cover up

  • na.包庇(某人);为某人打掩护;蒙盖;隐蔽
  • 网络掩盖;掩饰;掩饰,掩盖

第三人称单数:covers up 现在分词:covering up 过去式:covered up

cover upcover up

cover up


大学英语四级常用词组 ... in the course of 在…期间,在…过程中 cover up 掩盖,掩饰 on credit 赊(购) ...


大学英语四级常用词组 ... in the course of 在…期间,在…过程中 cover up 掩盖,掩饰 on credit 赊(购) ...


英语词组和固定搭配 - 豆丁网 ... count up 共计,算出...的总数 cover up 掩饰,掩盖;盖住,裹住 cross off/out 划掉,勾销 ...


英语必备短语_百度文库 ... come up 走近;发芽;提出来; 出现(问题;建议) ;上楼 cover up 掩盖;包庇 cut up 切碎;使…


2012职称英语理工类B级词汇5000已整理 - 豆丁网 ... cousin n. 堂(表)兄弟或姐妹 cover up: 掩盖,遮盖 cow n. 母牛,奶牛 …


cover_百度百科 ... manhole cover 人孔盖,进入孔盖,检查井盖 cover up 掩饰,遮掩,掩盖,包括 air cover 空中掩护,航测成图地 …


2011年高考英语必背短语 - 豆丁网 ... in the course of 在…期间, 在…过程 中 cover up 掩 盖 , 掩 饰 on credit 赊 ...


韬_互动百科 ... 韬、鞱 tāo 掩藏【 conceal;hide;cover up】 纳弓于弓袋【 put bow into case】 ...

Meanwhile, city officials in Shijiazhuang are now accused of helping cover up the problem rather than trying to warn the public. 同时石家庄市的官员们被指责掩盖问题而非警告公众。
As if she was using her breathtaking looks to cover up her sins and fallen soul, to deceive people, and drag them down to Hell with her. 好像她是用她的惊人掩盖她看上去罪和堕落的灵魂都是骗人的,并把他们拖入地狱和她在一起。
i clung with both hands till my nails ached , and i shut my eyes as if to cover up the peril. 我用双手死死抓住横桁,直弄得指甲疼痛。我闭上眼睛,不敢正视。
"Why this huge isolation of the church and this huge focus on cover-up in the church when it has been going on for centuries? " he asked. 他问到:“性侵犯事件几百年来屡见不鲜,为什么现在却如此大张旗鼓单挑教会出来替罪?为什么现在却只对教会的掩饰行为作如此巨大的聚焦?”
Heng shook his head silently, but after a few moments another sob escaped, and again he tried to cover up his crying. 兴慢慢的摇了摇头,但过了一段时间以后又发出了抽泣声,他试图掩饰自己的抽泣。
It strikes me that the author tries very hard to cover up the fact that she cannot read the Global Times in Chinese. 作者拼命掩饰自己其实并不能阅读中文版的《环球时报》,这令我吃惊。
so I made Jim lay down in the canoe and cover up with a quilt, because if he set up people could tell he was a nigger a good ways off. 所以我让杰姆躺在小舟里,用被子蒙上。因为如果他一坐起来,人家老远就能认出是个黑奴。
If carved too much to cover up its own texture and color of wood, as the builders did not take. 如雕花过多,掩盖了木质本身的纹理与色彩,为匠人所不取。
All of her problems were exaggerated to cover up for Director John Huston's gambling and the terrible waste of money on the production. 玛丽莲的所有问题多被夸大以便掩盖导演约翰休斯敦的赌博以及在拍摄过程中浪费大量的金钱。
Kids are perceptive and know something is up, so trying to cover up a harsh reality to protect them only fuels their worries more. 孩子有敏锐的洞察力,知道发生了什么事。所以,为了保护他们,尽量的掩盖严酷的事实,以免他们更加的担心。
Heng shook his head, but after a few moments another sob escaped, and once more he tried to cover up his crying. 可是,没过多久,他又抽泣了一声。而且他又一次竭力地掩盖自己的哭泣。
To be frank with you, it is impossible for you to cover up your mistake. 坦率地对你说吧,你的错误是掩盖不了的。
The police commander who unearthed the irregularities was shunted into early retirement, giving a strong impression of a cover-up. 发现违规行为的警察司令官被削职提前退休,这更让人觉得是在掩盖事实。
State rebates, combined with federal tax credits, can cover up to half the cost of a residential solar system. 州补贴,联邦政府课税扣除,就相当于居民太阳能系统的一半。
The trio are expected to be questioned over what they knew about phone-hacking at the News of the World and whether there was a cover-up. 他们三位将就他们所知道的《世界新闻报》电话窃听以及是否存在隐瞒接受议员们的询问。
Moreover, we had nothing to cover up, and there still wasn't a bit of evidence to indicate that we did. 况且,我们没有什么见不得光的,至今也没有任何证据表明我们有隐瞒行为。
To the company's credit, instead of trying to cover up the incident, IKEA acted swiftly and ruthlessly, firing two top executives. 为了公司的信誉着想,宜家并未采取试图遮掩事态的做法,而是迅速、无情地作出了反应——解雇了两名高管人员。
And yet, a mere cover-up is all they will ever be. 但是,它们也仅仅是掩盖而已,永远都是。
The front beginning was a wilderness, have no rock also have no what cover up a thing. 前面开始就是荒野了,没有石头也没有什么遮掩物。
I need you to cover up for me for the time I sneaked out of the house, or else I tell mom about your little secret. 有关我偷溜出家的事,我需要你帮我罩着,否则我就告诉咱妈你那小秘密。
She seemed so tough and self-assured, and made no attempt to cover up the scars on her arm. It was as if she wanted them to be noticed. 她看上去似乎既坚强又自信,丝毫没有要掩盖自己臂上的那些疤痕的意思,仿佛她是要故意秀给别人看。
Often failed to use it as an excuse to cover up the weak and incompetent in Egypt, but never hard to understand the mystery of this place. 人们经常把它当作失败后的托词,用来掩饰埃及的懦弱无能,却从不用心去体会这句话的奥妙之处。
The survivors deserve better than a cover-up , however, and the dead wordlessly cry out for the truth. 幸存者值得比隐瞒更好的一个结果。死难者无言地呼吁真相。
Just as dark clouds cannot long hide the sun, so no lies can cover up the fact. 正如乌云不能长久遮蔽太阳,谎言也掩盖不了事实。
Cosmetics do not always cover up the deficiencies of nature. 化妆品有时候并不遮盖天生的缺陷。
Hu simply put the bike on his shoulder and walked to deliver help to a village where local officials were trying to cover up the problem. 胡先生只能把车扛在肩上,步行到村里送去帮助,而当地的官方正试图掩盖这一问题。
Most of us lie to cover up a sin, or to take advantage, or to make ourselves look better, or to spare others the hurt of knowing the truth. 大多数人会掩藏过失、去利用谎言、让自己看起来更不错,或者为了不伤害别人而隐瞒真相。
Per the Zetas, admitting that it was all a hoax, a part of the Planet X cover-up, would be just too humiliating. 根据齐塔人的说法,承认这一切都是骗局,是X星掩盖活动的一部分,实在是太令人丢脸了。
They are at the front of the cover-up over Planet X, and expect to be blamed by the public when admissions are finally made. 他们都处于掩盖行星x的前沿阵地,当最终于承认真相的时候,他们预料会被公众谴责。
The Lyons holds the Wei Wei Anne's hand, fury and envy all profoundly cover up in the heart, to she the soft voice say. 里昂握着薇薇安的手,将怒火和嫉妒都深埋在心,对她柔声说道。