in the evening

  • 网络在晚上;在傍晚;晚间

in the eveningin the evening

in the evening


介词用法口诀 ... in the afternoon 在下午 in the evening 在晚上 in the day 在白天 ...


剑桥国际英语教程_词汇手册入门级_百度文库 ... in the afternoon 在下午 in the evening 在傍晚 in the morning 在早上 ...


Kate的单词本 - 我的n词酷 ... 课间 : between lessons 晚间 : in the evening 田间 : field ...


九年级英语短语_百度知道 ... 在黑暗中 in the dark 在夜晚 in the evening 一直,总是 all the time ...


在晚上用英语怎么说???_已解决问题_搜狐问答 ... at midnight 在午夜 in the evening傍晚那段) at night 在夜晚 ...

However, seeing him at last beginning to tire, we lifted him in and brought him home dripping wet in the evening. 但是当我们后来看到他有点疲乏时,我们把他捞了起来,在一个黄昏里我们把他全身湿淋淋地送回家去。
In the evening, the children usually do their homework, but this evening, they are playing in the garden. 傍晚,孩子们通常做他们的家庭作业,但是今天傍晚他们在花园里玩。
So in the evening, after we had finished the flower planting in a new flower bed, we sat down on our porch to admire our garden. 到了晚上,我们把花种在了新弄的一块花圃里,然后坐在走廊上欣赏我们的花园。
No letter had come, no word of any kind, and yet here it was late in the evening and she had agreed to meet him that morning . 既没有信,也没有任何消息。现在已经是夜里了,她原先答应早上和他见面的。
Speaking about the fact that if he's late or not in the evening, is not opportune, why must we concentrate on the player. 谈论他是否在深夜外出,我认为这并不适当,我们更应该关注的是他球员的身份。
He also loves a bit of dry cider in front of the television in the evening, but Julianne is careful not to let him sink too much. 晚上他则喜欢边看电视边来点干苹果酒,但是朱莉安娜非常小心,不让比默养成酗酒的坏习惯。
When he took his leave, late in the evening, from the mujlis of our elders, I would buttonhole and drag him to our school room. 当他在傍晚从长者那里离开时,我会把他强拉入学校。
His parents are very strict with him and allow him to go out with his pals in the evening only once in a blue moon. 他的父母亲对他很严格,难得准许他和朋友们在晚上一起出去。
In the evening he got up and, barefoot, just as he was, in his hospital gown, walked out. 晚上他起来了,光着脚,像原来那样,穿着医院里的大褂,走出病房。
When wake up in the evening, go under your arms, kiss you, and go on sleeping. 夜里醒来的时候钻到你的胳膊底下,亲亲你,接着睡。
In the evening, the wind blew gently and they retired into the dark night in profound silence. 夜晚,微风吹拂,万籁俱寂,修行者和他的动物伙伴们都悄无声息地笼罩在夜色之中。
In the evening he often paints a few pictures before he goes to bed. 晚上,他常在上床前画些画儿。
When he came home in the evening, he asked what was the matter with his daughter for she looked sad and troubled. 他晚上回家后,问他的女儿,发生什么事了,你看上去那么悲伤和苦恼。
She was too excited to do any housework that morning, for in the evening she would be going to a fancy dress party with her husband. 那天上午,她兴奋得什么家务活都不想做,因为晚上她要同丈夫一起去参加一个化装舞会。
In the evening, Oscar Cresswell did not come, but Bassett sent a message, saying could he come up for one moment, just one moment? 傍晚,奥斯卡•克斯韦尔没有来,但巴塞特带来口信,说他能不能来呆一会儿,就一会儿?
Zhi said he will see a film by himself in the evening, then visit a local bar, drink beer and chat with friends until midnight. 智成冠表示,光棍节晚上他会选择独自去看电影,然后和好友一起去当地的一家酒吧,喝喝啤酒、聊聊天,直到深夜。
The next day the little Swallow flies to the port. He looks at all the ships. In the evening he returns to the Happy Prince. 第二天,小燕子飞向港口。他注视着所有的船只。晚上,他又飞回到快乐王子身边。
It happened in the evening, that he took Leah his daughter, and brought her to him. 到了晚上,他却将自己的女儿肋阿,引到雅各伯前。
After 30, has become a load of cattle, in the early morning, in the evening, sent waves of weary groan, but do not know where to rest. 三十以后,已经成了一头负重的黄牛,在清晨,在傍晚,发出一阵阵疲惫的呻吟,却不知道在哪里憩息。
But she did try to please him; in the evening she read the Gospels, as he had asked her to. 但她还是尽量使他开心;晚上她按他要求的那样去朗读《福音书》。
It might be a bit hot during the day. But it is usually cool early in the morning and in the evening. 上海的白天可能会热一点,但是清晨和傍晚通常是凉快的。
The wind was strong all day, but it moderated in the evening. 一整天来风都刮得很厉害,但到傍晚时有所减弱了。
You know how the light is so amazing in the evening: brings out the violet hues perfectly. 你知道吗,夜晚的灯光美极了,花儿的紫色调完美呈现。
The search proved difficult, for the puma is often observed at a place in the morning and at another place 20 miles away in the evening. 搜寻活动被证明是艰难的,因为美洲豹常常早上在一个地方被发现,而晚上又在20英里以远的地方出现。
In the evening, the maidservant came out to empty the garbage bin. She took the strip and went in looking horrified. 到了傍晚,那家女佣人出来倒垃圾,把那纸条揭下来,神色惶恐地拿了进去。
They call any time of the day, but they are most easily heard in the evening when the wind dies down and wolves are most active. 狼在一天的任何时候都会嚎叫,只是在风平息的晚上,它们的叫声会更清晰,此时的狼是最活跃的。
I keep my diary at home, and if I trade at the office, I bring my printouts with me and paste them up in the evening. 我把交易日记放在家里,如果我在办公室要交易,我会头天晚上把打印出来的东西贴在一起。
Although I had consumed some alcohol earlier in the evening on a night out with friends it had not been excessive. 尽管我当天晚上喝朋友们一起喝了一点酒,但是我觉得这并不过分。
When the dove returned to him in the evening, there in its beak was a freshly plucked olive leaf! 到了晚上的时候,那鸽子飞进挪亚那里;咀里竟叼着新拧下的橄榄叶呢!
In the evening the bear returned and, when the door was opened, he walked to the hearth and lay down as if he had done this all his life. 晚上,熊再回到这里,门打开时,它进来躺在炉火旁,好像此生都不想离开的样子。