not a little

  • na.不少;非常
  • 网络很;许多;相当多

not a littlenot a little

not a little

大学英语四级常用词组 ... little by little 一点一点地,逐渐地 not a little 许多, live off 住在…之外;靠…生活 ...


初三英语知识点_中考网 ... 匆匆忙忙 in a hurry 非常 not a little 人民大会堂 the Great Hall of the People ...


一点也不开心,英文怎么翻译_百度知道 ... not a few 用于可数 不少=很多 not a little 用于不可数 不少=很多 not a bit 一点也不 ...


大学英语四级常用词组 ... little by little 一点一点地,逐渐地 not a little 许多,很 live off 住在…之外;靠…生活 ...


与你侃英语学法 ... (下蛋,搁置)→ laid → laid → laying ),not a little( 不少,相当多= (躺,位于)→ lay → lain → lying ...


初中英语短语大全 ... 443. not a few 相当多的 444. not a little 不少的 445. not...until 直到...才.. ...


四级短语大全 大学英语四级短语 - 豆丁网 ... kill time pass time count one’s thumbs 用完、缺少 not a little 很多 a bit 一点 ...

We have little water left. Besides, I am not a little tired. Let's call it a day. 我们没有什么水了,再说,我很累。今天到此为止吧。
I want to tell her carefully that it is not a little artificial blind date as she has been seeing him for at least 3 months. 我想谨慎地提醒她,她已经和对方交往3个月了,(他们之间的关系)已经不在局限在一个人为的相亲了。
It seemed that she was not a bit worried, but in fact, she was not a little worried about it. 表面看来她似乎一点也不担心,事实上她非常担心。
she was not a little pilchard sort of fish , like a boy , with a boys flat breast and little buttocks. 她并不是男孩似的象一条“小沙丁鱼”,她胸部扁平,臀部细小。
And, lastly(I may as well confess it, as the denial of it would be believed by nobody), I shall perhaps not a little gratify my own vanity. 最后,我这样做,可能还会极大地满足我的虚荣心(我还是承认这一点好,否认是没有用的,谁也不会相信)。
I do not know what I have done something wrong, not a little foreboding. 我不知道我做错了什么,没有一点点的预感。
She had a habit of fixing her cold eyes on people with a steadiness that was not a little embarrassing. 她有一种习惯,常以沉着的冷眼注视人家,自己却一点也不难为情。
If you expect not a little downtrend in a stock but a massive crash, buying a put may be a good idea. 如果你不是期待股票的小跌,而是崩跌,那么买看跌期权是好主意。
I do not know deliberately spend three years to forget a person is not a little stupid. I不故意地知道度过三年忘记人不是一少许愚笨的。
It is well you are not a little boy or she might have danced you to death! 幸亏你不是个小男孩,不然她会一直跳到你累死!
Teacher, I was a child, why not a little bit of an idea? 老师,我也是个孩子,为什么不能有点自己的主意?
I opened the windows. The wind out there was strong, but doesn't blow into my room, not a little. 我推开窗口,外面风很大,却一丝都没吹进房里。
He has not a little change, so you can ask him for an exchange. 他一点都没变,所以,你可以跟他交易。
Jane: I'm not a little thing. I'm an assistant supervisor and a woman, and you're being inappropriate. 阿珍︰我不是小东西。我是副主管,是个女人。你表达得很不恰当。
Fang was consequently not a little indignant to see an unbidden guest enter in such irreverent disorder. 范昂先生看见一位不速之客这般唐突无礼地闯进门来,顿时勃然大怒。
I myself pursued the ambiguities of our complex policy with a heavy heart and not a little foreboding. 我本人怀着沉重的心情和相当不祥的预感执行我们的暖味不明的复杂政策。
It seemed that she was not abit worried, but in fact, she was not a little worried about it. 表面看来她好像一点也不不安,实情上她特别不安。
After the long journey, my mother was not a little tired while I was not a bit tired. 长途旅行后,妈妈非常疲劳,而我一点也不累。
After the long journey, I was not a bit tired, but my mother was not a little tired. 长途跋涉后,我一点也不累,而妈妈却非常疲劳。
Whether or not a little sadness is useful, everyone agrees that clinical depression is not. 无论一段小小的悲伤情绪是否有益,每个人都认同临床抑郁症是无益的。
The United States is a colorful world, everywhere in the casino, nightclubs, places, if not a little self-control, it really is bad. 美国是一个花花世界,在这个遍地赌场、夜总会的地方,如果没有一点自制力,还真是糟糕呢。
Not a little inventory of cotton textile mill into cotton, downstream of the individual shipping companies a small amount of purchase. 有点棉花库存的纺织厂不进棉花了,个别下游有出货的大厂少量采购。
In the case of enterprise closures, massive suffering (and not a little protest) was involved as millions were left unemployed. 以企业倒闭为例,成百上千万人的失业带来了巨大的痛苦(以及大规模的抗议活动)。
I may be a bitch, but I'm not a little bitch. I told you I wasn't afraid. 我也许是个坏女孩,可我不胆小。我告诉过你我不害怕。
Carefully, and not a little nervously, he ran his fingers over the fine leather cover of the book, swiftly opening it. 手指小心翼翼却毫不紧张地抚过书本上好的皮封面,飞快地打开它。
Please consider Korea's situation and help to become not a little bit shameful to be America's friendly nation. 请考虑韩国的情况,并帮助其,对于美国这个友好国家,变得少一些不可耻。
Our English teacher often says that she is not a bit tired but in fact she is not a little tired. 我们的英语老师经常说她一点儿也不累,其实她非常累。
So I am only a little younger than you, as a result of this, you can't call me "little sister" because I am not a little girl any longer. 故曰,吾略小于君也,是故,君不宜以“小妹”称吾也,吾不小矣,仅小汝一岁也。
Comrade Wang told me that that was why he was not a little tired. 王同志告诉我那就是他一点也不累的原因。
Don't worry about him. He is not a little boy. 不要担心他。他已不是小孩子了。