in response to

  • na.应…而
  • 网络响应;回答;对…做出反应

in response toin response to

in response to


英语固定搭配-动词短语-汇总资料?? ... in reply to 作为对……的回答(答复) in response to 回答,响应 reference to 关于 ...


英语固定搭配-动词短语-汇总资料?? ... in reply to 作为对……的回答(答复) in response to 回答,响应 reference to 关于 ...


新浪教育_新浪网 ... in contrast to...( 与……对照) in response to( 对……做出反应) owing to...( 因为) ...


英语专业八级历年真题听力词汇_百度文库 ... Loosen 松动 In response to 回应 Warmth 温暖 ...


词组_百度文库 ... respond to 对…作出反应 in response to 作为对…的反应 on the horizon 即将来临的 ...


新浪教育_新浪网 ... )。embrace 拥抱,涉及; )。in response to 对……的反应; )。unique 唯一的,独一无二的; ...


英语(1) - 豆丁网 ... Resort to 诉诸,求助于 In response to 作为对……的回应 Run riot 撒野,胡作非为 ...


1各种介词短语_百度文库 ... in good spirits 情绪好, 精神状 态饱满 * in response to 对…作出反应 * in a rush 匆忙地,急忙地 ...

It means learning to enter and exit in response to predefined signals rather than jumping in and out on a whim. 就是根据提前设置好的信号进场,出场,而不是冲动地进进出出。
"This option has never been taken into consideration by any of its company organs, " Edison said in a statement in response to the report. 爱迪生公司发表声明对该报道做出回应,表示该公司的任何部门从未有过这样的想法。
In response to the increased attention, the state of Florida dropped the matter and decided to allow Miles to keep his license plate. 鉴于关注的人越来越多,佛州政府不再提此事,决定允许迈尔斯继续使用他的车牌。
She bowed in response to his compliment and fluttered her eyelashes in an attempt to flirt with him. 她低着头响应他的赞美,并眨着睫毛跟他眉来眼去。
Mining firms' shares, which plummeted in response to the credit crunch, have perked up a lot since the beginning of the year. 曾应信贷萎缩之声而下挫的采矿业公司股票,自年初以来已大幅反弹。
A year ago, in response to a previous hunger strike, Mr Insulza said he would go to Venezuela to investigate. 一年前作为对先前的饥饿罢工的回应,Insulza说他会到委内瑞拉进行调查。
Method is called in response to a component changing, adding, or removing event which indicates that the designer is about to be modified. 方法,以响应指示即将修改设计器的组件更改、添加或移除事件。
These allow the structure to move in response to its environment, drawing in and filtering moisture and organic particles from the air. 装置可以根据环境移动,并吸收过滤空气中的水分和有机分子。
We might have avoided the worst of the current troubles if we had not overturned laws adopted in response to earlier crises. 如果我们没有推翻为应对以前危机而通过的法律,那么我们或许本可躲过当前危机的最糟糕阶段。
My theme was constant, that the war had to be ended as an act of policy, not in response to demonstrations. 我的主题是始终如一的,那就是,战争的结束必须是一种政策行动而不是对示威的反应。
Such exceptions are extremely rare, and are certainly not done in response to a Call from one trying to save themselves or their lifestyle. 这种例外是极其罕见的,而且当然不是因为响应某人试图拯救其族类或生活方式的呼叫才这么做的。
The sites shield themselves from search engines, so they do not pop up in response to online searches for the brands they offer. 这些网站避开了搜索引擎,所以若在线搜索他们所卖的品牌时,他们的网站是不会出现的。
The piston moves up and down in the piston chamber primarily in response to changes in intake manifold vacuum. 活塞主要因进气歧管真空度的变化而在活塞腔内上下移动。
In response to the skeptics, Plato argues that the tyrant is not therefore truly happy, and that this can be seen in his behavior. 针对对怀疑论者,柏拉图认为暴君没有得到真正的幸福,他认为这可以从暴君们的行为中看来。
That way you're ready to promote yourself in response to any question you're asked. 这样一来,你就能应付任何问题,从而推销自己。
No doubt many participants will be at pains to stress how much progress has been made over the past year in response to the AIG shock. 毫无疑问,许多参与者不遗余力地强调,作为对AIG冲击的回应,过去一年取得了诸多进步。
And Americans did not reduce their consumption of Chinese goods at all in response to the stronger renminbi. 而在人民币升值的情况下,美国人却丝毫没有减少对中国商品的消费。
However, much of what's going is only in response to the cycle of change now shaking things up for everybody. 然而,现在的情况很大一部分只是在回应当下撼动所有人的这一波改变。
This communication is said to be asynchronous because events do not arrive immediately in response to requests, but some time later. 之所以称为异步,是因为请求响应不是立刻发生的,而是要等一段时间。
So I would encourage you to be as generous as you possibly can in response to what is a major catastrophe . 所以,我鼓励大家像面临任何一场重大灾难所作出的回应一样慷慨。
But in response to growing pressure, King Abdullah this week announced that women would be allowed to participate in the next elections. 但为应对越来越大的压力,阿卜杜拉国王本周宣布,将允许妇女参加下届选举。
Reactive lymph node hyperplasia is usually transient and self-limited in response to a local or systemic infection. 淋巴结反应性增生通常是对一个局部或全身感染的有限短暂性的反应。
The next step is to map what other areas of the brain light up in response to clitoral and vaginal stimulation. 下一步的工作是绘制出刺激阴蒂和阴道相应是大脑兴奋的其他的区域。
Dr. Holdren said he believes the U. S. is ready to take some difficult steps in response to climate change. 霍尔德伦教授说,他相信美国即将采取一些重要的手段来应对气候变化。
In response to the same questions, Amanda showed she took responsibility for her actions and had a positive attitude. 同样的问题,Amanda则表示愿意为自己的行为承担责任,向面试官展示了积极的工作态度。
In response to a threat from the front, the fly moves its middle legs forward, leans back and raises its back legs for a backward takeoff. 在对前方威胁的反应中,苍蝇向前移动中腿,后倾,并且抬起其后腿实现向后起飞。
A few companies said the projections might be too high because of recent moves to rein in bonuses in response to public scrutiny. 一些公司说,这些预测可能太高了,因为最近各家公司在公众压力下已经采取措施控制员工奖金。
Varin said the group was renewing its own ethics code, but this was not in response to Renault's suspensions. 他说该集团正在更新自己的道德守则,不过这不是针对雷诺案作出的反应。
In this crisis, a reactor at the plant automatically shut down in response to a malfunction that caused it to run too hot. 在“三里岛核事故”中,该核电站出现了一次机械故障,导致其中一座反应堆运行过热,进而自动关闭。
Japanese manufacturers had been focused on cutting production and exports as inventories piled up in response to shrinking demand. 由于需求不断萎缩,库存大量积压,日本制造商一直把重点放在减少产量和出口上。