
美 [saɪt]英 [saɪt]
  • n.网站;站点;现场;位置
  • v.使坐落在;为…选址
  • 网络场所;地点;场地

复数:sites 现在分词:siting 过去式:sited

use site,find site,choose site,develop site,locate site
central site,same site,burial site,important site,ideal site


n. v.

1.(建筑物、城镇等的)地点,位置,建筑工地a place where a building, town, etc. was, is or will be located

2.现场;发生地;场所a place where sth has happened or that is used for sth




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Firefox 3 will also let you know if the site you are visiting appears to be a forgery of a legitimate site. Firefox3同样让你知道你是否访问了一个合法网站的赝品。
We urge you to review the privacy policy of any site to which you are linked. 无论你链接到哪里,我们鼓励你留意那些保密政策。
In more sophisticated homograph attacks, the Web address looks exactly like that of a legitimate Web site. 在大多数复杂的同形异义词攻击中,Web地址看上去确实像合法网站的Web地址。
First, the Court indicated in dicta that this consideration could be made as part of the issuance of the individual EIS governing each site. 首先,法院在法官的意见中表明,这种考虑可以作为颁布涉及每个矿场的单个“环境影响报告书”的一部分。
I won't reinvent the wheel as you can find all of his information on his site but everything is broken into easy to follow BABY STEPS. 我不会推倒重来,你可以在他的网站找到他的所有信息,但一切如果遵循小步都将会变得不容易。
The company is trying to decide where to site its new store. 公司在设法确定新店的选址。
In a time of anxious waiting, in a second disappointing blow, he was a very difficult plan to work - at a construction site when Gong. 在一次次焦灼的等待中,在一次次失望的重击后,他终于谋到一份很艰辛的工作——在一个建筑工地当小工。
Any other infectious waste must be collected at the site of production in appropriate plastic bags, plastic buckets or similar packing. 其他传染性垃圾必须在垃圾产生地点收集,放入恰当的塑料袋、塑料桶或类似的包装中。
Also, he said, "the cost of marketing a Web site and the cost of free shipping both ways was approximating a store expense, " he said. 他还说,“推广网站的费用,再加上免费送货和退货的成本,就和开一家店的花费差不多了。”
However, statistics released by the site's analytics team suggest Wikipedia's explosive growth is all but finished. 然而,由该网站的分析团队发布的统计数据显示,维基百科的爆炸性增长,几乎到顶了。
Every job site is able to ensure that only a "real employer" posts job opportunities and can search through the resume database. 每个求职网都能确保只有真正的雇主可以发布工作资讯以及查询求职资讯。
The difficulty of the remediation technology was that the topsoil of the site is sticky, small particle size and severely polluted. 铬渣污染场地的表层土壤由于粘性大、粒径小且污染严重成为治理的难点。
Somebody told me that you and Doug had been quarreling over the construction site of the new building. 有人告诉我你和Doug争执起新楼的建造地点。
You did not know about the name change when you added her account, so you must now update it so that her new name is reflected on your site. 您在添加她的帐户时不知道她已改了名字,因此必须进行更新,以使她的新名字反映到在网站上。
The result of the reduce process is the total number of accesses per URL for a given Web site based on the Web server logs. reduce过程的结果是基于Web服务器日志的给定Web站点的每次URL访问的总数。
One of the site's key findings was the fact that email donations exceeded those of Facebook and other forms of social media. 这家网站最重大的发现在于以电子邮件的方式捐赠在脸谱及其它形式的社会媒体中处于领先地位。
However, it looks like the site still has room to grow - we noticed that they were missing a few of our favorites. 不过,网站似乎仍有上升的空间——我们注意到,它遗漏了一些我们的最爱。
No doubt many Westerners have left Chinese museum or cultural site tours asking questions out of equal bafflement. 毫无疑问,很多西方人在参观完中国的博物馆或是文化古迹时,也会出于同样的困惑提出类似的问题。
The message distribution system as an important a part of the site has always been a platform for all communication! 而消息发布系统作为网站重要的一个部分,从来就是一个大家交流的平台!
The rumor seems to have emanated from Fly On The Wall, a site that serves up gossip to the investing community. 谣言好像是从旁观者散布出来的,是一个给投资界提供小道消息的网站。
The users are trying to get what they want, and the Site Persona is trying to help them, while ensuring it does its own job. 该用户试图得到他们想要的,和站点人格面具是想帮助他们,同时确保它自己的工作。
However, Facebook said the use of the networking site in the Australian case was thought to be the first of its kind. 但Facebook表示,在澳大利亚这一案件中使用该社交网站送达法律文书,据信是此类案例中的第一桩。
The Featured Documents page for each product can be reached from the front page of the IBM Support Web site for that product. 可以通过每个产品的IBMSupport网站首页访问该产品的“特色文档”页面。
Please tell me specifically what you will be able to do to my site and for it as well. Tell how you will promote the site. 请告诉我具体是什么,你就可以做我的网站和它。告诉你将如何推广网站。
Finally, we weren't sure how much memory or disk was needed to support the IBC site. 最后,我们还不确定支持IBC站点需要多少内存或硬盘空间。
If your type of blog or site is not shown, you can probably work it out from looking at a few of the examples provided! 如您的博客类型或网站不包含在以上列表中,您也可能通过参考一些以上的例子完成地图设置。
If it has your template and navigation from the rest of the site it will get indexed like a normal page. 如果它有你站内其他的模板和导航,它将像正常网页一样被索引。
You can use to measure out rate quality, high jump out visit rate usually expressed in sheet of your site visitors has no relevance. 您可使用跳出率来衡量访问质量,高跳出率通常表示站点进入页对您的访问者不具针对性。
It could also be used to fine-tune an electronic nose, if such a device were to be used at the site of a disaster. 如果在灾害现场利用电子鼻,这一结果也可用来调整其精确度。
Days passed, the elderly are 18 holes on a day call it a day, so the 18-hole golf course on the site as a standard. 日子一天天过去,老人每天都是打完18洞就收工,于是高尔夫球场就以18洞作为标准场地了。