
If you re strong enough, you just do that. Whatever comes your way, you take care of it the best you can. Then the rest is up to Hirm. 如果你够坚强,你就可以选择这种方式,任何来到你面前的事,你就尽力做好它,其馀的就交给上帝安排。
I thought of the good old days when grandmother used to take care of me; I remembered it so clearly as if it were just yesterday. 我喂她的时候,想到以前美好的日子外婆对我的照顾,我都还记得一清二楚。
And the witch care of her grow up, give her many what she wants, that she may be in a dangerous time, rushed to save her, etc. . . 而女巫照顾她长大,给她许许多多她想要的东西,在得知她有可能有危险的时候,急忙冲去救她等等……
She was always there by his bedside, taking care of him, until he passed away three months ago. 她总是随侍在病床前,照顾她的丈夫,一直到约莫三个月前他过世为止。
He took care of her, and she gave him a reason to stay clean. 他照顾着她,而她则是他保持整洁的原因。
Not exactly, though I shall be happy to do both, but _that_ would be exercise only to my body, and I must take care of my mind. 不完全是,尽管我很乐意做这两件事。不过,那只是活动身体,我还要注意我的心灵呢。
Lord, I'm not in the best of health and would not be able to take care of all three husbands, so THAT'S why I said 'yes' to George Clooney. 可是,主啊,我现在身体不太好,不能照顾三个丈夫,所以这就是为什么我说乔治克鲁尼“是”。
Take care of me and I'll take care of you. I'll encourage my friends to come to see you. I'll come back when I need more of what you sell. 照顾好我,那么我也会照顾好你,我会鼓励我的朋友们到你这儿来,当我还需要你卖的东西时,我会再回来的。
Their grandfather is too ill to function alone, and they are taking care of him in turn. 他们的爷爷病得很重,生活不能自理。他们轮流照顾他。
a: that's the point. he once lost his briefcase by asking a "blind man" to take care of it for him. 对啦,这才是要害。他曾丢过一个公文包,原因是让一个“盲人”帮他看包。
You'll just have to take care of him. You know what I mean. 你只要好好“照看”他就行了,你知道我的意思。
In early 1983, I hired Lynda Dixon, who took care of me for a decade and continued to work in my Arkansas office when I became President. 1983年初,我雇了琳达.迪克逊,她在我身边服务了10年,而且,在我当上总统之后,仍留在我的阿肯色州办公室工作。
I hate to take care of you for life, even if the last you with another man to work down the aisle, I also hope to be your friend! 我恨不得能一辈子照顾你,就算最后你跟另一个男子携手走向红毯的另一端,我也希望能继续当你的朋友!
If the inmate is not powerful enough or guards would not take care of him, he will be certainly raped. 如果囚犯不够强大,或者看守不愿关照他,他无疑将被强奸。
If he ran far enough, he would reach his friends at Henderson Creek. They would take care of him. 如果他跑的足够远,还可能跑到亨德森港,然后朋友们就会照看他。
Edward keeps asking to come home. It breaks my heart. I can't take care of him anymore. I did what I thought was best. 爱德华一直要回家。这让我心碎。我无法再照顾他。我做了我认为对他最好的。
Her mother-in-law helps her to take care of her child and she is grateful. 她婆婆帮她照料小孩,她很感激。
There was a very cute little penguins appear in front of me, I do not look for the care of it. 曾经有一只非常可爱的小企鹅出现在我的面前,我没有找找的照顾它。
the most and adorned her with rich robes and treated her to delicacies. He took great care of her and gave her nothing but the best. 从前有一位富有的商人娶了四个老婆。他最爱他的小老婆,给她华丽的衣裳和美味佳肴。他对她体贴入微,把最好的东西都给了她。
By this time, his present owner, Jude Stringfellow, met him and wanted to take care of him. 这时,他现在的主人,裘德斯特林,看见了他,想照顾他。
Breaking off their affair had never sat right with him; now he would take care of her for the rest of her life. 断绝他们的关系从来就没使他感觉好受过;现在他将要照顾她的余生了。
What would be a reasonable rate to pay a child-minder to take care of your kids, for instance, or someone to cover your chores for you? 比如说,该支付给一个儿童保育员怎样公正的比率来让他照顾你的小孩,或者某人来给你打杂工。