be equipped with

  • na.安置着;身上穿着
  • 网络装备有;装有;配备

be equipped withbe equipped with

be equipped with


雅思写作常用词组 - 雅思考试网 ... derive from… 起源于… be equipped with装备有… in the light of… 按照…,根据… ...


成考学位英语高频词汇 ... 248. be equal to 等于 250. be equipped with 装备有,装有 265. in excuse of 作为…的借口 ...


新概念第三册精解 ... a white painted door 被粉刷成白色的门 be equipped with 配备,装备 below: 在下方,强调斜下方 ...


A B C D E F G_百度文库 ... equip vt. 装备,配备; be equipped with 配备有……; export 出口,输出; ...


翻译+造句_百度知道 ... at any stage 在任何阶段 be equipped with 装备着(东西) in the margin 在空白处 ...


新东方老师的734条高频词组笔记 - 豆丁网 ... be equal to 等于 249. be equipped with 装备有,装有 251. except 除…以外; ...


360教育网--最大的免费教育资源网 ... 11. B give light 指发光。 be equipped with用……装备 be equipped for: 为……装备 ...

The GAT is one of the smallest Imperial Navy vessels to be equipped with a hyperdrive, providing class two hyperspace performance. gat是帝国海军中装备超空间推进器的最小的船只,推进器赋予它二级超空间性能。
The little old lady herself was arrested on a second heist and found to be equipped with a glass of tap water. 而上面那位身材矮小的老妇而在第二次抢劫的时候被擒获了,人们发现她身上只有一只装着自来水的杯子。
Due to its speciality, the gravitational roller conveyor must be equipped with brake rollers in its table roller. 重力式辊筒输送机由于其自身的特性,必须在辊道中设置制动辊。
spoil crush ( 76 ) : simultaneously spoils and damages the enemy . power 1283 . must be equipped with a blunt. 自体变化狂击(76):对敌人施放自体变化并造成伤害。威力1283。必须装备钝器。
All cranes will be equipped with a functional weight indicator on the main hoist and a boom angle indicator, both visible by the operator. 所有的起重机都应当有主钩的起重能力指示器和扒杆角度指示器,并且起重机司机要看得见。
Shipbuilding is a very complicated process and in order to meet their requirements the ship must be equipped with a number of equipment. 船舶制造是个很复杂的过程,而为了满意其要求,船舶上必须配备一些设备。
XV. Metal case of electrical and mechanical facilities and tracks of the traveling cranes must be equipped with reliable grounding measures. 第十五条一切电器、机械设备的金属外壳和行车轨道等必须有可靠的接地(或接零)安全措施。
If dams cannot be removed, then they should be equipped with eel ladders to help juvenile eels travel upstream. 如果大坝非建不可,就应该装备一条留给鳗鱼幼仔洄游河流上游的途径。
Both the Eurofighter Typhoon as well as the Tornado combat aircraft of the Saudi Air Force are to be equipped with IRIS-T missiles. 无论是沙特空军的欧洲“台风”战斗机,还是“旋风”战斗机都必须配备IRIS-T导弹。
Each purge gas cylinder system should be equipped with an appropriate regulator and relief device and be equipped with a low-pressure alarm. 每一个净化气体钢瓶系统都要配备合适的调整器、减压装置和低压报警器。
a table used for gambling; may be equipped with a gameboard and slots for chips. 赌博时使用的桌子;可以装赌台或筹码投币口。
Sri Sankaracharya explains that the student must be equipped with the four means of salvation. 斯里兰卡Sankaracharya解释说,学生必须具备的四个手段拯救。
The helicopter crew may also be equipped with a helmet-mounted sight (HMS) for head-up display of information and weapon control. 直升飞机组员可能装备一个头盔显示器(HMS)用于信息和武器控制平视。
Cello can also be equipped with piano sets, but must be outside the tendon thick cloth, the kind of waterproof lining inside. 大提琴也可以配备琴套,但必须是外面厚牛筋布面、里面有防水内衬的那种。
Article 73 The vehicles specially used for highway supervision and inspection shall be equipped with unified signs and warning lights. 第七十三条用于公路监督检查的专用车辆,应当设置统一的标志和示警灯?。
But Rotary cutting of a products must be equipped with a roller, flexibility. 但圆压圆模切的不足之处在于一年产品就必须配备一个辊筒,灵活性差。
Be equipped with a certain number of trained and qualified to master knowledge and skills of lifesaving care life-saving rescue personnel. 要配备一定数量经过培训合格,掌握拯溺救生知识与技能的监护救生人员。
Globe valves can be equipped with optional operators and are available with a variety of trims to match service requirements. 这些截止阀可配置备选执行机构和广泛的阀内件,以满足实际应用要求。
The line can be equipped with another extruder used for extruding the mark line. 可以增加色标挤出机,使生产的管材拥有色标线。
it will also be necessary to be equipped with computer skills merely to earn a living. 它也将必须具备电脑技能只是谋生。
Vehicles or equipment with an obstructed view to the rear shall be equipped with a back up alarm. 车辆或阻碍观察后面的设备应配备报警。
Your mounts, however, will be equipped with saddlebags that can carry extra equipment with you, even away from town and into the wild. 当你要远离城镇来到野外时,你可以给你的坐骑装上鞍囊来携带更多的装备。
Each hot water space heating boiler shall be equipped with a pressure relief valve set to relieve below the maximum boiler working pressure. 每个热水供暖锅炉都必须配置压力安全阀,其设置的泄压压力必须小于锅炉的最大工作压力。
The current model, which is now being tested, may one day be equipped with cameras, laser rangefinders and a collision- avoidance system. 目前模型尚在测试中,将来的某一天可能会配备有摄像头,激光测距仪及防碰撞系统。
A chief negotiator must be equipped with a highly developed sense of humor in order to weather persistent storms. 首席谈判必须具备很强的幽默感才能熬过各种难关。
First, each must be equipped with the appropriate piano violin case, and the better the quality should be appropriate. 每把提琴必须配备合适的琴箱,而且质量要适当好一些。
D: Oh, what a beautiful gold chain, I think it must be equipped with the Jim's watch, when he sees it, must be very happy. 德拉:哦,多么漂亮的金链子,我想那一定跟吉姆的手表很配,当他看到它的时候,一定会很高兴的。
School is one of the most important places where students are cultivated to be equipped with the scientific literacy. 学校是培养学生的科学素养最重要的阵地之一。
If the business card printing and membership card making PE material and needs to be equipped with flame treatment equipment. 如果制卡和会员卡制作PE质料,必给配备火焰办理摆设。
The new models of artificial hearts are expected to be equipped with an external power source. 预计给人造心脏的新模型配备一个外部能源系统。