
  • 网络40多岁;40年代




戒酒史写上简历 - 双语阅读 -... ... Dear Lucy: 亲爱的露西: Manager,male,40s 经理,男,40多岁 Lucy's Answer: 露西的回答: ...


Other people may have been content staying at home and not traveling until they were in their 40s, but I could not fathom such a long wait. 很多人满足于在40岁之前留在家里不去旅行,可是我不能理解这种长久的等待。
And finding her life meant setting out, in her 40s, to look for romance and a partner who would accept her as she was. 发现她的生活意思是在她四十岁左右迈出第一步,寻找浪漫和能接受她所是的伴侣。
She was an intelligent and articulate woman in her early 40s who came to see me for depression and anxiety. 她40岁出头,头脑聪明、表达清晰,因为抑郁和焦虑前来就诊。
Most of the new generation are in their 40s and the big question is how much the handover will affect Ferrari's performance. 新一代的管理层大多正值40多岁,而最大的问题是,这一权利的移交将会对法拉利的表现产生何种程度的影响。
Also, Italian fashion is more internationally acclaimed and French fashion has no longer the importance it had in the 40s, 50s, and 60s. 此外,意大利时装更国际知名的法国时尚已不再重视它在40年代,50年代和60年代曾。
With his wife in her late 40s, Raghav still hopes for a second child in 2011. 拉加夫的妻子四十多岁,他希望2011年还能有第二个孩子诞生。
But she became increasingly distracted in her 40s by her desire to research artists and new songs. 但她在40多岁时越发因为渴望研究艺术家以及新歌而感到分心。
Warring's friend, an Australian in his 40s who lives in San Francisco, did derive a few laughs out of it. Warring的朋友,一名生活在旧金山的40岁的澳大利亚人见了这款玩具不由得笑出了声。
"It may explain why some people are just as sharp in their 90s as they are in their 40s, " she said. “这可能会揭示为什么有些人在90多岁时还像40多岁时一样思维敏捷,”她表示。
One of the mummies the team scanned was a princess in her 40s, who presumably ate fresh food and wasn't sedentary. 小组扫描的其中一具木乃伊生前是一位王妃,死亡时40岁左右。科学家推测她生前食用新鲜食物,也没有久坐的习惯。
Jin: How would you know? It usually doesn't kick in till you're in your 40s! I might have it! 阿敬:你怎么知道?这种病经常比及四十几岁才发作!我就有可能得到!
For Michener, it signaled a new beginning, launching him in his 40s on a spectacular career. 对于麦切纳来说,这标志着一个新开端,使他在四十多岁时踏上了事业的光明大道。
Chinese nationalists said it was an insult to the millions of Chinese people killed during the Japanese invasion of the 1930s and 40s. 中国爱国主义者表示,这对于三四十年代日本侵华战争中遇难的数百万中国人来说是莫大的侮辱。
I may have been a late starter, but it was well worth growing up finally in my 40s. 也许我起步较晚,但是最后40多岁时生孩子彻底成熟起来,是很值得的。
The guide in Norway was a Chinese immigrant, a nice man in his 40s who indeed enhanced the pleasure of our journey. 挪威的导游是位年近40的中国移民,人很好,整个行程都很愉快。
With his smiling eyes and wide- brimmed hat, he has a youthful look, but he was in his mid to late 40s when the likeness was painted. 画中他有着会微笑的眼睛,戴者宽边的帽子,使他看上去很年轻。但其实他被画的时候已经是在40岁中后期了。
Lean, fit and proud of his resting heartbeat ( "in the low 40s" ) he is the kind of gym-goer the rest of us assume must live in the place. 他看起来清瘦又健康,并且为自己缓慢的心跳自豪不已(心率只有40多下)。他就是我们认为必定以健身馆为家的那类人。
Interestingly, women in their 70s value a bit of sexual chemistry more than the women in their 40s. 有趣的是,70多岁的女性比40多岁的女性更看重性魅力。
And a lot of women in their 40s seem to share this sense that they suddenly have time to indulge themselves. 许多四十多岁的女人也有同样的感觉,她们突然变得有时间来好好宠爱一下自己。
The pianist, he learned, was in his 40s and living in a flophouse. He had once been famous, a child prodigy, but now he was down and out. 他得知这位钢琴家40多岁,住在廉价旅馆里;曾是名神童,非常出名,但现在穷困潦倒。
One of my patients, a gentleman in his late 40s, returned for a routine cancer checkup. 我的一个病人,一位将近五十的绅士,刚刚完成例行的癌症检查。
"I don't really care, " said Alexei, a businessman in his 40s. "I earn money by myself, and I don't pin my hopes on the president. " 40多岁的商人阿列克谢说:“我真的无所谓。我自食其力,也没指望总统能帮我什么。”
In his early 40s, after a series of low-profile political jobs, he ran for the Senate from his home state of Kentucky. 40出头时,在默默无闻地担任了一系列政治小角色后,他开始竞选家乡肯塔基州的参议员。
Story: While at a farmer's market last week, I visited with an acquaintance, late 40s, who walked with a limp. "What happened? " 小故事:上周在农贸市场,我和一个熟人攀谈起来,她40多岁快50岁了,走路有点跛,“这是怎么了”,我问道。
"The typical patient is male, probably in his 40s or 50s, who suddenly develops searing pain in one of his big toes, " Sundy said. Sundy表示:“病人通常为40-50岁的男性,其大拇趾处会出现突发性烧灼痛。”
There was also a young patient in his early 40s. He looked physically fit, so how did he get sick? 还有一位比较年轻,看起来四十多岁而已,看起来身体壮壮的,为甚麽会有病?
It was not until early 40s that chemists began to use the technique analytically. 直到40年代,化学家们才开始将这种技术用于分析方面。
But these value investors still see a stock than can at least grow into the $40s. 不过有些价值型投资者却认为,惠普的股价至少可以增长到40美元区间。
The only thing unusual that I know for a fact about the place is that the basement used to house a crematorium in the 1930s and 40s. 我唯一知道的关于这个地方不太对劲的地方就是在20世纪三、四十年代,地下室曾经是个火葬场。
Spaniards like their new prime ministers young: the most recent three were all in their early 40s. 西班牙人喜欢他们的新任总理年纪轻轻:最近的三位全部在40出头当选总理。