
美 [ˈaɪtəm]英 ['aɪtəm]
  • n.项目;一件商品(或物品);一则
  • adv.同上
  • 网络条款;条目;项目名称


add item,remove item,use item,find item,include item
single item,specific item,same item,individual item,expensive item



1.项目one thing on a list of things to buy, do, talk about, etc.

2.一件商品(或物品)a single article or object

3.一则,一条(新闻)a single piece of news in a newspaper, on television, etc.


小学生作息时间表 - 蒋老师的日志 - 网易博客... ... 时间 Time 项目 Item 早晨 Morning ...




高中新课标英语单词大全_百度文库 ... swap 交换 item 项目;条款 UNIT2 subway 地下人行道;<美>地铁 ...


条目(Item):条目为映射中最小单位的组件(如GIF图片),条目分为普通和活动(Active)两种。每一个活动的条目需要指定相应 …


次氯酸钠 化学纯 分析纯 的标签说明_百度知道 ... 分子式: NaClO 项目名称 Item 分析纯 AR ...

As the item falls within the scope of our business, we shall be pleased to enter into direct business relations with you. 由于该商品属于我们的业务范围,我们将很高兴地与贵方直接建立业务关系。
How much less do I have to pay if I don't buy the most expensive item? 如果我不买这个最贵的东西,可以少付多少钱呢?
In todo_foreign, that would require two columns; the deletion date might be null to indicate that the item is still active. 在todo_foreign中,这将需要两个列;删除日期可能为null,表示该事项仍然在活动中。
Round up a black item and a gray item. Set these on your white sheet of paper under the strong light, along with one of your white items. 找出一个黑色和灰色的物体,并把它们和你的白色物体一起放在白纸上,打上强光。
The children attribute of item "Edith Barney" is not a false value, so the tree model will treat it as a node with children. 条目“EdithBarney”的children属性不是一个假值,因此,树模型将其视为一个有子节点的节点。
That item expect to prepare to work to have already is ready ago currently, starting construct then in a year. 目前该项目前期准备工作已经就绪,年内即可开工建设。
While masters will be able to make all types of items in an area, a Grandmaster will be specialized for just a few particular item types. 师傅级工匠在某个区域内制造所有类型的物品,大师级工匠能够专注于制造一些特殊类型的物品。
When an item is added to the cache, you can assign it a relative priority compared to the other items stored in the cache. 当加入项目至快取时,您可以指派其相对优先权来与其他储存在快取中的项目比较。
The opportunity cost of an item is what you give up to obtain that item. 一个项目的机会成本是你放弃获得该项目。
Double taxation arises when two or more tax jurisdictions overlap, such that the same item of income or profit is subject to tax in each . 当两个或以上的地区对某一纳税人的同一项收入或利润同时拥有税收司法权而向其徵税时,便会产生双重课税的情况。
Parkinson's Law of Meetings: The time spent in a meeting on an item is inversely proportional to its value (up to a limit). 帕金森会议定律:花在一个会议上的时间与这个会议的价值成反比。
How much less I would have to pay if I had not bought the most expensive item~! 如果不买着个最贵的东西,可以少付多少钱啊~!
Notify anyone who might have checked out the project to which the deleted item belongs that you have deleted it. 通知可能签出了(已删除的项所属的)项目的任何人,您已将该项删除。
This is an expensive item and she is such a big girl, it would be much better for her to pick it out. 这是很贵的东西,而她又是大孩子了,最好还是由她自己去挑。
If it maintains a snapshot of toolbox item containers, calling this method should ensure that the snapshot is up to date. 如果工具箱服务维护工具箱项容器的快照,调用此方法可以确保快照是最新的。
If a change request does not receive the attention that it requires, escalate the matter by creating an issue work item. 如果更改请求未得到所需关注,则通过创建问题工作项将事情升级。
She considered phoning the radio station to ask for a repeat of the last news item. 她考虑打电话给电台,要求重播最后一条消息。
On the Web, a common way of globally identifying an item is to give it a URI. 在Web上,全局标识某个对象的常用方法是赋给它一个URI。
You did this so you could more gracefully deal with the case where you were deleting the last Item. 这样做的目的是为了更优雅地处理删除最后一个项目时的情况。
Yes. If I pay a full price for a bit-ticket item, I feel like I'm being ripped off. 是啊。买高价位的东西如果照定价付,总觉得受骗了。
Take the amount of fat calories (or "Calories from fat" ) and divide it by the total calories per serving of a particular food item. 把脂肪量的卡路里(或“卡路里,脂肪”)除以总卡路里的特定食品服务项目。
I want people to be able to put pictures up of each item and some details as to what the piece is and how much they are selling it for. 我希望人们能够把照片了每个项目和一些细节的部分是什么,有多少是卖它。
each string is the name of an item , and the corresponding number in the associative array is the quantity of that item in the cart. 每个字符串都是一个商品的名称,关联数组中的对应数字就是购物车中该商品的数量。
Simply type in the name of the place that you're interested in and tap on the appropriate item. 只需键入在你感兴趣的地方,并在适当的自来水项目的名称。
Sometimes people you know might have the item you need, but not need it any longer. 有时,也许你认识的人中有人有你需要的东西并且已经不再需要它了。
Simply highlight a word and you'll be able to look it up in the dictionary or thesaurus, or find the item to buy through an online retailer. 选中单词,你便能在字典或词库中查寻,或是在网络零售商搜索想买的商品。
To be able to specify those key attributes, Destiny selects Complex for the type of the business item, and then adds some attributes. 为了能够制定那些关键属性,Destiny选择Complex作为该业务项目的类型,然后添加一些属性。
I'm glad the Post published this item because the news is often presented from the Western point of view, despite its multicultural staff. 我很高兴这首诗能发表,因为这里新闻通常都站在了西方的视角,而不作多文化考量。
Lexical and stylistic patterns of actual conversation have been used in developing all item material. 在开发所有的测试材料时使用了实际的交谈词法和风格类型。
The image displayed at the top of a menu item to indicate that the user can scroll up to view additional menu items. 显示在菜单项顶部的图像,用于指示用户可以向上滚动查看其他菜单项。