well being

  • na.生活平安
  • 网络幸福;健康;福祉

well beingwell being

well being


现在我们要追求的是幸福well being)与圆满(flourish)。我唯恐追不上进度,赶紧拜读。


  在教堂中 他成为健康(Well Being)小组的领导. 在家中 他的伴侣跟小孩 发现   一个家里变得舒适喜悦, 取代过去的困惑 冲突 与绝 …


   福祉(well being)是一个综合概念,以心理满足为主,同时考虑经济、社会和环境因素。提高人民福祉意味着提高个人和社区的 …


明珠台电视节... ... 祝君健康:乳癌同行 Well Being:I Don't have Time for This 祝君健康:留得住青春 Well Being:Don't Grow Ol…


...靠基督。台克斯德(Dexter)说,「剑桥论坛」把长老执事,视为寻常的职员,乃仅谋教会的福利Well being),而非为教 …




著重平衡健康的体验 (Well Being) ,强调清新及简洁,透过轻柔的质料、立体的剪裁和宽身的设计,重新演绎一些经典的款式 …


生活中的酸甜苦辣涩咸,若我们都能从中获得人生体验,便会产生幸福感(well being),而这种幸福感是属於文化性的,可以和 …

But as light is intensified, we may not able to see as well, being blind in another sense. 但是光线变强,我们一样会看不见东西——另一种盲目。
McGuffin said the primary use for St. John's wort is maintaining good mood and a sense of well-being. McGuffin称,贯叶连翘主要用于维持良好的情绪,提升人的幸福感。
The strength and well-being of an economy cannot be measured by how much foreign reserves it holds. 经济体系的实力与繁荣程度,并不是以其外汇储备的多寡来衡量。
For the purpose of comparing well-being across countries, asking people how they feel might be better than monetary measures. 为了对比各国的发展状况,询问国民的感觉也许比金钱测量要好。
After returning from his own sabbatical, Quick decided to investigate the effect of sabbaticals on well-being and development. 在结束自己的学术休假之后,奎克决定开始研究学术休假对个人的幸福和发展的影响。
They produce a general sense of well-being, including feeling soothed, peaceful and secure. 它们使我们产生一种普遍的幸福感,包括安心,平和以及安全感。
If the Japanese measured well-being in terms of GDP per capita, the last twenty years would have come as a brutal shock. 如果日本测量以及在人均国内生产总值计算是,过去二十年来将作为一个沉重打击。
And if you are looking out for her well-being , I suggest you advise her to pick up the injection gun and bring it to me. 如果你为她着想,我劝你叫她捡起注射枪然后把它给我。
I might have been physically safer staying home, but I certainly risked my financial well-being buying online. 我呆在家里身体上可能更安全,但网上购物在经济上肯定要冒风险。
For the success of any of these, the well being of a company' s workforce must enjoy absolute priority. 要实现上述的任何一项,公司员工的福利都应该占有至高无上的优先权。
gains and losses do not care about old scores, modest restraint is a virtue, contentment is often music, harmony on the well-being. 得失恩怨不计较,谦让克制是美德,知足则常乐,和谐就幸福。
Well-being of the original is so simple! May just be turning in our consciousness the moment! Just that earth's you and me cherish it? 幸福原来是那么的简单!有时候可能只是在我们意识转动的一瞬间!只是,尘世中的你我,都珍惜了吗?
It releases the body endorphin into the bloodstream, producing a sense of euphoria and leaving you with a feeling of well-being. 在血液系统中释放内啡肽,让你产生轻松愉快的心情并让你感觉幸福。
On the flip side, receiving care from a mother's preferred child did not affect the mom's psychological well-being, she said. 另一方面,接受母亲偏爱的孩子的照顾并没有影响到母亲的心理健康,她说。
You: Well, being a beautiful women, you must be able to get all the guys to do whatever you want. what's it like being with me? 你:好吧,作为漂亮女人,你肯定能让所有人做任何你想要的事。都让他们做过什么呢?
In silence as touching your breath, night Chengzhe Feng children and pacing to see all my well-being, carried out on the boat quiet natural. 在悄无声息中你的气息那样缠绵,深夜乘着风儿踱来,见我一切安好,载着月之舟静然离开。
In fact, the well-being has been at my side, but I do not have to be discovered, and now make good use of her well-being of it! 幸福其实一直在我身边,只是我没有去发现,现在好好把握身边的幸福吧!怎样用英语说,要详细点啊!
It's all about trying to bring you and me fruit that is not grown in our backyards, and yet that we want and need for our well-being. 这仅仅是为了你我共同带来水果,而那些水果不需要长在我们的后院里,却可以供我们所需所用。
So I thought perhaps there had been such a simple and well-being of the lens, but it may have been my most forgotten or ignored. 于是我就想或许曾经也有过如此简单而又幸福的镜头,但可能大多数都被我遗忘或忽视了。
For a neutral observer who wishes the greatest well-being for the greatest number of people, the reversal of that trend is good news. 对一个希望最大多数的人获得最大幸福的中立观察者来说,这种趋势的逆转是一个好消息。
An evening service, followed by a supper in an intimate restaurant could fill you with a sense of well-being and peacefulness. 傍晚宗教活动结束后,选一家餐馆,共进一次亲密的晚餐,这将会让你感受到幸福以及内心的平和。
The future and the peace of Italy and of Europe, the general well being of all, depend on the will and the work of each single one of us. 意大利和欧洲的未来与和平,全体民众的基本福祉,都有赖于我们每个人的意志和努力。
Yet my experiences with animals have provided me with an excellent foundation to continue my studies of human health and well-being. 我和动物的经验为我提供一个优良的基础让我继续我的人类健康的研究。
She said no, you know, and she was looking out for our well-being. 她说不要去,你知道,她那是为我们着想。
If the resistance that disallowed the Well-Being to begin with is not released, it will show up in the form of another and another disease. 如果一开始就有的对幸福安康的不允许没有释放,它就会以一种又一种别人疾病的形式表现出来。
As a friend, I really feel this kind of thing for quite a pity that such a beautiful girl may put an end to a life of its own well-being. 作为朋友,我真的挺为这种事情感到可惜,一个这么漂亮的女孩可能因此葬送了自己一生的幸福。
Almost every one of us with such a mentality, such as the time for you money, such as the well-being of others to you. 我们每一个人几乎都抱着这样一种心态,等时间给你金钱,等别人给你幸福。
Sure, leverage can get you into a home or a new car, but too much debt is one of the biggest drags on your financial well-being. 当然,用点儿小技巧是可以帮你买个房子、或者一辆新车,过多的借贷却会打破你的财政平衡。
The winner was announced at the end of the two-day New Science of Happiness and Well-Being Conference, organised by Merry and his wife. 评选结果在由梅里夫妇组织的、为期两天的“快乐与幸福新科学研讨会”结束时揭晓。
On a scale from 1-10, how much does Jebsen Group care about staff well being? 在1-10之间,你认为捷成集团在关心员工福祉方面的表现应得多少分?