


It was a very busy couple of weeks in April, and I was not sure what to make of it all. 4月份这两周真是忙啊,我都不知道发生了什么。
When you set up a simple call to this function with a date that you know will retrieve some events, you get the results shown in Listing 4. 当您使用您知道将检索到一些事件的日期设置对这个函数的一个简单调用时,您将得到如清单4所示的结果。
Just this fact was one of the motivations for the discussion of boundary approximations in Chapter 4. 恰好这个事实是第四章讨论的边界近似式的引伸之一。
But there was no consensus in the autumn of 1940 and agreement took Keynes four difficult years of negotiation. 但在1940年秋,人们也没有达成任何共识,凯恩斯经过4年艰难谈判,才最终达成协议。
I was intrigued[4] and sat down to listen to what he had to say. 这引起了我的兴趣,于是我坐下来听他到底要说些什么。
Economists at Wells Fargo said the impact was more likely to be seen in U. S. trade data for April. 富国银行的分析师表示,地震影响更可能在4月美国贸易数据中得到体现。
Then again, as gas prices hovering around $4. 00 and with no ceiling in sight, we may have little choice in the matter. 油价涨到了4美元并且还在无限制的增长,我们可能只有很小的选择空间了。
Between April and June businesses sharply increased the number of hours worked by employees, which is often a prelude to hiring new workers. 在4月到6月期间,各企业都大大增加了员工的工作时间,这通常是招收新员工的一个征兆。
When brushing your teeth, use a cup or glass rather than rinsing in running water. You could save up to 4, 000 litres of water a year. 刷牙时,请先盛满一杯水,不要一直扭开水头,这样做每年可节省多达4,000公升食水。
The Anglo-Australian company earlier announced that four male staff had been detained in Shanghai but said the reason remained unclear. 这家英澳合资公司早些时候宣布,4名男性员工在上海被拘留,但同时表示他们被拘留的原因仍然“未明”。
She said that she first couch-surfed four years ago, as a broke college student eager to see Austria but not without a companion. 她说4年前她第一次做沙发客时,因为是一名穷大学生,却很想去奥地利旅游,可是没有同伴。
He said lighting at central control rooms of No. 3 reactor had been restored, while lighting at No. 4 reactor would be back again soon. 他说,三号反应堆中央控制室的照明已经恢复,四号反应堆的照明将很快恢复。
Fails to satisfy at least the requirements 2, 4, 5, 6, 8 (there is quite a bit of error checking before code generation, though). 这个框架至少不能满足要求2,4,5,6,8(尽管在代码生成之前有一些错误的检查)。
The nuclear safety agency said the spent fuel at the No. 4 reactor appeared to be immersed in water. 日本原子力安全保安院说,四号反应堆的乏燃料棒似乎浸没在水面以下。
It has grown at nearly 10 per cent a year for 30 years, and its economy is now four times the size of India's. 30年来,中国一直以每年近10%的速度发展,目前经济规模是印度的4倍。
The superintendent zoo weekly feeding baby bristly Battleship abandoned by his mother, in Jerusalem Zoo February 4, 2009. 监动物园每周喂婴儿林立的战列舰遗弃他的母亲,在耶路撒冷的动物园2009年2月4日。
With your custom Sphinx-4 speech recognition and the annotateAcrNum Perl program, you're ready to start annotating spoken conversations. 使用自定义Sphinx-4语音识别和annotateAcrNumPerl程序,您现在可以开始对语音交谈进行注释。
The White House, doubtless expecting a Reagan-like vindication, noted that this was the biggest four-month drop since 1984. 白宫肯定希望能像里根那样让这一说法变成现实,他们注意到这竟然是1984年以来连续4个月的最大降幅。
"It's $4. 26 a gallon here now, and I'd constantly be worrying how much gas would cost next week. " “现在这儿的油价是每加仑4.26美元,而我会经常担心下周要花费多少油钱。”
At year-end, client portfolios were down an average of about 4%, one person close to the matter said. 一位知情人士说,去年底时客户投资组合平均损失约4%。
found a residential address but listed four "relatives" that I never knew I had. 在PublicInfoGuide.com上找到了我的一个居住地址,但却列出了4个我从未知道的“亲戚”。
The chancellor is to be elected by an absolute majority of the Federal Assembly for a four-year term. 政府首脑是总理,由联邦议院绝大多数成员选举产生,任期4年。
NSR predicts that in the next decade the business of leasing satellite capacity will grow by an average of 4. 3% a year. NSR预测,未来十年内卫星容量租赁业务平均每年会增加4.
Ronaldo went on to talk about Real Madrid's 4-0 win over Espanyol on Sunday, in which he did not score, but set up two goals. 罗纳尔多接着谈到周日4比0战胜西班牙人的比赛。比赛中他没有进球但奉献两次助攻。
Upon the entire heights of the pylon structure placed 4 racks, on which rolled the gears, so that the ship tank can go up and down. 在塔柱结构的整个高度上铺设4根齿条,由齿轮沿齿条的滚动实现船厢的升降运行。
After been used for 3 - 4 months, the crucible had serious crack at the joint of the bottom and side closing to the outer flame. 镁合金热室压铸机所用坩埚在使用3~4个月后在靠近外焰的底部和侧面结合处发生严重的变形开裂,对开裂原因进行了分析。
Some of her pictures were shown in an art exhibition in Shanghai when she was 4years old. 在她4岁的时候,她的一些画就在上海的一个艺术展览中展出过。
The sky started to turn light again as the moon unveiled the sun after four minutes of near darkness. 当接近黑暗的4分钟以后,月亮已经遮不住太阳,天空又开始明亮起来。
On April 12th that committee announced that it was not able to set an official end-date for the American recession. 然而,经济萧条测定委员会却于4月12日宣布并不能为经济萧条选定一个正式的结束日期。
After four years of restructuring efforts during which it had lost more than $80 billion, GM was too enfeebled to stagger on. 4年的结构调整努力,使通用损失了800亿美元,它太虚弱了,无法躲开这场打击。