at stake

  • na.被赌着;在危险中;利害[生死]攸关
  • 网络利害攸关;危如累卵;在危急关头

at stakeat stake

at stake


大学英语四级常用词组 ... so that 结果是,以致 at stake 在危险中;危如累卵 stand up to 经得起(磨难等) ...


英语专业新闻听力词汇集锦_百度文库 ... asylum 避难 at stake 利害攸关 atrocity 暴行 ...


大学英语四级常用词组 ... so that 结果是,以致 at stake 在危险中;危如累卵 stand up to 经得起(磨难等) ...


大学英语4级英语词组 ... at once 立刻,马上;同时,一起 at stake 在危急关头,在危险中 at the cost of 以…为代价 ...


英语4级词组短语_爱问知识人 ... at one stroke 一笔,一举 at stake 存亡攸关,危若累卵 average out 达到平均数,最终得到平 …


英语4级词组短语_爱问知识人 ... at one stroke 一笔,一举 at stake 存亡攸关,危若累卵 average out 达到平均数,最终得到平 …


介词短语 - 豆丁网 ... on the stage 当演员 at stake 在危险中,厉害攸关 stand by 支持,帮助,站在一边;袖手旁观 ...

But your life is at stake too, I told him, because if you pursue this, your career is going to be ruined. 而且,你的生命也会受到威胁,我告诉他,因为如果你继续这样,你未来的事业将会被葬送。
Because little seems to be at stake, people often show dissatisfaction by voting against governments. 因为这些并非利害攸关,所以人们和政府唱反调,以此表示不满。
Although Mayor Oh Se-hoon said he was sorry that the fishing industry had been hurt, he insisted that public health was at stake . 尽管市长吴世勋说他为渔业遭受的损失很抱歉,但是他坚持人民大众的安全是第一位的。
The fact that PayPal sued Google just hours after they announced the Google Wallet shows you just how much is at stake here. “宣布谷歌钱包数小时后,贝宝(Paypal)就起诉谷歌,这事实说明这儿的风险是多么大”。
throw off the chains of tyranny. The truth of this was held to be self-evident. Inalienable rights were at stake. 这个时候坚持真理是不言而喻的。不可剥夺的权利已经受到威胁。
As nothing less than control of the federal government was at stake, the convention was a bitter affair from the beginning. 由于控制联邦政府的斗争处于生死攸关的时刻,大会从一开始就是一场苦战。
That may have distracted American investors briefly; once they realise how much is at stake in Italy, it will not help. 这会暂时分散美国投资者的注意力,但是一旦他们意识到意大利这边的风险有多少的时候,一切都于事无补了。
My honor is at stake, so I cannot let the matter rest. 这危及我的名誉,所以我不能不管。
This has not always been an easy job, especially when data and access security was at stake. 这不是一件简单的事情,尤其是数据和访问安全处于危险境地时。
You got the sense there was more at stake for her than for the average student. 你会感觉到她比一般学生更为成败难料。
Not many Harvard rooters had come way the hell up to Ithaca, New York, even though the Ivy title was at stake. 哈佛的球迷从纽约依达加城来的不多,但这是攸关全常春藤代表队的名衔的得失。
At stake is the relevance of the IMF at a time of uncertainty as the boom of four years draws to a close. 在4年繁荣接近终点之际,这关系到国际货币基金组织能否在一个充满不确定的时机跟上时代。
But a lot is at stake in trying to overcome the current crisis of confidence. 不过,想要克服目前的信任危机,许多东西会处于危险之中。
And, of course, home-court advantage is at stake for whichever two of these five teams finish with the best record. 当然,这五支球队中任何两支战绩最好的球队在首轮的主场优势都可能受到挑战。
But he insisted China would not link the two issues, and that Beijing had its own self-interest at stake in continuing to invest in Europe. 但他强调,中国不会把这两个问题联系在一起,继续在欧洲投资关乎中方自身的利益。
So here we are, then, leaving entirely to its wanderings the question of whether what is at stake is to be or not to be. 这就是我们的处境,我们让生命的实存与否的这个问题,陷入岌岌可危,任其漂泊不定。
Wenger knows how much is at stake on Sunday but all he asks of his players is that they have no regrets when they leave Wembley. 温格知道在周日是什么样的境地,但是他要求他的球员们就是当他们离开温布利不要带着遗憾。
The Delegation advised the Committee to be aware of what was at stake, and of the challenges it faced. 该代表团建议委员会意识到什么是危险的及其面对的挑战。
No less than the very existence of choice of law as an independent discipline of the law of conflict of laws is at stake . 法律选择是法律冲突法的一个独立组成部分,其能否存在同样成为问题。
But I know how much is in flux, and how much is at stake. 但我知道,有多少事处在不断变化中,又有多少事处于成败关头。
The size of the audience also explains why so much is at stake for China as it prepares to host its first Olympics. 观众的规模还说明,在中国首次筹办奥运会的过程中,为何会有如此多的利弊需要权衡。
In the video war, there may be some manipulation of anxiety, some adrenaline to the heart, but absolutely nothing is at stake. 在战争游戏中,某些焦虑的操作,肾上腺素的上升,但真实的情况下,这些完全没有。
Protest voting. Because little seems to be at stake, people often show dissatisfaction by voting against governments. 反对票因为没啥利害攸关的事要通过投票来决定,人们常常用反对票来表达对政府的不满。
"He understood what was at stake for the state, in terms of the jobs that would have been lost. " “他明白有可能损失的就业岗位与内华达州的利害关系。”
Watson has no capacity for fun, and its creators have more at stake than the outcome of a game show. 华生没有产生乐趣的能力,而它的创造者比游戏节目的效果更关注赌局。
With so much at stake, Sino-U. S. relations have never been closer or more important, White House aides say. 白宫助手们说,在涉及到这么多利害关系的情况下,中美关系比历史上任何时候都更密切、更重要。
But just to make it concrete and to see what's at stake, consider the distribution of wealth in the United States. 但是,为了让大家的思考能落实到具体的利害攸关点,我们可以考虑一下,美国的财富分配。
Yet the Fed's credibility could be at stake if it allowed itself to be bullied into a late U-turn that is not clearly justified by the data. 不过,如果美联储让自己屈从压力,在最后关头完全改变立场,而这种改变又没有确凿数据的支撑,那它的信誉也就岌岌可危了。
For India, he said lives were at stake, while for the US the only issue was commerce. 他表示,这些问题对印度来说性命攸关,而在美国却只不过是商业问题。
What was at stake was the amount of heat required to transform and purify blood into another substance. 重要的是需要大量的热将血液转化提炼成其他物质。