
美 [sɪŋk]英 [sɪŋk]
  • n.synchronization 的缩略词
  • v.synchronize 的缩略词
  • 网络同步;同步信号;同步域

第三人称单数:syncs 现在分词:syncing 过去分词:synced



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in sync

同步moving or working at exactly the same time and speed as sb/sth else

out of sync

不同步not moving or working at exactly the same time and speed as sb/sth else


同步Sync)栏中可以设置播放方式,有四种选择:1."Event"事件调用,与动画时间线无关,必须使用专门的命令停止音频 …


² 同步信号(SYNC):这24位同步位本身就是通道码,不需要进行EFM调制,任何数据经EFM调制后都不会出现与同步码字相同 …


1、同步域SYNC),八位,值固定为0000 0001,用于本地时钟与输入同步2、标识域(PID),由四位标识符+四位标识符反 …


LA76818引脚功能说明-LA76818 数据资料 ... B OUT 蓝信号输出 SYNC 同步信号输出 V OUT 场激励信号输出 ...


ccd板 HH-3172+633 ccd板机 ... 视频输出/ Video Output 同步方式/ Sync 快门速度/ Shutter speed ...


同步脉冲(Sync a)、显示后沿(Back porch b)和显示前沿(Front porch d)都是在行消隐间隔内(Horizontal Blanking Interval)…


4:编辑同步功能sync),就是把一个ods文件里编辑的内容同步到其他文件里相同ID的地方。5: 类似于Eclipse的搜索,替换…


■ 同步:由同步报文SYNC)触发传输 ? 非周期:由远程帧预触发传送,或者由设备子协议中规定的对象特定事件预触 发传送。

Clinically localized pain, often appear in sync with her menstrual cycle, the general in mammary gland is pure and cystic hyperplasia. 临床上出现局部疼痛,常与月经周期有关,一般多见于乳腺的单纯和囊性增生。
OK, I'm not trying to cheat -- let me start them out of sync. 好的,我并不是要作弊——让它们刚开始时不要同步。
Like Ford's Sync, Voice Control users will be able to simply say the title and artist of the song they'd like to hear. 像福特的同步,语音控制用户将能够简单地说的标题和艺术家的歌曲,他们希望听到的。
Anybody with an HTTP client and enough knowledge of our sync strategy should be able to synchronize with a data service. 使用HTTP客户端,以及具备我们的同步策略充足知识的任何人都可以使用数据服务实现同步。
Bi Shumin said that this sentence: Happiness is not in wealth, prestige, status, sync, this is only the feeling of your mind. 毕淑敏说过这样一句话:幸福不于财富,声望、地位同步,这只是你心灵的感觉。
I was trying to think, how is sync connected to happiness, and it occurred to me that for some reason we take pleasure in synchronizing. 当时我试着搞明白,“同步”和幸福的关系。我想到,我们在“同步”中感到快乐是有原因的。
The easiest way to understand HADR is as a pair of servers that are kept in sync with each other at the database level. 理解HADR最容易的方法是设想两台服务器,它们在数据库级保持相互同步。
Are the channels in sync in terms of being able to deal with the customer along those lines? 各个渠道在处理这样的消费者要求时能够进行互动吗?
then , remember to get out of the chair as your racquet moves forward and up to meet the ball , this will keep the racquet and body in sync. 然后,记得从椅子起来正如你的网拍向前地和向上移动以迎接来球,这将把网拍和身体保持同步。
The blast from Beijing may have been predictable but it was also out of sync with China's recent conciliatory noises on trade. 北京的激烈反应也许是可以预见的,但还是与中国近来在贸易问题上的温和态度不太一致。
It allows you to sync up to 200 messages per 24 hours, so you don't have to worry about losing any of your messages ever again. 它允许你在24小时内同步多达200条短信,所以你从此不用担心丢失短信了。
As you said in the United States at the time of sync solution, up to now I still have not found the reason. 至于你在说于美国时间不同步的解决方案,到现在我还是没有查到原因。
Sync-It with Atom is a network time protocol client that calibrates the system time of your computer with a timeserver on the Internet. 同步,它与原子是一个网络时间协议客户端校正系统的时间,您的计算机与时间服务器在互联网上。
The quick-sync bitmap defines the blocks that are in sync (or out of sync) during a time of disconnection. 快速同步位图确定连接断开时同步(或不同步)的数据块。
It is often in the disharmonious encounters between members of our pods that the entire group is moved out of sync with Earth's heartbeat. 通常在我们的圆荚体之间不和谐的遭遇中,整个团队脱离了与地球心跳的同步。
However, if product information changes, the cached product information might then be out of sync with the data for up to a day. 然而,如果产品资讯变更,快取的产品资讯可能会一整天都无法与资料同步。
The service works just as well (if not better) than Dropbox, and will sync yourfiles and folders from your desktop to the cloud with ease. 该服务和Dropbox差不多,可以轻松地将你桌面文件和文件夹同步到云端。
If you put all that information in one place, you cut down on the potential for information falling out of sync. 如果将所有信息放在同一位置,就会减少信息失去同步的可能性。
Some traders said the plunge put the market more in sync with the state of the U. S. economy. 一些交易员说,此次大盘跳水令市场和美国经济现状更为协调。
Once I'd completed the sync of my phone with iTunes, all of my music and my playlists were there, ready to go. 在我完成了手机和iTunes的同步之后,我所有的音乐和播放列表就在那里可以随时播放了。
If these three functions are not kept in sync, the UI could look as if it were randomized. 如果这3个函数没有保持一致,那么UI上的控件看起来就像随机摆放的。
"Personally, I'm very much in sync with the president and he values my services, " he said in an interview with National Public Radio. 他对国家公共电台的一次采访中,说:“我个人非常同意总统的政策,他也很看重我的工作。”
Because of this, it is possible for data in the near caches to get out of sync both with each other and the main ObjectGrid cache. 鉴于此原因,近缓存中的数据相互之间可以不同步,与主ObjectGrid缓存也可以不同步。
No matter how you share it, your finished movie remains on your i Phone, ready to copy to your computer the next time you sync. 不管你如何分享它,你完成的影片仍然在你的iPhone,准备复制到您的计算机在您下一次同步。
The next time you sync with your Mac or PC, your bookmarks will sync, too, so you'll have all your favorites with you everywhere. 下一次您同步您的Mac或PC,将您的书签同步,也让您拥有所有的与你最爱无处不在。
Manual sync can be a good way to get started as it is relatively easy to implement. 手动同步可是以一个好方法的开始因为它相对容易实现。
To be effective, an NSA must be personally close to the president and in sync with his operating style. 想要有所作为,一名国家安全顾问必须亲身紧跟总统,并与其行事风格保持一致。
Simplenote allows you to take as many plain text notes as you want and then can sync them to the cloud via their web app. 它可以让你记录大量的文本笔记并把笔记同步到“云”端。
The content of the different search collections might be slightly out-of-sync while crawlers are running. 在爬网程序运行时,不同搜索源的内容可能会稍微失去同步。
The danger of this approach is that the in-line labels could get out of sync with the values in the external controlled vocabulary document. 这种方法的风险在于行内的标签可能与外部受控词汇表文档中的值不同步。