
美 [ˈtrɪɡər]英 [ˈtrɪɡə(r)]
  • n.触发器;(枪的)扳机;(尤指引发不良反应或发展的)起因;引爆器
  • v.触发;引起;发动;开动
  • 网络板机;触发程序;启动

复数:triggers 现在分词:triggering 过去式:triggered

trigger reaction,trigger process,trigger explosion


n. v.

1.(枪的)扳机the part of a gun that you press in order to fire it

2.~ (for sth).~ (to sth/to do sth)(尤指引发不良反应或发展的)起因,诱因something that is the cause of a particular reaction or development, especially a bad one

3.触发器;引爆器the part of a bomb that causes it to explode


触发器(TRIGGER)由Transact-SQL中的CREATE TRIGGER语句创建,语句中应该包含所定义触发器基于的表、激活触发器的 …


假面骑士w_百度百科 ... Metal 钢铁 Trigger 扳机 Bat 蝙蝠 ...


CCNA英文单词总汇 _ CISCO思科认证 _ 考试大 ... Transport 传输 Trigger 引发 Troubleshoot 故障检测 ...


《Friends》词汇表A ... marie n. 玛丽(女子名) trigger vt. 引发, 引起, 触发n.板机 catering 公共饮食业 给养 ...


英语词汇-战争_百度文库 ... pistol 手枪 trigger 板机 cannon 大炮 ...


  触发程序trigger)是一种特殊型态的预存程序,当您使用INSERT、UPDATE或DELETE命令来修改资料列时,Microsoft SQL …


特定条件启动(Trigger)à应变计画(A计画,规划),备用计画(B计画,规划)à权变计画(C计画,执行)新风险à重新评估 (评估=辨识+定性 …

In general, any method that you expect external applications to call must be defined as a trigger. 一般情况下,您期望外部应用程序调用的任何方法都必须定义为触发器。
Dr. Berman and his colleagues are now trying to figure out exactly what elements of natural environments trigger the cognitive benefits. 伯尔曼博士和同事们正在努力挖掘自然环境的哪些要素能够触发有益的认知状态。
On the face of it, it is hard to think of a less likely trigger for trouble in global equity markets. 乍看之下,很难找到比中国更不可能引发全球股市麻烦的地方了。
Returns the name of the stored procedure or trigger where an error occurred that caused the CATCH block of a TRYCATCH construct to be run. 返回在其中出现了导致TRYCATCH构造的CATCH块运行的错误的存储过程或触发器的名称。
Photography in interactive media is often a trigger for engagement and interaction. 照片往往能够触发用户与网站建立联系或者与其交互的渴望。
We have no information regarding the potential symptoms that this medical condition may trigger. 我们没有任何资料的潜在症状,这种疾病可能会触发。
We suggest a nightly bath or mud bath following dinner to help trigger the detoxification of the body for the continued ascension. 我们建议每夜在晚餐后沐浴或泥巴浴,以帮助触发身体排毒以继续提升。
The announcement of these men's dismissals acted as a trigger for a series of strikes all over the country. 宣布解雇这些人导致全国范围内的一系列罢工。
"It seems to trigger worse problems in people with heart disease rather than cause it, " said the GP. GP认为,“空气污染使心脏问题恶化而不是导致心脏出现问题。”
A close friend of mine put the muzzle of his rifle between the German's still crying eyes and pulled the trigger. 我一铁磁哥们儿把枪口顶在德国伤兵满含泪水的双眼中间,扣动了扳机。
The only disadvantage is that it may trigger the selection of new biotypes that are able to attack the resistance cultivars. 唯一不利之处是可能促进新生物型的选择,危害抗虫品种。
He might suddenly find himself in a fight--initiating one--and the smallest incident may serve as a trigger. 他会突然发现他自己变得一触即发,极小的事情会成为导火索而引爆。
In an air traffic system that operates near capacity, any delays in one region tend to spread like ripples and trigger delays elsewhere. 在一个接近饱和状态的空中交通系统中,某一区域的任何延误都会像波浪一样传播并触发其它区域的航班延误。
The previous episode had turned his body into a time bomb waiting for the next sting to trigger an explosion. 上一次的事件已经把他的身体变成了一枚定时炸弹,一旦再一次被蜇,就会全身爆发。
She was almost struck by one of her own torpedoes. Trigger was awarded with a Presidential Unit Citation for that patrol. 她几乎被自己的鱼雷击中,触发了一个授予总统单位嘉奖巡逻。
Event notifications do not fire by an action defined in a trigger when the transaction is committed or rolled back inside the trigger. 如果在触发器内提交或回滚事务,则触发器中定义的操作不会激发事件通知。
'People are going to be trying to pull the trigger all weekend. ' 整个周末人们都会试图扣动扳机。
The UPDATE executed by the trigger is processed against the view as if the view did not have an INSTEAD OF trigger. 对视图处理由该触发器执行的UPDATE语句时,就像该视图没有INSTEADOF触发器一样。
S. cities. Federal agent said the suspects in both plot were ready to pull the trigger. 联邦机构报道说两地的恐怖袭击嫌疑人均已准备扣动扳机进行袭击。
All you need to do is to aim your trigger at the red ball image, then the ball will act as if it were light and hit the red ball. 只要把发射器对准镜内红球的影像,白球便会依循光的反射路线击中红球。
Any fewer, he said, would trigger a 'hollowing out' of the company's industrial base. 他说,一旦少于300万辆,就会引发公司产业基础的“空洞化”。
This in turn could trigger anti-American feelings in Turkey strong enough to leave Ankara feeling that it has no choice but to retaliate. 这反过来也会导致土耳其反美情绪高涨,迫使安卡拉只能采取报复行动。
The roller encoder unit's output signals may also be used for simple digital read-out systems or to trigger other safety systems. MHC装置输出的信号也可用于简单数字读出系统或者触发其它安全系统。
How much logic will be contorted in an effort to argue that the 2003 invasion of Iraq was the trigger? I'm thinking a lot. 有多少逻辑会被曲解,仅仅为了争论2003年侵略伊拉克是不是这一切的导火线,对此我想了很多。
The Cabal is esaclating its plans to trigger a new global war through Syria. Needless to say, that will not be allowed to happen. 阴谋集团正在尝试通过叙利亚发动新的全球战争。不用说,这是绝不被允许的。
Dead zones form when big balloons of phytoplankton at the surface trigger large quantities of organic matter, which then sink to the bottom. 当浮游植物大量爆发时,在其表面会触发大量的有机物质聚集,然后(浮游植残骸)下沉到水底,死亡带就会形成。
Zhu was about to run out of ammunition when he put a gun barrel into his mouth and pulled the trigger. 在弹药用尽的时候,朱军把枪口对准了自己的嘴巴然后扣动了扳机。
NADIM SHAHADI: "I believe that the trigger for this was the fall of the statue of Saddam Hussein. This was a huge shock to the region. " 我认为这一切的导火索是萨达姆塑像的倒下,这是对该地区的一个巨大冲击。
The bankruptcy of a major bank or an EU member state would be enough to trigger the next global downturn. 一家大银行或者欧盟成员国的破产都足够引发下一场的全球经济下滑。
She said the nuclear deal will trigger an expansion of their ties. 她说,这项核协定将推动两国关系扩大。