
美 [sku:l]英 [sku:l]
  • n.上学;学院;学派;大学
  • v.教育;训练;使学会;培养
  • 网络学校;中学;死光了


n. v.

儿童学习的处所where children learn

1.[c](中、小)学校a place where children go to be educated

2.[u]上学;上学阶段the process of learning in a school ; the time during your life when you go to a school

3.[u]上课(或上学)时间the time during the day when children are working in a school

师生students and teachers

4.[sing]学校全体师生all the children or students and the teachers in a school

培养专门技能for particular skill

5.[c]专业学校;专科学校a place where people go to learn a particular subject or skill


6.[c][u](informal)学院;大学;上大学时期a college or university; the time that you spend there

7.[c](高等院校的)学院,系a department of a college or university that teaches a particular subject

作家;艺术家of writers/artists

8.[c]学派;流派a group of writers, artists, etc. whose style of work or opinions have been influenced by the same person or ideas

鱼of fish

9.[c]群a large number of fish or other sea animals, swimming together


school(s) of thought

学派a way of thinking that a number of people share


人教版初一英语上第一单元单词表_百度知道 ... at school.. 在学校;在上学 school...n 学校 sorry...adj 对不起的;抱歉的 ...


  571类:中学(School.)   高中课程(10年级及以上)   572类:职业教育与培训(Vocation Education and Training )   高级文凭课程   ...


求一个好笑的笑话,记住只要一个!!!_百度知道 ... does..... 都死 school.... 死光了 yes...... 爷死 ...


广州市利翔模具塑料有限公司 ... 台椅配件 DESK&.. 学生台椅 School.. 长椅排椅 BENCH ...


BBC China | BBC Elementary English ... teacher. 我是老师。 school. 我在学校工作。 taxi driver. 他是出租司机。 ...


求翻译? 拒绝机器翻译。_教育问答 ... “Oh, so it’s ...”“ 噢,那里面是……” school. 学校来; ...

Palin, 44, earned the nickname "Sarah Barracuda " for her fiery performances on her high school basketball team. 44岁的佩林在高中篮球队时就有优秀的表现,还因此被人昵称为“莎拉梭子鱼”。
An adult bicycling on his way out of town could have yelled at them from the road, asking why they were not in school. 一个从镇上骑自行车过来的男人本该从路上叫她们一声,问一下她们为什么不上学。
To me, these are the tools that kids need out of a consumer education class , and materials like this should be taught in every high school. 对我来说,这些是孩子们在消费教育课程之外需要的工具,而且应该在每一个中学教授像这样的材料。
At my high school, we were able to participate in a fantastic music rental program. 在高中时,我们能够加入一个很棒的音乐出租计划。
As she stood in front of her 5th grade class on the very first day of school, Mrs. Thompson told the children an untruth. 当她第一次在学校上课时,汤普森夫人站在她所教的五年级学生们的面前,对着他们讲了一个谎言。
"I was lost, 'cause I had been out of school for so long. You know, I was young and had a crazy mind, " he says. “没人会关心我,因为我已经失学好长时间了。你知道,我人不大,但心很野,”他说。
He decided to walk to the school, and the next bus had already passed him when he was near the school gate. 他决定走到学校,当他快走带校门口时,下一班车就已经超过了他。
A tough kid comes to a new high school and begins muscling his way into the drug scene. 一个性格坚毅的年轻人进入了一所新的高中,开始涉足毒品交易。
I thought really I attend when the junior middle school you are leading me, that this good! 我真想我读初中时您都在带我,那该多好!
But analysts said the greatest value of school vending machines was their ability to capture brand loyalty among young consumers. 但分析师表示,校园自动售货机的最大价值在于,它们能够在年轻消费者中培养品牌忠诚度。
This thesis is only a case study on the phenomenon of the high flow of teachers in Yunhe middle school, Jining, Shandong province. 本文是对山东省济宁市运河中学教师高流动率现象作的个案研究。
In the same school, a male friend, thirtyish and "fit" in the eyes of older girls, for a few weeks found himself in a similar predicament. 还是这所学校,有一位30来岁的男老师,很受高年级女生“青睐”,不久他发现自已也陷入了同样的困境。
It was Saturday noon, just a few days before the start of school. 那是星期六的中午,离开学只有几天了。
She said that she had been listening to radio after school. 她说她放学后一直在听收音机。
She had not gone to college; she'd had to borrow money to attend the school where teachers were trained in her day. 母亲没有上过大学,她不得不借钱来上学,在母亲生活的年代学校里的老师都是经过训练的。
Frogspawn appears in familiar clumps - looking like the tapioca that used to be served at school dinners. 蛙卵经常以任意状的一团团出现——看起来就像学校里做菜用的木薯粉团。
The teenager said he went to the school voluntarily but did not expect it to be as difficult. 尽管这个孩子表示他是自愿来军校的,但他还是没想到训练如此艰苦。
I tried really hard to get out of this school, and only now do I realise just how much I want to stay. 我曾经很想逃出这所学校,但是现在才知道我是多么想留下来。
Luckily , we went into a same school not in the same class . Unckily , he did not accept me . 幸运的是,我们上了同一个学校不同班。不幸的是,他没有接受我。
At least school reports serve a clear purpose: to tell the parent how the child is doing. 学校的成绩单至少有个明确的目的:告诉家长孩子的表现。
It's so simple, and we thought, you know, okay, it costs between 20 and 50 bucks to provide school feeding for a year. 听起来很简单,然后我们就想,你知道的,好吧大约要花上20-50美元来为每个孩子在学校提供一年的伙食。
Check with your school counselor to see what opportunities are available to you. 向学校的顾问咨询,看看他们能为你提供什么样的机会。
Readers, would you steer your kids away from an elite school in favor of a state school, even if you could afford the former? 读者朋友,你愿意让孩子放弃名校目标而上州立大学吗,即使前者昂贵的学费对你来说不是问题?
The hotel, a member of Orient Express, has always had a major food focus and its cooking school is one of the best in Italy. 酒店是“东方快车”的会员,一直都专注于食物,它的烹饪学校也是意大利最好的之一。
Deidre is at her new destination and by the time you receive this newsletter she will be set up in her new home with the children in school. 戴德丽有她的新目标并且她将与在学校的孩子一起布置她的新家到那时你接收这时事通讯。
For the moment Elena Kagan, the solicitor-general and a former dean of Harvard Law School, appears at the top of this list. 就目前来看,副检察长、前哈佛法学院院长埃莱娜?卡根呼声最高。
They wanted to know if there was a connection between what they were seeing in clinic and what was happening at the choir school. 他们想知道,在诊所所遇到的情况与唱诗班所发生的情况是否有联系。
Close to the top of the agenda, though, was the matter of school lunches and what could be done to improve them. 不过,在采访刚开始不久时,关于学校午餐以及它们应如何改进的问题就被提了出来。
Then, I remembered one of my high school teachers who told me students in U of T were also among the best students in their high school. 这时,我才真正理解了我的一位高中老师曾经告诉过我的话:多伦多大学的学生都是来自世界最优秀的学生。
I told him that whatever positive things I had done since had been influenced at least in part by his morning school prayers. 我告诉他,我做过的那些有积极意义的事,有很大一部分是受到了他的早晨祷告的影响。