
美 [ˈfaɪn(ə)li]英 ['faɪn(ə)li]
  • adv.终于;最终;(用于列举)最后;彻底地
  • 网络终於;总算;终于吃上饭喽

finally come,finally decide,finally arrive,finally emerge,finally overcome


1.终于;最终after a long time, especially when there has been some difficulty or delay

2.(用于列举)最后used to introduce the last in a list of things

3.彻底地;决定性地in a way that ends all discussion about sth


高一英语单词表 - 豆丁网 ... disaster n 灾难;灾祸 finally adv 最后;终于 Flora 弗洛拉(女子名) △ ...


高一英语单词表 - 豆丁网 ... disaster n 灾难;灾祸 finally adv 最后;终于 Flora 弗洛拉(女子名) △ ...


已_百度百科 ... ⒍ 治愈[ cure] ⒎ 最终,终归[ finally] ⒏ 已而,然后[ then;after that] ...


转贴对伍佰7张专辑的评价_伍佰吧_百度贴吧 ... 8.一生最爱的人 Love Of My Life 9.终於 Finally 10.懒人日记 Lazy Man's Diary ...


总算 (finally) 1 美洲华语作业: 第四课 p91-95 *中国新年: 1新春常用祝福的话: 《恭禧发财, 万事如意》。


英语口语8000句_百度百科 ... It's time to eat.( 该吃饭啦!) Finally.( 终于吃上饭喽!) I'll be right there.( 我马上就去。) ...


英语单词立体记忆 ... → infinite 无穷无尽的 → finally 最后,决定性地 → finance 财政,金融 ...


八年级上册英语单词表(人教版)_百度知道 ... instruction 命令;用法说明 finally 最后地;最终 mix 混合 ...

it's you who said he would love me for ever. But finally you abandoned me. 是你最初说爱我永不变。可最终你却抛弃了我。
It wasn't until after I was done, that I finally started to understand what the author was trying to tell me. 直到最后把书读完,才开始理解作者试图告诉我什么。
Good confused mind, empty, not touch marginal, as if I alone wander in the sea of central, finally is able to reach the shore. 心里好迷茫,空荡荡的,触不到边际,仿佛我独自一人徘徊在海的中央,终是靠不了岸。
He tried to cope with the everincreasing burden of his work, but finally he broke down and had to take a complete rest. 他设法应付日益加重的工作负担,但最后身体垮了,不得不全休。
They didn't find any for sometime until they finally went into an area of the maze where they had never been before: Cheese Station N. 有好一段时间,他们找得很辛苦却一无所获。直到他们走进迷宫中一个他们从未到过的地方:奶酪N站。
Finally the Chief Elder paid tribute to the hard work of her committee, which had performed the observations so meticulously all year. 最后首席长老称颂委员会的辛勤,执行了整年的无微不至的观察。
Really? You know what else Ben did recently? He finally bit the bullet and asked his girlfriend to marry him! She said yes! 真的呀?那就是说Ben和他的女朋友要结婚了。这是好事啊,可你为什么你说Hebitthebullet?为什么要硬着头皮求婚呢?
Raimondi Leveling Spacers have been sold in Europe for quite a few years and finally we're able to introduce them to you! 雷蒙迪瓷砖找平垫片已经在欧洲售出了好几年,最终我们能够把它们介绍给你!
After playing together for twenty years, the band members have finally decide to call it a day. 一起演凑了二十年,乐队成员终于决定解散了。
And it seems to have been this sentimentality , coupled with ill-health and depression, that finally brought him to take his own life. 看来正是这种感伤,再加上恶劣的健康状况和压抑,使他最后结束了自己的生命。
"I won't, " he finally managed to breathe, never dreaming that she was thinking he looked like a calf waiting for the butcher. “我不会的,”他到底控制住了自己的呼吸,做梦也不曾想到她正把自己看成一只小牛,正等候屠夫宰杀哩。
Finally, after you've done all that you can with your resources, you enter into the final level of protection, the SLA. 最后,在您完成了能对资源进行的所有处理之后,您进入最后一级保护——SLA。
For years she was dependent on drugs and alcohol and it was only in her fifties that she finally managed to overcome these addictions. 多年以来,她依赖毒品和酒精度日,直至五十多岁时才克服这些瘾痪。
At the beginning, I don't intend to invite her to my party, but finally I change my mind. 一开始我没计划请她来我的派对,但最后我改变了主意。
When he finally got caught, he said, "You know, I'm really glad I got caught because the guilt was killing me. " 最后他被抓住,说,“你知道么,真的很高兴我被抓住了,因为罪在毁灭着我。”
Everything, after being honed and distilled by time, has finally been translated into a custom, a tacit understanding and a culture. 一切,被时间打磨,被时间沉淀,终于形成了一种习惯,一种默契,一种文化。
Finally, the scoped variables are cleared so that the old values do not show up in the UI and do not interfere with future events. 最后,清除范围变量,这样旧值不会出现在UI中并且不会影响未来的事件。
She was so exhausted that she let me help her without protesting, and finally we sat down together near the fire with our cups of tea. 她累极了,所以乖乖地由着我拾掇她,最后我们端着茶在炉火旁一起坐了下来。
I'd be able to finally live with you, Sirius. . . I'd be finally able to have peace. 我可以最终和你一起生活,天狼星…我可以最终得到安宁。
Between the moment the wind only the rain stopped, blue skies, finally Chiyou defeated. 一刹那之间,风止雨停,晴空万里,终于把蚩尤打败了。
At Junior camp I was finally shown how much I needed Jesus to save me from my own sins. 在青年营会里,我看见了我是多么需要耶稣来把我从罪恶中拯救出来。
Today, I finally got up the nerve to ask this really cute girl out I've had a crush on for over eight months. 今天,我终于鼓起勇气,向一个非常可爱的女孩表白说已经喜欢她超过8个月了。
It was good that we finally had it out with each other. Now we can try to solve our problems. 我们终于吵了一架,这是好事,现在我们可以尝试来解决我们的问题了。
My heart big stone might also lay down, might have no cares finally, wished you to be forever happy happily joyful. 我已经完全放心了。心里的大石头也落了下来,没什么好担心的了。我希望你永远开心快乐。
Finally, the eurozone is moving towards fiscal tightening, with the offset, at least for the moment, of a weaker exchange rate. 最后,欧元区逐渐转向财政紧缩,至少就目前而言,它抵消了欧元汇率下跌的影响。
But one word of advice: When his wife finally told him the truth, that would have been a great time to tell her he loved her. 但是,提出一点小小的建议:当上校的妻子告诉他事实的时候,那是上校示爱的最佳时机。
Finally, depending on the sort of problem that you're experiencing, the fix itself can result in direct savings. 最后,基于你所经历的问题,修理工作自身就能节省金钱。
After 10 days out of town, I finally made it to Occupy Wall Street on Tuesday and had a chance to see for myself what's going on. 出差10天,星期二终于回家赶上了“占领华尔街”,也终于有机会亲眼得见这到底是怎么一回事。
After the tour and shopping "he finally had to be told to leave by his people, " says Brandi Wigley of the Atlanta History Center. 在参观了故居并购买了纪念品后,“他的随从人员不得不提醒他该走了。”亚特兰大历史中心的布兰迪·维格利回忆道。
Finally, the CHMP recommended that further studies should be carried out on the long-term retention of gadolinium in human tissues. 最后,CHMP建议应展开进一步地有关钆在人体组织中长期潴留的研究。