consist of

  • v.由…合成
  • 网络由……组成;由…构成;包括

第三人称单数:consists of 现在分词:consisting of 过去式:consisted of

consist ofconsist of

consist of


动词加介词词组,._百度文库 ... dream of 梦到 consist of 由……组成 speak of 谈到 ...


大学英语四级常用词组 ... consist in 在于;存在于 consist of 由…构成,包含有 consult with 与…商量(协商) ...


机务英语基础 - 豆丁网 ... 期望 Desire 包括 Consist of 离开 Leave ...


大学英语四级常用词组 ... consist in 在于;存在于 consist of 由…构成,包含有 consult with 与…商量(协商) ...


英语惯用短语汇总讲稿 - 豆丁网 ... under consideration 在考虑中 • consist of 由…组成的. • consist in 主要在于. ...

Companies are trying to make drugs that consist of short sequences of double-stranded RNA, the chemical cousin of the DNA in genes. 制药公司试图研制由短的双链RNA组成的药物,相当于DNA基因的化学表亲。
Most of the artifacts discovered at Hemudu consist of animal bones, exemplified by hoes made of shoulder bones used for cultivating rice. 大部分文物发现河姆渡包括兽骨,体现锄头肩部骨骼制成的用于种植水稻。
The Global Times, a newspaper published by the Communist Party, said the fleet could consist of two cruisers and one large supply ship. 由共产党发行的环球时报报道,舰队可能由两艘巡洋舰和一艘大型补给舰组成。
Cloud resources required for deployment consist of a set of supported hypervisors and a list of IP addresses available to the cloud. 部署所需的云资源包括一组支撑管理程序、一个云可用IP地址的列表。
Such systems typically consist of small fragments of data that must be quick and easy to use. 此类系统通常包含一些必须快速、易用的数据小段。
No one today really thinks that school, especially in the early years, should consist of nothing but dreary rote learning. 如今,特别是早些年,没有人真正认为在学校里应该只学习如何去枯燥无聊地去死记硬背。
Multidigit displays consist of two or more seven-segment displays contained in a single package or module. 多位数码显示器由封装在一起的两个或更多7段显示器组成。
The Children collection of a Panel element can only consist of UIElement objects. Panel元素的Children集合只能包含UIElement对象。
Hindu temples vary regionally, but generally consist of a towering shrine and a columned hall surrounded by an elaborate wall. 印度教的庙宇在各地区各不相同,常包括高耸的神龛和带柱子的大殿,墙面雕刻丰富。
Within the city, a great deal of grass, trees, and greenery is seen, whereas the outskirts consist of a dusty, rocky landscape. 置身于城市中,到处都是大片的草地,绿树,和绿色植被,在郊外由泥土,岩石组成的风景(美不胜收)。
The fibers consist of an array of metal electrodes connected to a semiconductor and are covered by an insulating polymer sheath. 这种纤维由一排连接在半导体上的金属电极组成,被聚合体绝缘层所覆盖。
Method configurations make it easy to assemble processes from logical building blocks, which may consist of both content and processes. 方法配置使得从逻辑构建块中集合过程变得容易,而逻辑构建块可能既包括内容也包括过程。
The next release for the campaign will actually consist of a number of module files, with each module dealing with a single island. 下个战役模组将包含许多模组文件,每个模组都设计一座单独的岛。
Herzog told reporters the outposts, which often consist of just a few trailers and makeshift structures, are a blight on Israel's image. 赫尔佐克对记者说,非法定居点往往只包括几个拖车和临时建筑,它们破坏了以色列的形象。
The electrode in direct contact with the cable under test shall not consist of mercury or of any other material in the fluid state. 与电线电缆接触的电极不允许由水银或其他任何液体所组成。
Slow-in and slow-out consist of slowing down the beginning and the end of an action, while speeding up the middle of it. 慢,在慢列构成放缓的开始和结束的行动,在加快中。
Its syntax is similar to that of SQL, and SPARQL queries consist of a series of triple patterns and modifiers. 其语法类似于SQL,SPARQL查询包括一系列的三元组范型和修饰符。
Pu-erh tea would not be a Pu-erh tea if the cake did not consist of both yeast. 如果不由两种酵母作用而成普洱茶就不能称之为普洱茶。
A great deal of the exclusive briefing seems to consist of insides expatiating on the stupendous qualities of their candidate. 大量的特别简介似乎都是由内部人士详述其候选人巨大的优点组成的。
The run tree is at the heart of query execution and can consist of many different types of run tree nodes. 处于查询执行的核心,且可以包含多个不同类型的运行树节点。
They consist of a Label control and a TextBox control for the first name, and a Label control and a TextBox control for the last name. 它们由Label控件和TextBox控件(用于输入名)以及Label控件和TextBox控件(用于输入姓)组成。
German artillery seems to be concentrated about the ports and to consist of four general categories - super-heavy, heavy, medium and light. 德军火炮似乎集中在港口周围,分为四大类---超重型,重型,中型和轻型。
The idea was that your desktop would consist of live Internet content that would be constantly updated from the Internet. 其想法是你的桌面将包含动态网络内容并能够不断地从互联网上更新内容。
The simplest consist of a single room with a sink in the corner and a toilet behind a partition. 最简单的户型只有一个单间,在角落里有一个洗脸台,厕所在隔墙后面。
In some cases other particles that consist of two or three quarks can be obtained in the result of the collision. 在某些情况下,一些拥有2个或3个夸克的粒子将可能在对撞后被获取。
Magnolia stellata (often referred to as the star magnolia) - its flowers, which consist of up to 30 petals, open before its leaves. 重华辛夷(常被称为星花木兰)——它的花有30片花瓣组成,通常在树叶生长出来之前开放。
The length of your reel should be limited to 5 minutes and consist of work that you're most proud of, starting with your most recent work. 视频的长度应在5分钟之内并且包括你最近的工作和你最自豪的工作。
I consist of a little body and a soul. Now to this little body all things are indifferent, for it is not able to perceive differences. 我由一个渺小的肉体和一个灵魂构成,对这一渺小的肉体,所有事情都无甚分别,因为它不可能察觉其中的不同。
Say you're a warrior heading into the heat of battle with your group, who consist of a mage, priest, and rogue. 比如你是一名战士,和你的队伍投入战斗,队伍由法师、牧师和盗贼组成。
Jiangxi college of Applied Technology is one of the several vocational colleges all over the country, which consist of geology section. 江西应用技术职业学院是全国仅有的几所举办地学类专业的高等职业院校之一。