
美 [lɪŋk]英 [lɪŋk]
  • n.链接;连接;联系;纽带
  • v.联系;把(物体、机器、地方等)连接起来;相关联
  • 网络连结;友情链接;链路

复数:links 现在分词:linking 过去式:linked

create link,establish link,break link,cut link,maintain link
direct link,close link,strong link,vital link,tenuous link


n. v.

1.~ (between A and B)联系;连接a connection between two or more people or things

2.关系;纽带a relationship between two or more people, countries or organizations

3.交通路线;通讯手段a means of travelling or communicating between two places

4.链接a place in an electronic document that is connected to another electronic document or to another part of the same document


a link in the chain

链条中的一个环节;整个过程中的一个阶段one of the stages in a process or a line of argument


链接(linK)到现有文件... 【Ctrl】+【Shift】+【K】 更改链接(Link)... 【Ctrl】+【L】 删除链接(Link) 【Ctrl】+【Shift】+【…


连结物件:制作大型/精致物体需连结(Link)多个小零件,Ctrl+L 即可连接成一个大物件(工具列中的 Tools 也有选项可以连结)link …




深圳市洲明科技股份有限公司 ... 热门标签 Hot Tag 友情链接 Link 产品分类 Categories ...


吴邪_百度百科 ... Kindness 善良 Link 联系 Mateship 友谊 ...


链路link): 一条无源的点到点的物理线路段,中间没有任何其他的交换结点。数据链路(data link):除了物理链路外,还 …


链结(LINK)FACEBOOK的联络人当图片来源可是设定完后 却在GMAIL那边显示名称也改成跟FACEBOOK一样了二边的名称 …

Just a few months ago, the Pirate Bay announced that it had been acquired by Global Gaming Factory (GGF). 就在几个月之前,海盗湾宣布(link)自己已被环球游戏工厂(GlobalGamingFactory)所收购。
So, because its so easy to write a Web page, link to another page, and follow these links around, people have done a lot of this. 所以,因为网页制作简单、容易链接和访问,人们在这个领域已经做了大量的工作。
Or it could carve out a separate place for links outside the message (perhaps through a "link" button at the bottom of each Tweet). 或者也可以在信息以外划出一块单独的地方存放链接(或许通过在每个Tweet底部增加“链接”按钮实现)。
LINK no longer accepts a semicolon (or any other character) as the start of a comment in response files and order files. LINK不再接受分号(或任何其他字符)作为响应文件和顺序文件中注释的开始。
Pakistan denies any link between the attack and government agencies, but says "non-state actors" might have been involved. 巴基斯坦否认政府机构和印度孟买袭击事件有任何关联。巴基斯坦说,可能有一些“非国家行为体”卷入了这起袭击事件。
But even when conditions were the toughest, the community still had confidence in the link and there was no panic selling of our currency. 但即使在最困难的阶段,市民仍然对联汇制度显示信心,并无抛售港元。
Have introduced the improvement of converter control system in detail, the key logic relation of every link after elaborates improvement. 详细介绍了转炉控制系统的改进,重点阐述改进后每个环节的逻辑关系。
Attribution The ascription of a causal link between observed (or expected to be observed) changes and a specific intervention. 归因归因就是确定观察到的变化(或预期将观察到的变化)和一项特定活动之间的因果关系。
Its origins go back well over a century and a half, and was an important trade link between Pickering and Whitby. 它的起源要追溯到一个半世纪前,当时它是连接皮克林和惠特比的重要贸易线路。
Of course, most of China was flourishing at the time, but they were able to get a road built to link them up to the rest of China. 当然了,那段时间整个中国都是一派繁荣景象。这个村子建了一条公路,从此与外界相通。
The second piece of advice I'll give is to not get caught up in finding the big incoming link that will bring a rush of traffic. 我给出的建议的第二条是不要急于寻找太多的新链接,虽然这可以使流量突然增加。
Use the invariant culture to store data in a file or memory, or to transmit the data over a communication link. 请使用不因国别而异的文化特性,将资料储存到档案或记忆体,或透过通讯连结传输资料。
If no alternate path exists for a link, the link state is always marked as up (in service). 如果某条链路没有备用路径,则其链路状态将始终标记为打开(正在工作)。
Nevertheless, the link between the fields lingers on in the name of one of the Royal Society's journals, Philosophical Transactions. 然而,这两门学科的联系仍然存在于皇家协会一本期刊里,《哲学学报》。
A link is on the right side of every page so you can tell us what you think (Figure 29). 为了方便您将您的想法告诉我们,每个页面右侧都有这样一个链接(图29)。
She was subpoenaed today by Democrats who are looking to see if there's a link between the White House and the controversial firings. 今天她被民主党传讯,民主党正在调查白宫是否和这次有争议的解雇事件有关系。
Women link many feelings of sexuality, love, and trust with the sensations that are aroused in them when a man puts his hands on her. 女人们将性爱和爱很多的感觉联系起来而且当男人们将手指放在他们身上的时候她们相信体内被唤醒的那种感觉。
One of the researchers, Dr David Batty, said the statistics showed "a strong link between cognitive ability and the risk of death. " 其中一名研究者,大卫·巴蒂博士说,统计数据表明“认知能力和死亡风险之间有着很强的联系”。
You can format a link bar that uses text just as you would any other type of text. 可以象设置其他任何文本类型一样为使用文本的链接栏设置格式。
Pathophysiology is a basic subject with a strong practical nature and a link between preclinical medicine and clinical medicine. 病理生理学是实践性很强的医学基础学科,是基础医学与临床医学的桥梁和纽带。
The actual note itself is just a small box with standard text and a link that enables the user to edit the text later, as seen in Figure 2. 实际节点本身只是一个带有标准文本和链接的框,这个框允许用户稍后再编辑文本,如图2所示。
As you are reminded in the note at the bottom of this SubPanel, deleting a link category does not delete the links it contains. 你在这个面板的底部得到了提示,删除链接类别不会删除链接类别所包含的链接。
Who'll carry the link? "I, " said the Linnet. 谁拿火炬来?是我,红雀说。
He said the benefit of vitamin D was as clear as the harmful link between smoking and lung cancer. 他说维生素D的好处是和吸烟与肺癌的有害链接一样清楚。
He found a similar link between the dark triad and reproductive success in men. 这项调查也证实了男人的坏属性与繁殖能力之间的联系。
But he insisted China would not link the two issues, and that Beijing had its own self-interest at stake in continuing to invest in Europe. 但他强调,中国不会把这两个问题联系在一起,继续在欧洲投资关乎中方自身的利益。
An optional step at this point may be to create a link aggregation device, commonly referred to as the LNAGG device. (这里有一个可选步骤——创建一个链路聚合设备,通常称为LNAGG设备)。
Let me know if you decide to join in on this little project, "Save Timmy. " I'll add your link to the bottom at the bottom of this article. 如果你已经决定加入这个并不很起眼的活动,“拯救蒂米”,请让我知道,我会把你的链接放在文章最后。
By followed, we mean that the activity at the source of the link finished running and there was no link condition returning false. 这里的遵循是指,链接的源位置的活动结束运行并且任何链接条件都没有返回False。
IRex made a bit of a splash a few weeks ago when it announced ( PDF) that it was working on full color readers. 几周前当IRex宣布它正在开发全色的阅读器时(link),引起一点轰动。