be better off

  • na.情况[处境]更好;更加富有;处境较好
  • 网络更富有;境况好起来;境况富裕

be better offbe better off

be better off


(转)英语固定词汇搭配2009-11-08 13 ... be beside oneself 忘乎所以 be better off 处境较好,情况好转 be bored to death 烦 …


大学英语四级常用词组 ... be beneficial to 有利于,有益于 be better off 境况富裕;更富有 be to blame for 对…应负责任 ...


2011英语四级词汇大全(1) - 豆丁网 ... be based on 根据,以…为基础 be better off 生活优裕起来,境况好起来 be capable of …


大学英语四级常用词组 ... be beneficial to 有利于,有益于 be better off 境况富裕;更富有 be to blame for 对…应负责任 ...


2011英语四级词汇大全(1) - 豆丁网 ... be based on 根据,以…为基础 be better off 生活优裕起来,境况好起来 be capable of …


(转)英语固定词汇搭配2009-11-08 13 ... be beside oneself 忘乎所以 be better off 处境较好,情况好转 be bored to death 烦 …


六级英语_百度文库 ... accumulate 积累; 累积 be better off 境况更好的 比较宽裕 let go of=get/be rid of 清 除 ...

People might be better off going for a hybrid manager that does a little bit of everything. 如果人们寻找一位各种投资都会做一点的混合型投资经理的话,那么他们的境况或许会好一些。
But regardless of what actually is afoot, from a number of angles, HSBC would be better off moving back to its historical roots in Asia. 但不管其实际打算是什么,从多个角度来看,汇丰搬回它在亚洲的原来的根据地将使其获益匪浅。
The Republic can now stay with the euro if it wishes despite my personal view that it would be better off going back to sterling. 爱尔兰如果愿意的话,目前可以留在欧元区内,尽管我个人认为,该国恢复使用英镑会更好一些。
It sounds crazy, I know, but she was just raving about what warlike beings we are, about how the universe would be better off without us. 我知道这听起来很疯狂,但是她一直在狂乱的斥责我们是好战的种族,而且说如果没有我们这个宇宙会更好。
Some people genuinely seem to think we would be better off staying at home and growing our own cabbage and baking our own bread. 有些人真的认为,我们还不如在家里烤烤面包,种种大白菜。
I started to wonder if he would be better off living with someone after all, but I knew he could not leave the farm. 我开始还在想是不是还是有人陪着爷爷一起住更好些,可是我也知道他不会离开农场。
It seemed to me that we would be better off focusing on a partial settlement. 在我看来,集中力量求得部分的解决,这对我们就算不错了。
In fact, we would be better off if governments were willing to run even larger deficits over the next year or two. 事实上,在未来的一到两年,如果政府愿意扩大赤字的规模,我们会更好过。
We'd be better off without all that din from the children's room. 如果没有从孩子房间里传来的嘈杂声,我们会感到更舒适些。
Sometimes a business might be better off spending a quarter or a year not growing but simply consolidating existing business. 有时候,用一个季度或一年的时间巩固现有业务,这比扩张对企业更有意义。
If you favor those milk chocolate bon-bons over the dark variety, you might be better off switching. 如果你喜欢牛奶巧克力胜过黑巧克力,你最好还是改变一下。
This is an experimentation problem: how much do you need to see of a man's behaviour before deciding you'd be better off without him? 这是一个实验问题:你对一个男人的行为需要有多了解,才能断定没有他你会更快乐?
The country and its people would be better off cultivating a welcoming and transparent investment environment for the long term. 从长远考虑,中国及其人民最好创造一个友好、透明的投资环境。
You might be better off trying to resolve the matter yourself. 如果你很富有的话,那么你可以自己试图解决问题。
Even if over the long term you'd be better off if you were able to continue buying bargains. 如果你能买到便宜股票,那么即使在未来很长一段时间里,你都能过上富足的生活。
But, rather than leave so much of our fate to chance, we'd be better off doing what politicians always say they want to do: lessen the U. 但是,与其让我们自己的命运等待机会,我们还不如像政治家们所说的那样做:减少美国经济对石油的依赖。
In Russia the instability of the Yeltsin years convinced many that the country would be better off if it became more self-reliant. 叶利钦年间的不稳定让俄罗斯许多人坚信,如果能自给自足,那么,国家会更好。
Then again, if makers are the ones left behind, the world might be better off, and at least one smart man will stick around. 如果留下的还有那些创造者,这个世界可能会变得更好,至少总会有那么一位会在我们身边的。
It's difficult to accept that your child would be better off never going to a birthday party, but it might be true. 你的自闭症子女可能不去参加生日派对会更合适,尽管这一观点令人难以接受,但毕竟是事实。
[She thinks that] even if the husband remarried, they'd have a mean stepmother and so the children would be better off with her in heaven. 母亲会认为如果丈夫再婚,孩子会有一位刻薄的继母,因此和她一起前往天堂会更好。
You might be better off using those furlough days to look for a more stable full-time gig. 若你用那几天的假期找一份更稳定的全职工作没准会更好。
The British universities secretary has acknowledged that some young people would be better off not going to university. 英国大学事务大臣承认,有些年轻人不上大学境况会更好。
However, in certain situations, resignation may not be best the route at all - you may be better off waiting to be sacked. 然而,在某些情况下,辞职也许根本就不是办法——或许你最好是等着被开掉。
But no one can argue that the Iraqi people would be better off with the thugs and murderers back in the palaces. 倘若这些暴徒和杀人凶手依然能在豪华的宫殿作威作福,伊拉克人民的境况绝不会好转。
Mr. Salwen and his wife, Joan, had always assumed that their kids would be better off in a bigger house. 萨尔文先生和他的妻子琼一直以为他们的孩子在大房子里能生活得更好。
Imagine if Americans were fearful of these foreign troops, and overwhelmingly thought America would be better off without their presence. 想象一下美国人对这些外国军队感到十分恐惧,都觉得如果他们不在这里的话美国会好很多。
Greece would be better off if it abandons the euro, devalues its new currency, and defaults on its debt. 如果希腊决定脱离欧元区,让新货币贬值和债务违约,情形将会好一些。
See? Was that hard? If you would only listen to me more often, you would be better off. 看见了吗?有什么难的?如果你听我的,状况会更好。
Mr. Alva acknowledges he could have built his factory faster if he had paid bribes, but doesn't think Skanray would be better off for it. 阿尔瓦承认,如果行贿的话工厂会建得更快,但他认为这对Skanray反而不好。
It was too close to a girls' hostel and a high school, he explained, and they would be better off on another tract outside of town. 该处和女生宿舍,中学非常近。他这样解释道,他们最好住在郊外。