take a look

  • v.看看
  • 网络看一看;看一下;注视

take a looktake a look

take a look


英语学习基本词汇 - 豆丁网 ... have a look 看一看 take a look 看一看 lose 丢失 ...


look是啥意思?_百度知道 ... look forward 期待;盼望 take a look 看一下 have a look 看一下,看一眼;看一看 ...


take的短语_百度知道 ... take up arms v.拿起武器 take a look v.注视 take aback 使吃惊,使吓一跳 ...


未分类 - - Nicolas’ Blog - Upholstery ... take a hand in 插手某事 take a look 瞧一瞧 take a rain check 改天吧. ...


09年中考英语词法复习题_免费试卷_当知网 ... take one's place 替代 take a look 看看 take one's turn 轮流 ...


新概念英语第二册第43课【课文讲解】 ... take a walk 散步 take a look 看一眼 take a house 租房子 ...


色拉英语... ... Man:Our latest product is very powerful! 我们最新的商品威力很强! Man:Take a look! 看看吧! Man:Sure! 当然…

Doctor : Done worry , young man . Let me give you an examination . First let me take a look at your throat. Open your mouth and say " ah " . 医生:小伙子,别担心。让我给你检查一下。我先看看你的喉咙。张开嘴说“啊”。
Today we take a look at a setting in Local Group Policy that allows you to set only specified programs to run. 今天我们就来看一下如何通过设置本地组策略让电脑只能运行特定的程序。
He didn't even ask me related questions, and so as he was about to end the interview I suggested he take a look at my portfolio. 他甚至没有问我一些相关问题,当他准备结束面试时,我建议他看一下我的文件夹。
Let me take a look. You know why? It's clogged with hair. No wonder water won't go down. 让我看看。你知道为什么吗?它被头发堵住了。难怪水流不下去。
Are there any architectures that you think I have to take a look? 你觉得这附近还有哪些建筑物是我一定要去看看的呢?
catch a glimpse of a man in love. well, why don't you just take a look in the mirror, chuck? 看一眼恋爱中男人的样子-那你照下镜子不就可以了吗Chuck?。
Sweating, jet-lagged and still whimpering, he pulled up the leg of his jeans to take a look at his injury. 不断的流汗,还有糟糕的时差,不停的哽咽,他退下牛仔裤看自己的伤势。
So perhaps this describes you, and if it does, take a look at the fear that underlies your hypercritical attitude. 也许上面描述了你的情形,如果确实如此,你就去你的吹毛求疵里看看自己害怕什么吧。
The earlier article is an absolute requirement for understanding the material here, so please take a look at it before you continue. 要理解这里的内容,务必要了解上篇文章,所以在继续阅读本文之前请看一下上篇文章。
That's a bit of a mouth full, so let's take a look at each part of that pipe. 上面的命令中包含了很多的操作,所以让我们来仔细地看一下管道的每个部分。
Take a look at the Resources section of this article for links to help you continue your own investigation. 请参阅本文参考资料一节中的链接,以帮助您继续自己的调查。
With all of this in mind, let's take a look at some of the most popular libraries to see how well they behave. 带着这些问题,我们来看看现在流行的库能做到多好。
I wish you could bring me to take a look at it next time. 希望下次你能带我去看看地。
My car has a problem starting. Could you please take a look at it for me? 我的车启动不了。你能帮我看一下吗?
Wait a minute. Open your hand. Let me take a look. 等一下,手张开给我检查
Interior division, interior designer, home decoration friends ready to take a look at the British indoor decorative art! 室内装饰师,室内设计师,准备装修家里的朋友都可以看看,英国的室内装饰艺术!
Overall, I feel you will be in agreement with the wording of this contract, but you should still have a lawyer take a look at it to be sure. 总的来说,我觉得你会同意的措辞,这一合同,但还是应该有一个律师来看看这是肯定的。
Let me take a look at the architecture for a SLA-covered Web service before I go any further. 在进行进一步讨论之前,让我们来看一下SLA保证的Web服务的体系架构。
I hope that you'll be able to take a look around and find the tools you need to build the application you want. 我希望您能够善加观察,找到构建目标应用程序所需的工具。
A dentist friend asked me to take a look at a firm that was trying to take over his dental company. 一个牙医朋友叫我看看一个公司的股票,这家公司要收购他们的牙具公司。
I got an email from our supplier yesterday about this quarter's order. . . It doesn't look so good. Here, take a look. 昨天我从供应商那里受到一封电子邮件,是关于本季度订单的问题。看起来没有那么乐观,这儿呢,你看一下。
Take a look at it another way as the trade surplus also means capital outflow. 从另一个角度来看,贸易顺差也意味着资本外流。
For a more complete picture, take a look at the Resources section at the end of this article. 更为全面的介绍,请参见本文末尾的参考资料部分。
Take a look at any list of new business books, and you're sure to see more than a few on the topic of change and how to deal with it. 放眼一瞥与有关商业的新书单,你一定会发现,不止一本会涉及改变和如何应对改变的话题。
Now, let's take a look at what this battle is all about and how Timothy is suppose to fight it. 现在让我们来看一下这是一场什麽样的战争,并且提摩太如何能够打的好?
" Let's take a look at your situation, " he said calmly. On a sheet of paper he drew a vertical line down the middle. “我们来看看你的境遇吧,”他平静地说,然后在一张白纸中间竖着画了一条垂直的线。
"I think in America, we've got to stop blaming the Chinese and blaming everybody else and take a look at ourselves, " he said. 他说,我认为我们美国应该停止责备中国和其他国家,必须反躬自省。
If you want to take a look at his failure , he is to be able to not make you disappointed. 如果你想看看他的失败的话,他是不会让你失望的。
Let's take a look at a few implications of factory farming, as they relate to each of the four categories mentioned above. 让我们分别从上面所说的四个角度,来看一看工厂化农业到底意味着什么。
Take a look at tragicomedy that this transnational curtains marriage feels attached to, we are able to what to gain enlightenment from? 看看这一幕幕跨国婚恋的悲喜剧,我们又会得到什么样的启示呢?