take time off

  • v.休息
  • 网络偷空;腾出时间;抽出一部分时间

take time offtake time off

take time off


最常用英语短语 | 英语大学 ... take sth.up with 与……商量,请教 take time off 休息,休假 take turns 轮流,轮换 ...


偷的组... ... ◎ 偷汉子[ (of a woman) commit adultery] ◎ 偷空[ take time off (from work to do sth. else);snatch a moment] ...


谁知道time的五百种用法?_百度知道 ... take one’s time 慢慢来,不着急 take time off 腾出时间 Time is money. 一寸光阴一寸 …


take的短语_百度知道 ... take the stand 出庭作证为...担保 take time off <美>抽出一部分时间 take orders 接受命令 ...


王俊雄音乐作品——... ... 03. 岩上无心云相逐 Feel At Ease 04. 浮生半日闲 Take Time Off 05. 开门看雨 Enjoy The Sight Of Rai…


托福听力常见短语词汇列表终极版 - 豆丁网 ... get through 完成,做完 take time off (抽出时间) get tired of 厌烦, 厌倦 ...


最常用英语短语 | 英语大学 ... take sth.up with 与……商量,请教 take time off 休息,休假 take turns 轮流,轮换 ...

Take time off for a year, slow it down, and do some traveling and maybe some soul-searching. 抽出一年时间让生活节奏慢下来,进行一次旅行或心灵探索之旅。
Be alone: It is absolutely essential that married couples take time off from the children, even if it's just one night a month. 享受独处:已婚夫妇一定要花时间来照顾他们的孩子,即使只是一个月一个晚上。
'The harassment and bullying can be so extreme that head teachers eventually have to take time off with stress, ' she said. 她说:「家长的骚扰恐吓有时非常极端,甚至闹到校长最后会因为压力过大而必须请假。」
Professional athletes who get concussions should also take time off, but many do not, preferring to get right back in the game. Professional运动员还应该抽出一部分时间,但很多人不,宁愿马上回在游戏中。
I'm trying to take time off to see the sights. 我正试著趁休息时间去参观一些景点呢。
Stress is a fact of modern work life. If you feel your stress levels have risen too high, take time off to let off the steam. 现代工作生活处处充满压力,当感觉自己压力太大时,就抽出一些时间来给自己减压。
Rest is best Dane was instructed to take time off from his sport and his studies to give his brain a chance to recover. 休息是最好的丹麦人奉命请假从他的体育和他的研究给他的大脑有机会来恢复。
Neither his mother nor father could afford to take time off work to do that. 父母双方都不可能不上班而去完成此事。
With jobless numbers hovering at 9. 6 percent people who have jobs seem to be reluctant to take time off. 鉴于失业率一直在9.6%上下徘徊,那些有工作的人似乎也不愿意抽空休息。
If you work for yourself, it is usually much easier to take time off here and there. 如果你是为自己工作,想随时抽空儿休个假通常会比较容易些。
And when he died, I was too new at my job to take time off for his funeral. 珍妮的父亲死后,我因为工作不久而不被准假去参加他的葬礼。
At Siemens, the 163-year-old industrial symbol of GermanyInc. , it was long unknown for a man to take time off for children. 在有163年历史的德国工业象征――西门子公司,很长时间里没有听说有哪位男性为照看孩子而请假。
But plenty of students do throw up, and undergo other forms of mental and bodily distress, and plenty take time off from school or drop out. 但不少学生的确放弃了,承受着表现不尽相同的身心压力,而另有不少学生则翘课或退学。
This "social media marketing company" grants it workers the freedom to take time off, without a limited lineup of dates set in stone. 这是一家社会化媒体营销公司,公司给予员工自由请假的权利,不制定一成不变的固定工作时间。
Father is always busy with his work, but the doctor suggests he should take time off for rest. 父亲工作总是很忙,但医生建议他抽出时间休息。
The office personnel consulted their manager whenever they needed to take time off. 办公室人员需要休息的时候就会与他们经理商量。
The schools are reluctant to take time off -- even teachers with tickets for the England-Argentina game had trouble getting the day off. 学校不愿意采取休息时间-甚至教师门票英格兰与阿根廷的比赛有麻烦了一天假。
You mustn't take time off just because you want to see a football match. 你不可以只是为了看一场足球赛而休假。
If you had any of these problems, here is a simple way to recharge your life: take time off. 如果你有其中的任何一个问题,给你一个简单的方法来激活你的生活:休假。
You must n't take time off just because you want to see a football match. 你绝不能因为想去看足球比赛就不上班了。
Businesses are lobbying the Bush administration to roll back rules that let employees take time off for family needs and medical problems. 商界正游说布什政府降低雇员由于家庭和医疗问题的休假的水平。
When you do take time off, don't take your work home with you. 当你在休假过程中,千万不要把工作带回家。
According to a survey by the UK's Chartered Management Institute, one in three managers is afraid to take time off when ill. 英国特许管理学会(CharteredManagementInstitute)的调查显示,三分之一的经理害怕请病假。
Mr. Welch said those who take time off for family could be passed over for promotion s if 'you're not there in the clutch . ' 韦尔奇说,那些为家庭暂时停止工作的人可能会在升迁时不予考虑,因为他们没有在岗位上。
Some companies, she added, pay employees' salaries while they take time off to participate in humanitarian or relief efforts. 有些公司在员工请假参加人道和救济工作时照发工资。
Women often take time off to care for children, thus (voluntarily and often temporarily) depressing a family's finances. 女性经常请假照顾小孩,(自愿地,而且往往短期的)家庭的财政因此恶化。
Many parents take time off work and go on a family vacation with their children during the summer. 在夏天的时候许多家长抽出时间请假,然后和他们的儿童进行一个家庭假期。
Take time off to reflect on your future if this is needed. A good mentor will understand that you come first. 如果需要,停一停,反思一下你的未来。一个优秀的导师将会明白你去找他的原因。
Unless you are disciplined enough to eat the right food, exercise on time, or even take time off on time, it wouldn't help. 除非你足够自律,坚持吃适宜的食物,按时锻炼,或甚至按时抽出一部分时间,否则是没用的。
Whether you are working for yourself or someone else, it is important that you take time off to relax. 不管你是为自己工作还是给别人打工,抽个空儿来放松一下都是非常重要的。