take into account

  • na.考虑
  • 网络把…考虑进去;考虑到;顾及

take into accounttake into account

take into account


大学英语四级常用词组 ... on no account 决不 take into account 考虑;重视 accuse sb. of sth. 控告(某人某事) ...


大学英语四级常用词组 ... take on 接受;包含;领会 take into account 把…考虑进去 take issue with sb. 与某人争论 ...


英语四级句子词汇真题详解2_优学网 ... )comparatively 比较地, 相当地 ; )take into account 考虑到;体谅 )make up for 补偿 ...


字典中 恤 字的解释 ... (10) 安置[ install] (11) 顾及;顾念[ take into account] (13) 抚养[ nurse] ...


赵丽词汇5500最新——可下载_英语_天涯部落 ... count 计算 take into account 考虑在内 discount 打折 ...


大学英语四级常用词组 ... on no account 决不 take into account 考虑;重视 accuse sb. of sth. 控告(某人某事) ...


take into account ... take into account n.顾及,考虑 take into account 考虑,注意 take into account 考虑到,顾及,体谅 ...

So sometimes looking at XForms as a point solution to a specific problem does not take into account the network effects of new standards. 因此,将XForms看作对特定问题的局部解决方案时,并没有将新标准对网络的影响考虑在内。
We take into account of every factor on the judgment of defects. 要综合考虑各方面因素对缺陷进行评判。
This distinction is difficult to be determined. SFRT will take into account only the general appearance of the flaw. 此差异难以定论,SFRT将只考虑瑕疵的普通外形。
Some lenders will take into account only two incomes when deciding how much to lend. 有些贷款人在决定借给多少钱时,只考虑有两笔收入的人。
It is not necessary to take into account of the original contract price when the price of the additional asset is separately negotiated. 议定该追加资产的造价时,不需要考虑原合同价款。
He said the critics of online voting "are well-meaning but they fail to take into account the context. " 他说关于网上投票的批评“是善意的但不能被重视。”
The system conversion " sense. " a ministries head said, " now has to be changed, not to have to take into account the changed. " “转制已经势在必行。”某部委出版社负责人说,“现在改也得改,不改也得考虑改了。”
That paper which would come up to the Chair for its consideration would take into account the various views that had been expressed. 这份提交主席审议的文件应当考虑到所表达的不同意见。
People seem to fail to take into account the fact that education does not end with graduation. 人们似乎没有考虑到教育并不是终止于毕业的事实。
2, When you take into account that the market growth rate is a steady 10% a year , you can see that there is an opportunity there . 如果考虑到市场增长率为稳定的每年10%,你可以明白这里有很大的商机。
Any attempt to bridge the two networks must take into account the differences between the two systems as part of its design. 任何连接两个网络的尝试都必须考虑两个系统之间的差异,将此作为设计的一部分。
All this does not take into account America's need to keep forces ready to deal with unexpected developments elsewhere. 所有这些并未考虑美国需要保证军队随时应对其他地方的突如其来的事态发展。
However, we won't take into account how much revenue your site creates. 然而,我们不会考虑网站会产生多少的收入。
And it's got to take into account that people can't actually see planes that are very high in the sky. 还有还必须考虑到的是人们无法真正看到飞得非常高的飞机。
People in today's world seem to fail to take into account the fact that the dreams do not end with waking up. 当今的人们似乎都忽视了梦想不该随着醒来而结束的事实。
They may be right about . . . , but they seem to fail to take into account the fact that . . . 关于…他们可能是对的,但他们似乎没有考虑到这样一个事实…
The problem with a to-do list is that it does not take into account how much time you have available during the day. 待办事项清单存在一个问题,那就是它没有考虑到去计算一天中有多少可用时间。
Models of climate change do not take into account all potential variables, including the sun's influence. . . read more. 模型的气候变化,没有考虑所有可能的变数,其中包括太阳活动的的影响力
God's commands concerning sex take into account the fact that men and women are not the same sexually or any other way. 上帝有关性的旨意,考虑到了男人和女人在性的方面并非是对等或对立的。
However, we must take into account the transitory and partial character of this change for the better on the enemy's side. 但是我们必须估计敌人这种向上变化的暂时性和局部性。
The comparison process also does not take into account any attributes or values that these assertions might have. 对比过程同样不考虑任何属性或断言可能具有的值。
Many of the features take into account multimedia applications and the fact that users are beginning to store their data on the internet. 更多的新特性考虑到了多媒体的应用,同时也考虑到了用户开始在互联网上存储数据的事实。
The Coynes' marriage has a whiff of a phantom variable that the matching algorithms don't seem to take into account: fate. 科因的婚姻有一点捉摸不定的变数,配对规则看起来也不能把它记录其中:命运。
We will see below how to take into account the case of an empty stack, which has no top to be popped . 我们将在下面看到如何考虑一个空栈的情况,栈中并没有栈顶元素可以被弹出。
He appealed to the judge, when interpreting the evidence, to take into account the absence of any previous criminal record in his case . 他在解释证据的时候向法官提出请求,要把先前无任何犯罪记录的事实考虑到本按的审理中。
Such a gross classification certainly does not take into account the many smaller ribosome size differences reported. 这样一个粗略的分类自然没有考虑到已有报道的大小不同的许多较小的核蛋白体。
When packing, please take into account that the boxes must be able to withstand rough handling and transport over very bad roads. 包装时,请注意包装盒要能够经得起野蛮装卸和路况较差的运输。
The text colour should ideally take into account the colour of the background on which it will appear to make it clearly legible. 在理想情况下,文本颜色应该考虑其所在的背景颜色,以便对比分明。
Design and production staff may not be able to take into account the page size you e-file is the size of the output film. 安排制作职员不必定能思考到电子文件的页面尺寸是否与输入胶片的尺寸相成婚。
First off, the software is flexible enough to take into account the different speeds that cellular operators offer their customers. 首先,这个软件足够灵活,它考虑到了手机运营商向用户提供的不同连接速度。