spread out

  • na.张开;铺开;扩张;同“spread”
  • 网络展开;散开;摊开

第三人称单数:spreads out 现在分词:spreading out

spread outspread out

spread out


成人高考英语词组汇总复习(八) - 成人高考教育网 ... 783.spread abroad 传播 784.spread out 展开 785.stand for 代表;意指…


词语“摊开”的解释 汉典 zdic.net ... tān kāi 摊开(摊开) [spread out;unfold] 铺开 [share] 分摊 ...


字典中 褰 字的解释 ... (1) 撩起[衣服等][ lift up] (3) 散开[ spread out] ◎ 褰 qiān ...


独家:历年中考真题阅读完型核心单词_英语网 ... sign language 手语 spread out 张开 question mark 问号 ...


综合英语二单词集 - 24小时学习网 ... move in 搬进 spread out 摊开 go about doing sth 处理某事物 ...


give up - 英汉词典 ... leave on 穿着不脱; 让灯开着 spread out 伸开, 展开 turn on 拧开; 打开(开关) ...


人教版 高三 Unit 12 Words and Expressions ... 导致 result in 分散 spread out 规格齐全 available in all sizes ...


英文字根_百度百科 ... 474、still = small drop 小水滴 478、strat = spread out 扩散,层次 479、struct = build 建立 ...

Like the song of songs, "let to spread out their wings, victory in the front, don't miss you my dream, insist on ahead. " 就如那首歌唱的一样,“让希望张开翅膀,胜利就在前方,别错过你我的梦想,坚持就在前方。”
In fact, the blow of a hammer on a few drops of nitro-glycerine, spread out on a hard surface, was enough to create an explosion. 事实上,只要把少量的硝化甘油滴在坚硬的石头上,用锤子一击,马上就可以爆炸了。
I felt the long, spread out boredom ahead of me to be almost unendurable. 我觉得面前漫长的无聊生涯简直难以忍受。
As you can imagine, the deeper the earthquake goes, the more of the energy is attenuated or spread out as it goes toward the surface. 正如你能想象的那样,地震发生的越深,在到达地壳表层之前越多的能量就会被减弱或者扩散。
During the hour or thereabouts that he had been in the garden he had already spread out a number of them. 他在园里已经待了个把钟头,已经盖上了相当数量的草荐。
Yes, there will be a bit of discomfort when you stretch, but it should be a sensation that is spread out over an area of the body. 是的,当你伸展的时候你将会感受些许的不舒服,但是那只是瞬间蔓延身体某些部位的一种感觉。
Death Beetle Contagion hurts the victim's adjacent allies as well, so a savvy opponent will want to keep his creatures spread out a bit. 死亡甲虫感染也会伤害与受害者邻接的盟友们,所以有理智的对手会希望将他的生物们分散开一点。
The world around me blurs , and for what seems like an eternity, the only thing in my life is the body spread out across the floor. 环抱我的世界变得模糊,如同永恒,留在我生命中的唯一仅余下横卧在地板上的身体。
It was really the perfect solution. With her out of the way, the rest of us would be more valuable and have a bit more room to spread out. 这可真是个绝妙的解决之道,她这么一走,我们几个剩下的孩子就更有价值了,房间的空间也大一点了。
Local officials said the fire was set deliberately to clear land but spread out of control. 当地官员说原本放火是为了清理土地,但后来火势失去了控制。
Then the Blessed One proceeded to the Service Hall, and sat down there on the mat spread out for him. 接着圣尊进入了服务大厅,他坐在为他准备好的垫子上。
He spread out his wings. He looked a bit more masculine than before. 它展开双翅飞翔,比之前显得更气魄了。
the world wide web is an architectural framework for accessing linked documents spread out over thousands of machines all over the internet. (spreadout传播)万维网是一个用来访问传播在全部因特网中的数以千计的机器中链接的文档的体系结构框架。
You might have to insert the same CD multiple times; this is due to inter-related packages that have been spread out over the CDs. 可能必须多次插入同一CD,这取决于分布于CD中的软件包内部关系。
Face to make a rather sour face, head sideways, and spread out his hands on flat surface, shrug helplessly watch and said no way, etc. 脸部作出苦相,头向一侧倾斜,同时耸肩,双手摊开平放表示无可奈何和毫无办法等。
In the poorest areas, some highways are often empty but for the crops farmers spread out on them to dry in the sun. 在最贫穷的地区,一些高速公路上常常车辆稀少,农民都将粮食铺在道路上烘晒。
Let us go then you and I, When the evening is spread out against the sky Like a patient etherised upon a table. . . . . . 这就让我们走吧,你跟我,当黄昏摊开在天边,像病人麻醉在手术台上。
They answered, "We'll be glad to give them. " So they spread out a garment, and each man threw a ring from his plunder onto it. “我们情愿给你。”就铺开一件外衣,各人将所夺的耳环丢在其上。
They come together into a kiss and sink down on the bed of moss, and ripples of light spread out around them. 他们搂在一起彼此亲吻,沉入苔藓的床榻里,光的涟漪围绕着他们,向四周蔓延。
The sea began to vibrate with waves that spread out in a circle. 大海开始振动,波浪一圈一圈的向外发散。
Tess seemed afraid to touch them at first, but her eyes sparkled for a moment as much as the stones when Clare spread out the set. 苔丝起初不敢动它们,但是当克莱尔把全副的首饰摆开的时候,一时间她的眼睛放射出光来,就像那些钻石闪光一样。
The characteristic property of a soliton is that it does not change its shape as it travels (usually a pulse tends to gradually spread out). 孤立子的特性是在行进时形状不会改变(一般的脉冲会逐渐散开)。
In a trice, I won a hundred and fifty or two hundred louis which I spread out in front of me; she stared at them with eager eyes. 不一会儿,我就赢了一两百个路易,我把这些钱摊在我面前,她贪婪地注视着。
Believe it or not, this example is just a single, chained, line of code spread out with whitespace. 不管您是否相信,这个示例只是一行满是空白的被链接的代码。
In September, will be a popular memory Boby, spread out of Palm, on all gone, like the ring finger, virtual covers soul space. 九月,将一种飘香的记忆揽入怀中,摊开手掌,对逝去的光阴,一切像无名指一样,虚拟地占据着心灵的空间。
Parents should encourage their child to spread out, but to leave it neat and orderly when he isn't using his workspace. 父母应该鼓励他们的孩子传出去,而是把它整齐有序当他不在自己的工作区使用。
Once Xin Cheng start to have its own home owner's organization, I believe this practice will eventually spread out to the whole China. 一旦新城真正拥有为自己的权益服务的业主组织,我相信这样的事最终一定能在全国铺开的。
" It was a move by the majority of the company " pathogen " spread out " epidemic. 那是一种大部分由搬家公司这个“病原体”传播出来的“瘟疫”。
Newton noted that the white light was spread out in a rainbow strip, which he called a spectrum. 牛顿注意到,白光以彩色条状散开,他把这叫做光谱。
Once the new strain had established itself in New York, it began to spread out of the city. 一旦新菌株在纽约安家立业,它开始蔓延出这个城市。