
美 [əˈsaɪn]英 [ə'saɪn]
  • v.指定;指派;转让;分派
  • n.【法】受让人
  • 网络分配;赋值;委派

第三人称单数:assigns 现在分词:assigning 过去式:assigned

assign task,assign role,assign right,assign seat



1.分配(某物);分派,布置(工作、任务等)to give sb sth that they can use, or some work or responsibility

2.指定;指派to provide a person for a particular task or position

3.[usupass]~ sb to sb/sth委派;派遣to send a person to work under the authority of sb or in a particular group

4.确定(价值、功能、时间、地点)to say that sth has a particular value or function, or happens at a particular time or place

5.~ sth to sb转让,让与(财产、权利)to say that your property or rights now belong to sb else


(A-B)英语四级词汇表下载 ... assess vt. 对(财产等)估价 assign vt. 指派;分配;指定 assignment n. 任务,指定的作业 ...


(A-B)英语四级词汇表下载 ... assess vt. 对(财产等)估价 assign vt. 指派;分配;指定 assignment n. 任务,指定的作业 ...


(A-B)英语四级词汇表下载 ... assess vt. 对(财产等)估价 assign vt. 指派;分配;指定 assignment n. 任务,指定的作业 ...


Smarty中文手册|smarty入门教程 ... append_by_ref[ 引用添加] assign[ 赋值] assign_by_ref[ 引用赋值] ...


分字的解释---在线新华字典 ... 分米〖 decimeter(dm.)〗 分派assign(todifferentpersons)〗 分贝〖 decibel〗 ...


21世纪大学英语读写教程单词表(一) - 豆丁网 ... focus v. 集中注意力于某事情 assign vt. 委派;指派 athlete n. 运动员 ...


46级必背单词_百度文库 ... assessment n. 评价,评估* assign v. 指派;分配,布置;指定 assist v. 帮助,协助 * ...


英文法律文件的翻译 ... alienation 疏远 转让 assign 分派 转让 avoidance 逃避 宣告无效 ...

It is often useful or necessary to be able to assign strong names to assemblies. 能够将强名称分配给程序集通常是有用或必需的。
Another way favoured by manufacturers is to take a piece of data from the image and assign it a secret code. 另一种为制造商们所喜爱的方法是从图片中提取出一片数据,并为其指派一个密码。
Such concerns push educators to think carefully about what type of homework they assign, and how much of it. 这些关注使教育者们谨慎的考虑应该布置哪种类型的作业,并且作业量如何。
You could then declare a new variable of DayOfWeek type, and assign it a value. 然后,可以声明一个DayOfWeek类型的新变量,并为它赋值。
Under this circumstance, we could assign a good time to have a heart-to-heart talk with him trying to get rid of misunderstanding. 面对这样的情况,我们可以找个合适的时间和他进行心与心的交流,努力解除误解
Lastly, if I were an English teacher, I would assign more group work because language is all about interaction. 最后,如果我是英文老师我会让学生更经常的以小组来学习因为语言就是沟通。
You assign exceptions to a variable just as you assign conditions to a variable. 为变量指定异常与为变量指定条件一样。
Long filenames allow a user to assign a plain-text name to a file, rather than limiting possible names to just a few characters. 长文件名允许用户向文件分配一个明文本名称,而不是把可能的名称局限在仅几个字符上。
He did not assign any examinations or papers and his students were allowed to "grade" themselves. 他并不布置什么考试或是书面作业,却让学生们自行“评分”。
Without the prior express written consent of the Principal, the Agent may not assign this Agreement to any other party. 未经委托方事先明确的书面同意,代理方不得将本协议转让给任何第三方。
Copy and paste into a new layer the following selection and assign it a 65% Opacity. 复制粘贴下图所选择的图形到一个新的图层,并分配其65%的不透明度。
You_ assign greater consequence to the clergyman than one has been used to hear given, or than I can quite comprehend. 你可把牧师的作用看得过重了,谁也没听说过牧师这么重要,我也不大能理解。
The DHCP server does not permanently assign addresses; instead, it "leases" one of a number of available addresses to the computer. DHCP服务器不会永久分配地址;相反,它只是将若干可用地址中的一个“出租”给计算机。
After you assign it a mime type, it's ready to add. 为它指定了一个mime类型之后,就可以开始添加内容了。
So you create a variable in JavaScript with var, give it a name (like "request" ), and then assign it to a new instance of XMLHttpRequest. 因此在JavaScript中用var创建一个变量,给它一个名字(如“request”),然后赋给它一个新的XMLHttpRequest实例。
Assign him or her to a self-managing team, to an employee committee, or to work on a community project. 安排他们进入一个自我管理的团队、员工委员会或者让他们从事某个社区项目。
He said the dorm, built 15 years ago, was structurally deficient, but he was reluctant to assign blame. 他说,这座宿舍是15年前盖的,结构有问题。可他不愿指责什么。
It is often useful or necessary to be able to assign. 分配给程序集通常是有用或必需的。
You can assign a custom data generator that has no filter attributes to any SQL data type. 您可以将没有筛选属性的自订资料产生器指派给任何SQL资料型别。
I teach wonderfully intelligent students, and I assign 20 percent less work than I used to. 我教的是一群优秀又聪明的学生,可是现在我给他们布置的作业比从前少了五分之一。
Make sure you are not trying to assign a value to a primary key field where the primary key already exists in the data table. 确定您未尝试将值指定至主索引键栏位,而此栏位中的主索引键已存在于资料表中。
A more common use for this kind of code block is to assign values to variables, as you can see at the top of the view page. 这种代码块更常见的使用是给变量赋值,正如你在视图页面顶部所看到的那种。
The authors drew on an economic principle to explain the finding: The more value we assign to our time, the scarcer it seems to us. 该文作者借鉴了经济原则来解释这一发现:分给时间的价值越多,在我们看来,时间就会显得越少。
To declare a variable and initialize it without assigning it a particular value, assign it the JScript value null. 若要在不分配特定值的情况下声明一个变量并对其进行初始化,请为其分配JScript值null。
And if I assign you to be delegated person to control this meeting, what will be the key elements you should tracking and follow up? 如果我给你授权的人可以控制本次会议,会是怎样的关键因素应该跟踪和后续?
The following code shows how to save the data to a file, so declare a variable and assign it a valid path to save the file to. 下面的代码演示如何将数据保存到文件中,如此声明变量并将其分配到要将文件保存到的有效路径。
Q. What happens if I assign a number with a decimal point to an integer rather than to a float? Consider the following line of code. 如果把一个小数赋给一个整型变量而不是浮点型变量,将会发生什么?考虑下面这行代码。
Let the child of every group assign the role and performs the story according to one's own will. 每组的孩子自行分配角色,并表演故事。
When an item is added to the cache, you can assign it a relative priority compared to the other items stored in the cache. 当加入项目至快取时,您可以指派其相对优先权来与其他储存在快取中的项目比较。
I told him that during the holiday break, I completed all the homework he would assign for the rest of the year. 我告诉他在假期期间我完成了他在剩下一年会布置的全部作业。