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工程力学专业本科生培养方案-力学与土木建筑学院 ... 三 3rd 4th 五 5th ...


第四 (4th) 街处驶出高速公路,并朝恩巴卡地罗购物中心 (Embarcadero) 方向行驶。 然后,小幅左转到布赖恩特 (Bryant) 街…


大众Scirocco... ... 1998-1997:ZIC Endurance/ 珠海国际赛车场耐力赛 2008:Macau Roadsport Race,4th / 澳门房车赛,第4


....5 24.5 km/h4) 四档(4th): 38.5 km/h18. 牵引力: 159±5 KN19. 最...


中华医学会_百度百科 ... 第三届 3rd 第四届 4th 第五届 5th ...




月份..星期..日 的英文 ? ? - Yahoo!奇摩知识+ ... 3rd 三日 4th 四日 5th..... 以此类推..... ...

The Athens of Socrates and Plato, in the 5th and 4th centuries BC, is often seen as home to a first golden age of conversation. 公元前5世界到4世界之间,苏格拉底和柏拉图时代的雅典,经常被看作是交谈的首个黄金时代。这种观点的产生,主要是因为柏拉图的作品。
It's like Jordan in the 4th quarter. Everybody knows the ball will end up in his hands. How many game winning shots did Jordan make? 就像第四节的乔丹,任何人都知道球会最终到他的手中,但是乔丹又投中了多少最后的制胜球呢?
Rafer was one of the few guys making shots in the 4th, so let's not put it all on him. 拉夫是少数几个在第4节,进球的人之一,因此,我们不要把所有的希望放在他身上。
He could have become one of the best cab drivers in California. He might be on his 4th or 5th cab by now. 他本来可以成为加州最棒的出租车司机的,也许他现在正在驾驶他的第四或第五台出租车。
A ceremony to remember those who died in the July 7th bombings will take place in London today on the 4th anniversary of the attacks. 伦敦将于今天举行恐怖袭击4周年纪念活动,悼念7月7日发生的车站炸弹袭击事件的受害者。
What I meant by that, of course, was not the familiar June 4th sort of freedom, but this more recondite May 35th kind. 我所要说的自然并非惯用的不着四六式自由那一套说辞,而是更晦涩的五三五模式。
After 4th enters the front door, was one has turned the stair, possibly was the geomancy aspect consideration. 进入大门后就是一个扭了一下的台阶,可能是风水方面的考虑。
By the 4th century BC the figured decoration of pottery had declined, and by the end of the century it had died out in Athens. 到了公元前4世纪,陶器图案已衰退,至该世纪末已在雅典消亡。
Hung along the main activities of a year, the Red, 4th Front Army of the Red line road, the ultimate rendezvous in Gansu. 主要活动是沿着当年红一,红二,红四方面军路线行进,最终在甘肃会师。
Grade: D. Domenech's side were better - at least for half of the game against Holland - than their 4th place in Group C suggested. 评级:D至少在对荷兰队还有半场佳绩,多梅内克的状况稍好于法国队C组垫底的位置。
In the 4th stage larvae, the length of mouth cavity of A. duodenale is almost equivalent to its width, but that of N. americanus is shorter. 十二指肠钩虫第4期幼虫口腔的长宽几乎相等,但美洲钩虫宽大于长。
The U. S. Federal Reserve is trying to help the 4th largest U. S. credit card company by allowing it to become a commercial bank. 美国联邦储备委员会正在帮助美国第四大信用卡公司,使它能够成为商业银行。
Over the July 4th weekend, a summit called Texas Defending the American Dream took place in a chilly hotel ballroom in Austin. 7月4日的这个周末,在奥斯汀一家宾馆肃杀的大厅内举行了一个名为“德克萨斯捍卫美国梦”的会议。
But the citizens of Philadelphia were not to be denied; and the day they chose to make merry, with a band and fireworks, was the 4th. 可费城居民的庆祝热情是不会被拒绝的,他们选了一天以乐队演奏和燃放烟火自发地欢庆独立。那天正是7月4日。
I agree we need TMac, but I hardly think a 35-to-28 pt 4th quarter qualifies as a "near collapse" . The Warriors got hot, is all. 我同意我们需要麦蒂,但是我不认为35对28分在第四节可以说成是“接近崩溃”。勇士手感好起来了,仅此而已。
There was a time or two in my 4th year, but that was all. 在我四年级时,我们见过一两次,但是那已经是全部。
But because she always had to get right to the point (4th Noodle did a brisk business), she spoke in halting single words. 不过由于她说话总是直奔重点(第四面馆生意兴隆),她说话都是一个字一个字地往外蹦。
Malaysia is now ranking as the 8th largest trade partner of China, while China occupies the 4th place in Malaysia foreign trade. 目前马来西亚已是中国第八大贸易伙伴,中国则是马来西亚第四大贸易伙伴。
This problem prompted eBay to say on June 4th that it would ban cross-border ivory sales by the end of this month. 这一问题促使易趣在七月四号声称它将在本月底禁止跨国象牙贸易。
Her grandparents sent her a balloon bouquet for her 4th birthday. 为了给她祝贺生日,她的爷爷奶奶送给了她一捧气球。
Common commemorations, by several churches, of the deaths of martyrs began to be celebrated in the 4th century. 由数个教堂举办的缅怀殉教者的普通纪念会开始于四世纪。
I say if you're going to give us a laundry list of names, at least out your 4th grade English teacher along the way, as Tom Hanks once did. 要我说,如果你真的要给出一箩筐人名,至少要参考TomHanks的感言,也说说四年级的英语老师。
On August 4th, though, NASA announced the strongest evidence yet for the existence of liquid water on the surface. 但是8月4日,美国宇航局宣布了迄今为止火星表面存在水的最有力证据。
The latter, which has been a must since the May 4th, can definitely boost academics and lead its development. 后者显然更能推动和引导学术的发展,却是从“五四”以来一直缺乏的。
Zheng, who made it to the 4th round on her Roland Garros debut in 2004, will face Russia's 13rd seed Dinara Safina in the next round. 下一轮,郑洁将出战赛会13号种子俄罗斯选手萨芬娜。郑洁在法网的女单最佳战绩是2004年进入第4轮。
He loved the 4th wife the most and adorned her with rich robes and treated her to delicacies. 他最爱第4个老婆,给她穿贵的衣服,细心的待她。
Since the May 4th New Cultural Movement, these three trends have had mutually growth and decline, but they still have great vitality. 自五四新文化运动以来,这三大思潮虽互有消长,但都有不衰的生命力,相互间展开过并将继续展开错综复杂的思想文化斗争。
Sometimes I can't help but wonder, if one day the June 4th kind of freedom were to arrive, would we still be so creative, so ingenious? 有时我不禁这样想,倘若有一天我们可以达成不着四六式自由,我们还能这么另辟蹊径和匠心独运吗?
Alright my friends- thank you for all. So fun to hear your thoughts! Have a great weekend and for all in the US, Happy 4th! ! Much love. 好了,我的朋友们-谢谢大家所有的提问。听听你们的想法非常有趣!祝大家有个很棒的周末,也祝所有在美国的朋友们,国庆日快乐!很爱大家。
In summary, FL 4th can be used as feed additives to promote good growth, improve body immunity and did not change the quality of fish. 综上所述,福乐兴四号可作为很好的饲料添加剂促进生长,提高鱼体的免疫力,同时对鱼体品质无影响。