write down

  • na.记下来;贬低;减低账面价值;把…拨作公积金
  • 网络写下;写下来;减记

第三人称单数:writes down 现在分词:writing down 过去式:wrote down 过去分词:written down

write downwrite down

write down


大学英语四级常用词组 ... wrap up 穿厚;裹紧;包好 write down 写下;把…描写成 write off 注销;勾销;写信寄出 ...


高一英语必修一词组归纳 ... 161.set up law office 设立法律事务所 163.write down 写下;记下 164.sort out 整理;归类 ...


英语新标准初中二年级上册单词表_百度知道 ... advice n. v.; 忠告;;建议; write down 写下来;记下来; first of all 首先;第一 ...


会计英语词汇 ... Work sheet 工作底稿 Write down 减记 Write off 转销,注销 ...


英语新标准初中二年级上册单词表_百度知道 ... advice n. v.; 忠告;;建议; write down 写下来;记下来; first of all 首先;第一 ...


write down的翻译中文意思-在线英汉词典 ... wrote him up for speeding. 习惯用语 n.记录 write down 记录,记下 write down ...


九年级英语上册重点短语归纳总结 - 豆丁网 ... put off 推迟 7. write down 写下,记下 8. put up 张贴 9. ...


教材详解 9年级中 ... 9. Clean-up Day 清洁日 10. write down sth 写下某事 12. call sb up 打电话给某人 ...

Ask two or three pairs of students to present their conversations to the class, other students write down the ideas that they heard. 叫几组同学表演对话,其他同学记录下所听到的建议,培养学生听的习惯。
The company might have to write down its stake in the unprofitable Nokia Siemens Networks (NSN) [NSN. UL] venture, Kaeser said. Kaeser表示,西门子可能不得不减记其在该合资公司所持权益的账面价值。
Write down your worries in a journal on a weekly basis. Try to keep tabs of how much time you spend being anxious, too. 每周写一篇日志记下你的忧愁,也试着注意你每次都忧虑了多长时间。
Margaret ( Margo ) was a real person, author Alexandre Dumas, fall in love with her, finally left her. Miss, just write down this tragedy. 玛格丽特(玛歌)是一个真实的人,作者小仲马爱上她,最后离开她。因为怀念,才写下这个悲剧。
Whenever I write down whatever I'm trying to solve, it helps clear my mind, and I'm sure it'll help you as well. 每当我写下了我想要解决的问题时,都会让我理清思路,我确信这种方法也会帮到你。
You have leave me alone with a smile , before I could write down something about you to describe how much I love you. 还来不及仔仔细细写下你的关于,描述我如何爱你,你却微笑着离我而去。
Your speech at the meeting set off the dean's interest, and he expected you to write down the main ideas. 你在会上的发言给系主任留下了深刻印象,他希望你把主要的观点写下来。
Write down everything like a personal diary and the day before the appointment make a list of questions to ask the specialist. 写下一切就像一个个人日记和任命的前一天做出的问题清单,要求专家。
The first step you need to take in your self-examination is to write down what you owe, to whom, and how much they take off you each month. 你必须采取的第一步您反省是写下你欠里达州、多少钱你每月起飞。
For the next 30 days, write down everything you spend money on, even if it's just a Coke. 接下来的三十天,记下所有你的消费记录,甚至买杯可乐也记下。
She said she would write down the experience of her future trip to the Coca-Cola's headquarters and share it with friends. 希望能好好利用年底去美国可口可乐总部参观的机会,将自己一些有趣见闻记录下来,传播给更多的朋友。
II. Write down in the capital or small letters you know in the alphabetical order in your exercise books. 把你所知道的大小写字母按顺序抄写在你的练习本上。
His father also gave him special ruled sheets, called music paper, to write down the music playing in his head. 他父亲还给了他一些特殊的带格式纸,叫做乐谱纸,用它来将自己头脑中的音乐记下来。
Please write down a question which your team believes that you could give the best answer over the others, list the answer as well. 请写下一个你们认为自己可以回答得比其他队伍优胜的问题,并写下此问题的答案。
And even those who are slower than I am to call out the names or write down the signs cannot escape that the new season is here. 即使不能像我这么快说出他们的名字,或者记录下这些音符的人,也不可能注意不到新的季节来了。
As you start to brainstorm the project, you write down the major items on your project list one by one on the cards. 你一边动脑筋想这个项目,一边把它需要的主要项一一罗列在卡片上。
But be sure to write down how much money you withdrew so that you can keep your records up to date. 但一定要记下了多少钱,你退出,让您可以保留您的记录更新。
So I write down the time of own Bo text each time, I will let the person translate into for me English lets me study so much. 所以我每写下自己的博文的时候,我会让人帮我翻译成英文好让我学习。
But it was not until 1971, when he was 40, that he finally felt ready to write down the verses that had been brewing for years within him. 直到1971年,他40岁的时候才认为做好了创作诗歌的准备,而此前他已为此酝酿了多年。
Write down every time you spend money and take a look at it at the end of the month. 在花钱时做一笔相应的记录,在月底检查一遍。
Write down the insights and life lessons God teaches you about him, about yourself, about life, relationships, and everything else. 写下上帝交给你的关于你的、他的、生命的、人际关系以及其他任何事的经验以及自己的见解。
Reconsider the questions in light of what you know now and try to write down the group decision. 根据现在知道的情节重新考虑问题,试着总结出小组的一致意见。
If you don't believe me, try the following exercise: Take a piece of paper and write down what you think is the definition of marriage. 如果你不信我,那么来尝试一下:拿出一张纸,写下你对婚姻的界定。
Write down your executive search consultant's number and the company's number in case you have to ask for a delay. 记下你猎头顾问的号码和公司的号码,这样就可以在不得不推迟安排时派上用场。
Now, write down the statement of purpose for your web site. Go over it a few times to make sure it is crystal clear. 现在,将网站的宗旨用文字叙述出来仔细审查几遍,一定要保证这个目标是清楚明白的。
What I'm trying to do is write down my stories to document this very special time in my life. 我所尝试做的是写下我的故事来记录我生活中的特别时刻。
Write down whatever is bothering you before you go to bed. Get it out of your head and onto paper. 在上床睡觉前把困扰你的事情写下来,让它从你的头脑中转移到纸上。
Tonight, with words and you, write down the deep attachment to many, few, do not ask you to answer, just so you know! 今夜,用文字与你告别,写下深情几许,依恋几重,不求你回应,只愿你懂!
'I'll write down the forms you need, ' he said. 'You can get them at the post office, and I'll fill them out for your signature. ' 我会帮你列出所有需要的表格,表格在邮局里都有卖,我会帮你填好,你只要在上面签字就行了。
Take a few minutes to think this one over, and maybe write down the ways that you make this mistake with women. 花几分钟来再想一遍这一点,也可以写下来你和女人交流时犯下如此的错误。