pop up

  • v.突然出现
  • 网络弹出式;弹出窗口;弹出式调查

第三人称单数:pops up 现在分词:popping up 过去式:popped up

pop uppop up

pop up


带up的词组以及例句_百度知道 ... polish up 擦拭,擦亮;润色,加工;改善,改进 pop up 突然出现,冒出 prick up v.竖起,(风)加剧 ...


Liran - 博客园 ... pooling 池化 pop up 弹出式 port 端口 ...


...– 焦点图广告(Focus Picture) – 弹出窗口(Pop Up) – 背投广告(Super Pop Under) 摩天大楼(sky scraper) 通栏(Full Column) 全 …


(3) 弹出式调查pop up) 当网民在访问网站的过程中,可能会碰到弹出来的一个窗口,请网民参与一项调查;如果网民有 …


赖世雄中级美国英语教程 -... ... junk food n. 垃圾食品,无营养食品 pop up v. 突然出现,蹦出 mushroom n. 香菇 v.雨后春笋 ...


香港弹起(Pop up)-金石堂网路书店欢迎您加入博客和facebook 脸书粉丝团!The largest retail books store chains in Taiwan! 2…

And every time we get a bit of good news, the purge-and-liquidate types pop up, saying that it's time to stop focusing on job creation. 而且,每次我们只要有一点好消息,就有“清除剂清算”类说法出现,认为不应该再专注创造就业了。
Collectivist societies tend to pop up in parts of the world, especially around the equator, with plenty of disease-causing microbes. 集体主义社会通常会在世界上某些地方,特别是在赤道周围出现。这些地方具有许多导致疾病出现的微生物。
Since you have them grouped, it's easy to order them to take out any enemy infantry that might pop up in the course of the battle. 由于你把他们编队了,这就很容易命令他们干掉任何可能在战斗中突然出现的敌人步兵。
But believe it or not, there have been stranger things to pop up in NASA? s launch history. 不过信不信由你,NASA的航天器发射史上还发生过许多更加令人匪夷所思的事件。
Advocates predict the panels will increasingly pop up in once unused spaces like this. 支持者预测在一些未开发的使用的空间太阳能电池板会日益流行起来。
Google does not accept pop-up advertising, which interferes with your ability to see the content you've requested. Google不接受弹出式广告,因为这会干扰用户查看所请求的内容。
The sites shield themselves from search engines, so they do not pop up in response to online searches for the brands they offer. 这些网站避开了搜索引擎,所以若在线搜索他们所卖的品牌时,他们的网站是不会出现的。
From the pop-up window, leave the Parameter mode as In, and give it a name text. 从弹出窗口中,让Parameter模式保留为In,然后给它输入名称text。
Users see a pop-up box stating "This message type cannot be recalled" if they attempt to recall a Calendar or To Do item. 如果尝试收回Calendar或ToDo消息,用户会看到一个显示“Thismessagetypecannotberecalled(该消息类型不能被收回)”的弹出框。
Most feed readers will have some sort of notification system through a sound or pop-up window in the bottom right corner. 大多数提要阅读器具有某种通知系统(采用声音或右下角弹出窗口的方式)。
Sir Alex was relieved to see the Argentine pop up in the right place at the right time and hailed his squad's never-say-die attitude. 弗格森爵士感到欣慰看到阿根廷人适时地站出来,在适当的地方,适当的时机,并且展现了球队的不死精神。
A redesigned pop-up menu makes it easy to share photos via email, text message, BlackBerry Messenger, or various social networks. 通过一个经过了重新编排的弹出式菜单,你可以很便捷地通过电邮、短信、黑莓信使以及各种社交网络来分享照片。
So I'd like to illustrate some of the things that pop up in this gray area by looking at a few cases over the last several years. 我想在这里通过回顾近些年的一些案例来说明在这个道德上的灰色区域里突现的一些有意义的现象。
We've got to put more buzz words into the page text, so it will pop up when people search about our kind of products. 我们必须把更多的流行语加到主页上,这样当人们查找我们某种产品时我们的站点就会突然出现。
At this point an authentication box should pop up and ask you for your username and password - users are listed in the principals. zcml. 这时将会弹出一个要您输入用户名和密码的认证框,用户将在principals.zcml文件中列出。
If Swype does not understand exactly what you are trying to type, it will pop up a suggestion box. 如果Swype无法确切地明白你想要输入什么,它会弹出一个建议框。
pop up: eg. He seems to pop up in the most unlikely places. 他似乎老在最不可能出现的地方出现。
A Windows dialog box will probably pop up to say that an access violation has occurred. 该操作将导致弹出一个Windows对话框,提示出现了访问冲突。
You should see a pop-up menu with a list of elements that are valid at this point in the document, in this case the html element. 您应该看见一个弹出菜单,该菜单列出了文档中这个位置上有效的元素,在这种情况下是html元素。
Now look to the right at the bottom and turn on "Show Legacy Precomputed Effects" , now even more possibilities just pop up out of nowhere. 现在在底部朝着权利并且打开“表演遗赠物预先计算的效果”,现在甚至更多的可能性仅仅无处出现离。
Washington at present has no overall policy, but tries to tackle trade problems one by one as they pop up. 华盛顿目前并没有一个整体的政策,对待贸易问题,试图出现一个解决一个。
There are a lot of hot lines that you can call, just search "quit smoking hot line" and a bunch will pop up for you. 有许多热线可以打,只寻找“戒烟热线”,很多人会来帮组你。
Being Shanghai its first location, the store is expected to pop-up in Rotterdam, Barcelona, Tokyo & New York in the coming future. 这是第一家月球商店,而后这家店还会在鹿特丹,巴塞罗那,东京,纽约等地开展。
If available, a detailed explanation of that item will be shown in a pop-up window. 这时将显示一个弹出窗口对所选项目进行详细地解释。
I did not know what to pop up the N number of spots, beautiful and dead, can not stay home all day to go out. 我之前不知道什么就突然冒出了N多的斑点,美观死了,整天就宅在家里不敢出门的。
Choose the type of characters you want to see from the View pop-up menu at the top of the Character Palette window. 从“字符调板”窗口顶部的“视图”弹出式菜单中选取您想要查看的字符类型。
It will not be a pop up video - that is just a sample of how the video player should look (or similar) with the logo. 这不会是一个视频流行起来-这只是一个视频播放器应该如何看待标志(或类似)的样本。
He seems to pop up in the most unlikely place. 他往往在似乎绝不可能到的地方出现。
On the next pop-up, you can optionally have the system remember the password so that you do not need to type it each time. 在接下来弹出对话框中,您可以选择让系统记住密码,这样您不用每次都要输入密码。
Then the anchor tag around the word giraffe calls the JavaScript to bring up the pop-up. 随后giraffe文字旁的锚定标记将调用JavaScript来显示弹出框。