in person

  • na.亲自;身体上;外貌上
  • 网络本人;当面;亲自上阵

in personin person

in person


大学英语四级常用词组 ... make peace with (与…)讲和 in person 亲自;身体上;外貌上 pick off 摘下,摘掉 ...


大学英语四级常用词组 ... in particular 特别,尤其 in person 亲自,本人 in place 在合适的位置 ...


中考英语作文题目集锦._百度知道 ... 演出,表演 put on performances 亲自,当面 in person 给某人照相 take a photo of sb. ...


大学英语四级常用词组 ... make peace with (与…)讲和 in person 亲自;身体上;外貌上 pick off 摘下,摘掉 ...


大学英语四级常用词组 ... make peace with (与…)讲和 in person 亲自;身体上;外貌上 pick off 摘下,摘掉 ...


我最大 专辑歌词 小野猫 ※ ... 10.Halo( 光晕) 11.In Person( 亲自上阵) 12.Elevator( 爱情升降梯) ...


Studio Classroom 20071101 - 圈网你我他 ... 1. bitter 悲苦愤恨的 2. in person 亲自地 3. relationship 关系 ...


英语短语大全 - 豆丁网 ... in particular 特别,尤其 299. in person 亲自,本人 300. in place of 代替,取代,交换 301. ...

I knew no minimalists personally, so I had not ever seen such a space in person and had no one to ask for practical advice or help. 我个人并没有结识过简约主义者,所以我从没见识过简约者的范儿,更无从去找谁要建议。
I hope to have chances to talk with you in person. Therefore, I look forward to you early reply. 不知您是否给我一次面试的机会,我期待尽早收到您的答复。
A little bit, a little bit. -Looked like a group of helicopters to me, but people who saw them in person say that's not the case. 有点儿,有点儿。-对我来说看起来象一组直升机,但那些亲眼看到的人们说不是这样的。
Eventually the Regent would show himself-in person or as before in the sphere-and when that day came, there would be much to discuss. 最终瑞金特会现出真身的——当面也好,通讯球也罢——当这天到来时,还有很多话题要谈。
"I also wanted to tell them in person that Meghann was gone, " Mr. Jacquitte said, staring at a picture of her on his cellphone. 杰奎特先生盯着他手机上女儿的一张照片说:“我想单独告诉每个人梅根走了。”
When he visited the office in person, officials warned your correspondent that it could easily take twice as long. 然而,当记者亲自到访车管局时,官员警告说邮寄时间很可能会是其两倍。
I can't explain to everyone in person, so I decided to tell them in my songs and show them what I have been through and how I have changed. 陈冠希说道,“我不能亲自去跟每个人解释,所以决定用自己的歌声来倾诉,向他们展示我的经历及改变。”
If you had seen him in person, and he lifted the sleeves of his robe, what would you see? 他的意思是甚么呢?若你亲眼看见他,他提起衣袍这样做,你看见甚么?
the company is able to produce individually differentiated goods whether ordered in person, on phone, or online. 企业有能力为个人、或通过电话和网络下的订单提供个性化的差异产品。
Chatroom boyfriend I met this guy in a chat room, is it a mistake to meet him in person? 网路恋情我在网站的聊天室碰上了他,这样错了吗?
Please do not hesitate to ask the instructors, in person or via email, for assistance. 请踊跃请求指导教授的协助,举例来说,亲自或者以电子邮件询问。
But she did say I could pick up my debit card in person at the third branch and could use it when my account was eventually unfrozen. 不过,她的确告诉我,我可以亲自到第三家分行去领回自己的卡,当账户最终解冻时,我就能继续使用那张卡了。
I had the luck to see him in person. 我很幸运,见到了他本人。
We shake hands, exchange pleasantries -- he comes across just as kind in person as he did on the phone -- and then we part. 我们握了握手,互相调揩了一番----他本人就和电话里一样亲切----然后我们就告别了。
Applying in person is often the best mechanism for finding a part-time job. 亲自去申请通常是找到兼职工作的最佳途径。
I would like the program to be inspired by the Ashley Madison site - where users can post photos, interact, and arrange to meet in person. 我想由阿什利麦迪逊网站的灵感的节目-用户可以发布照片,进行互动,并安排满足的人。
Of the people getting past the phone interview, we'll probably fly two or three out to New York for an in-person interview. 在通过电话面试的人中,我们可能会邀请2到3个飞到纽约,进行面对面的面试。
If it is okay with you, we would be delighted to send one of our sales representatives to speak with you in person. 能与您合作真是太好了。我们很高兴派一名销售代表亲自与您洽谈。
My heart pounded with excitement when I got to see my favorite writer in person. 当我亲眼看见我最欣赏的作家的时候,心脏兴奋得嘣嘣跳。
Wait a minute. Did you say Jay Chou? That's awesome! I envy you. I would love to meet him in person. 等等,你是说周杰伦吗?真棒啊,我好羡慕你,我也想看看他本人。
I write from my heart in a personal way, just as though I were talking to you on the phone or in person. 我以个人的方式在我的心理写,正如我与你亲自在电话上交谈。
And, For those customers who opt for a "platinum" service, an agent will show up in person, perhaps with a small gift to ease the pain. 还有,对于那些选择“白金服务”的客户,代理将亲自出马,有时还会带上小礼物“哄人”哦。
It's most kind of you to come to the airport in person to see me off. 你真是太好了,亲自到机场来送我。
Voters who meet him in person are beguiled by his big smile and southern twinkle. 私下见过他的选民为他灿烂的笑容和南方人特有的热情所着迷。
Your boss called and said he wanted to talk with you in person . 你的老板打电话了,他说他想亲自和你谈谈。
Mr. Bush also discussed the matter in person Friday with Russian Prime Minister Vladimir Putin, when both attended a reception in Beijing. 布什总统还在星期五亲自和俄罗斯总理普京讨论了这一问题。布什和普京在北京参加了一个招待会。
We shouldn't miss out on this great opportunity to see your CEO in person. 我们不应该错过和你的执行长见面的大好机会。
There is a new manager coming in and he would at least like to meet with him over the next couple of weeks to discuss his future in person. 一名新的主教练来了,西德维尔希望至少能够在接下来的几周中与他坐下来谈谈关于自己在球队中的前途。
It was the governor, who, hearing of Faria's illness from the jailer, had come in person to see him. 来者是监狱长,他从狱卒那儿得知了法利亚的病情,所以亲自来看看他。
There was a restless, anxious expression in his countenance I had never remarked there before; and he looked sparer in person. 他脸上有一种不安的、焦虑的表情,这是我以前从来没有看过的;他本人也望着消瘦些。