walk on

  • v.继续行走
  • 网络继续走;走下去;继续前行

第三人称单数:walks on 现在分词:walking on 过去式:walked on

walk onwalk on

walk on


by 和on 的用法_百度知道 ... 9. pass on 传递 11. walk on 继续走 3. keep on 继续 ...


英文歌曲800首 - 狗狗的日志 - 网易博客 ... Wham Wham 合唱团 Walk on 走下去* — Walking in the air 在空中漫步 ...


继续前行(Walk on)-我爱英语网继续前行(Walk on)Walk on, walk on What you got, they can''t steal it No they can''t even feel i...


英语新词汇与常用词汇的翻译(W1)|无忧教育 ... walk on air 洋洋得意 walk on 继续行走 walk out 走出 ...


向前走。英语翻译_百度知道 ... He told the children to come along. 他叫孩子们向前走。 向前走 walk on 向前走;继续走 go fort…


Orange Sky | 爱酷英语|iCoolEN ... stand by: 站在旁边 walk on: 在…上面走 salvation: 救赎 ...


疯狂英语 ... English Tongue Twisters 英语绕口令 Walk On 继续前进 Screen Talk 影视派对 ...


谁知道的主题... ... On her own in her own universe 独自一人去到另一个属于她自己的宇宙中 I still,walk on 而我,依然向前走着 ...

The men were happy again , the color back in their faces as they talked together and began to walk on . 那帮人又高兴起来,脸上渐渐有了血色,他们开始边说边赶路。
You 're just in Love I hear singing and there's no one there. I smell blossoms and the trees are bare . All day long I seem to walk on air . 没有人我却听到了歌声光秃的树我却闻到了花香我整天仿佛在空中漫步为什么,我困惑这是为什么。
it's easy to feel like you don't need help, but it's harder to walk on your own. 我不需要任何人的帮助,这句话说起来容易,但是当你无依无靠的时候,往往走得很艰难。
After a while, she could no longer walk on her own and frequently had to go to the doctor's office in Poughkeepsie, she said. 过了不久,她甚至不能自己走路了。她经常不得不去波基普西的医生诊所。
His search ended when he found a dog that could actually walk on water to retrieve a duck. 他找来找去,真给他找到了一条能在水面上行走捡野鸭的。
He said he offered to let the inspector walk on the scaffold, but she declined and said she was afraid of heights. 他说,他可以让承包商上脚手架上走一走,但是她拒绝了,说她恐高。
If liquid oxygen spills on asphalt or other surfaces contaminated with combustibles, do not walk on or roll equipment over the spill area. 如果液氧溅到沥青或者其它被可燃物污染的表面,不要在上面行走或辗轧设备。
Do not go out to the fields or walk on the roads, for the enemy has a sword, and there is terror on every side. 你们不要往田野去,也不要行在路上,因四围有仇敌的刀剑和惊吓。
And he saw fish that leapt out of the water and fish that lived on the bottom of the sea and fish that could walk on their fins. 而且他见到了能跃出水面的鱼,生活在海底的鱼,可以用鳍走路的鱼。
Then, if I walk on it this way, the surface would be to my right. 如果我这样沿着它走的话,这个曲面会在我的右边。
Walk on carpet for an hour or so for two or three days to help you get used to wearing them. 建议两三天内每天穿上它在地毯上走1小时以便更快适应。
It was a terrible scene, and Anzheluo uplink walk on the roof, but as it sets, jumped out of the death to light tones, bright and calm. 那是一副可怕的景象,而安哲罗在屋顶上行走着,却如同这死亡的布景里跳出的亮色,耀眼而平静。
When you walk on them, they rustle beneath your feet, just as if they are singing to you. 当你走在上面的时候,他们在你的脚下沙沙作响,就像他们在向你唱歌。
You walk on and on. Trying to find your way out. Suddenly you see a castle. What is the condition of the castle? 你继续向前走,试着找出一条路来,突然你发现眼前有一座城堡。这个城堡是什么样的?
The water it is going to have to walk on over the next decade is going to be choppy. 况且,未来十年它必须行走的水面将会波涛起伏。
So we went for a walk on the beach and I said, well, give me one of your big problems. 所以我们在海滩上走着,我说,提出一个你们最大的困难给我。
noise seems inappropriate at a time of sadness; inappropriate shoes for a walk on the beach; put inappropriate pressure on them. 噪音好像不适合于悲伤的时候;不适合于在海滩上走的鞋;给他们施以不适当的压力。
Okmju: I hear singing and there's no one there. I smell blossoms and the trees are bare. All day long I seem to walk on air. 没有人我听到了歌唱没有树我闻到了花香一整天我仿佛在空中漫步为什么,我好想知道为什么。
Housefly Bob: Well, I was just thinking how much money people spent building this beautiful ceiling and then they walk on the floor! 苍蝇鲍勃:你看,我在想人类花了多少钱来装修天花板,可是他们却不用,反而在地板上行走。
I continued to walk on but this particular friend of mine rushed back to the guy to put him back on his feet again. 我继续行走,但是我那个特别的朋友返回去扶起了他。
You walk on your way home, you see a sparrow, you wander in the garden. . . Happiness follows you everywhere. 你走在回家的路上,你看见一只麻雀,你游走在花园里……幸福跟着你无处不在。
"It's a common misconception it's like one mat that you could walk on, " he said. 他说,普遍误解这些碎片像一个垫子一样飘在海上,能在上面行走。
She stopped and posed for a moment and then politely asked that they wrap it up for the night, so she could walk on the street in peace. 她停下来摆了一会姿势,之后礼貌的请求他们收工好让她能够平静的在街上走走。
We have been covered up for a week, so when Amjam suggests a walk on the beach, we pile off the bus like excited children. 我们在车上已经呆了一个星期,所以,当艾姆加穆让我们到海滩上走一走时,我们从巴士上下来,兴奋得像小孩一样。
I said to him: 'Mr. Anderson, you ought to go out and take a walk on a nice fall day like this, ' but he didn't feel like it. 我对他说:‘安德生先生,这样好的秋天天气,你应该出去散散步才是,但是他却不想出去。
Mu hubby suggested that I go for a walk on the beach and he would take care of the babies while I got a little bit of ME time. 我的丈夫建议我去沙滩走走,他会在我享受这仅有的一点属于自己的时间的时候担负起照顾小孩的任务。
It was Johnson's job to walk on stage, as the host for the next Olympics in 2012, and take the flag from his Chinese counterpart. 作为2012年下届奥运会的东道主,约翰逊的事儿是走上台,从中国主办者手中接过奥运会会旗。
My mom told me that her biggest wish was to see me stand up and walk on my own two feet again. 妈妈跟我讲她最大的愿望,就是希望看到我靠自己的双脚站起来,还有走路。
Today she goes to her local senior center at least three times a week to walk on the treadmill, bicycle or use a rowing machine. 现在每周3次去当地的老年中心,都是自己驾驶踏车(treadmill)、自行车或手轮车(rowingmachine)前往。
The floor of the forest was soft to walk on; the frost did not harden it as it did the road. 森林里边的地走起来软软的;冰霜还没有把它凝结得象山路那么硬。