not bad

  • na.不坏;不错
  • 网络还不错;不差;不赖嘛

not badnot bad

not bad


我的博客 - 王者天下 - 网易博客 ... 8. Hold on. 等一等。 10. Not bad还不错。 11. Not yet. 还没。 ...


New World_百度百科 ... 11 New World 新世界 (国语) 12 Not Bad 不坏 (国语) 05.snail 06.永远 ...


热刺也不差(Not bad),你能把“忍”功夫做到多大,你将来的事业就能成就多大。输了两场都是劲敌,此刻掉队纽卡两个名次排位…


好好学习,管用的 - zhiyulin的日志 - 网易博客 ... 102.吵死了! So noisy! 80.不赖嘛Not bad。 128. 不难吃。 Tastes good…


无标题文档 ... He just got married. 他刚刚结婚。 Not bad. 不错哟。 I haven't thought about marriage yet. 结婚,我还没想过呢 …


还 开头的词语 | 常用词典 | 中华博物 ... ◆ 还差[ short ] ◆ 还好[ not bad;passable ] ◆ 还好[ fortunately ] ...


英语口语8000句08 - 人人听力网( ... 老样子。 Nothing much. 还可以Not bad. 没想什么。/没什么。 Nothing. ...

When he hurried there and sat down, he was happy to see a roast pig in front of his seat: "Not bad, I am next to the pig. " 当他匆匆忙忙赶到那坐下后,他高兴地发现在他的座位前有一只烧猪。“还好,我和只猪挨着”。
In the fast out of the door when the building, took a fancy to a casual jacket and tried not bad. 在快出大厦大门的时候,看上了一件休闲外套,试了试还不错。
As if the buy-out issue was not bad enough, banks face a bigger danger elsewhere, linked to the subprime-mortgage crisis. 如果说收购事项不算太糟的话,那么银行在与次级贷危机相连的领域面临更大的风险。
Not bad at all, considering that the share price on the day before his departure was slightly less than it was when he took the job. 考虑到他离职前公司的股票价格只比他上任时低一点,这个结果完全不那么糟糕。
As if that were not bad enough, this week's bankruptcy filing was the airline's [color=#dc143c]second in two years. 好像那还不是最坏的情形,更糟糕的是,本周的破产申请已经是该航空公司在两年之内的第二次了。
That's not bad for a week of work at a time of great, intense international concern. 面临重大而紧迫的国际关切,在一个星期内就完成了上述工作,这种进展应当是令人满意的。
As if Israel's predicament in a region that may soon become more hostile is not bad enough, two more fears are nagging away. 由于另外的两处担忧正逐步消退,以色列面临的困境似乎没有那么糟糕。但在那个地区以色列会越来越难以走出这个困境。
He did not bad mind and is ready to help neighbors. 他没坏心眼,并乐于帮助邻居。
"Not bad! " she says, hands on her hips, blonde hair tumbling from her straw hat. “味道不错!”她说,手掐着要,金发从草帽里落了下来。
This is not bad. The Fish is willing to be a part of your whims and desires, and that makes for a lasting union. 这对组合还不赖。鱼儿始终希望成为你生活的一部分,你们的关系可以持久下去。
Sounds not bad. Are there many tourists? How much time do we have? 听起来好像还不错。会有很多人吧?我们在那里呆多久?
Thai fishermen prepare a net for night fishing. I jumped on the boat, clicked, said thanks, and I think it came out not bad. 泰国的渔民为晚上捕鱼准备渔网。我跳上渔舟,点击快门,说了一声“谢谢”,我认为拍摄的效果是不差的。
As if things are not bad enough, Miss Lavish published a second-rate romantic novel, and inside, a kiss scene on the top of an Italian hill! 好像事情还不够糟糕,拉维希小姐出版了一本二流言情小说,书已竟有一场在意大利的山上的吻戏!
As if this was not bad enough, Paul now found he had no one to blame. 似乎这还不够糟糕,保罗现在发现他找不到人对这件事情负责。
It's not bad to be in a narrow niche, but if that niche has no growth ahead of it, you could be in trouble. 一个狭隘的市场定位并不是太过糟糕,但如果没有多大的发展前途,那你就会有麻烦了。
Soon, I received her remittance, the money, she is a not bad to me, postscript, she said, thank you to accompany me all these years. 很快,我便收到她的汇款单,那些钱,她一分不差地给了我,附言上,她说,谢谢你陪我这些年。
Not bad, how much overtime pay the boss will give us? 凑合吧,我想知道老板会给我们多少加班费?你能告诉我个大概吗?
Not bad, just a bit tanned. At noon, and two children in the staff canteen meals, children treat feeling enjoy. A spicy. 状态还不错,只是有点晒黑了。中午,和两个孩子在教工食堂吃饭,被孩子请客的感受很享受。一份麻辣。
You stand on your rights. Is not bad. You know. Your request is beyond the scope of your. 你坚持自己的权利。是不错。可你知道。你的要求已超出了你的范畴。
In the afternoon, we meet for coffee, and the conversation is less than thrilling; not bad, just a bit dull. 到了下午,我们见了个面,喝了杯咖啡,此时的谈话也不再像上午那么尖刻----没啥不对的,只是有点闷。
I don't think you can put a price on calm and ease, but that's not bad if there was one. 我不认为你会为安静和轻松付费,但是如果有东西可以帮你做到,也是不错的选择。
This spring the weather is not bad, for not blowing dust storms, the wind is a bit normal, otherwise how kite-it? 今年春天的天气还不错,基本没刮沙尘暴,有点风是正常的,否则风筝怎么放呢?
Not bad style, should not later than Ming dynasty, such style has been used for a long time by northern grassland people! 式样不错,应不晚于明,此式样北方草原民族沿用时间比较长!
With King Kong is not bad skelter with the body of the fish were all friends Abe will dare to impede the forces of justice shattered. 凭借金刚不坏之身所向披靡与鱼人朋友亚伯将一切胆敢阻碍正义势力打得粉碎。
That's not bad. What about the price? Did she tell you how much her friend wants for the car? 不错。价格呢?她有没有告诉你她的朋友要卖多少钱?
You've found a certificate of deposit that pays a fixed 3% interest, with no loss of principal - not bad, you think. 你发现定期存款可以得到3%的固定利息,不损失本金----你觉得不错。
Munson nodded, and dropped the stones back into the box. "Not bad, " he said. "You always do good, Matt. You know where to look. " 曼森点点头,将石头倒回盒子。“不错。”他说。“你总是这么棒,麦特。你总是知道到哪去找这些石头。”
If I regard a certain course of action as good, it is only I who choose to say that it is good and not bad. 如果我认为这样的一种行为是好的,那也只是我自己的选择,说它是好的而不是坏的。
I'm studying in class four in grade one in XinDongfang School. My study is not bad and I'm very willing to make friends with you. 我来自新东方学校五年级四班我的学习成绩不错,我很愿意和大家交朋友。
Suddenly feel bad, do not know what to do, think of anyway to have come, one ice-skating is not bad. 突然心情很差,不知道要干什么,想到反正来都来了,一个人溜冰也不错。