sum up

美 [sʌmʌp]英 [sʌmʌp]
  • na.〈口〉概括;总结
  • 网络总计;归纳;总括

第三人称单数:sums up 现在分词:summing up 过去式:summed up

sum upsum up

sum up


大学英语四级常用词组 ... all of a sudden 突然,冷不防 sum up 总结,概括 rise superior to 不受…的影响 ...


大学英语四级常用词组 ... all of a sudden 突然,冷不防 sum up 总结,概括 rise superior to 不受…的影响 ...


2003年同等学力英语真题及答案—学苑教育 ... apply to“ 将……用于”; sum up总计,概括”; cope with“ 应付,处理”; ...


归属_百度百科 ... 27>;归谬法【 reduction to absurdity】 28>;归纳【 include;sum up】 29>;归纳【 induction】 ...


... [cover with gold leaf] 用薄金叶包在铜银首饰的外面 [sum up] 总括 [include;consist of;comprise;incorporate] 包含;总括 ...


::ENGLISH:: ... set up 设立,成立,建立 sum up 总结概括 look forward to 期盼 ...


英语教案 A color story ... Step 4 Communication activity( 交际活动): Step 5 Sum up( 小结): Step 6 Homework( 布置作业 ) ...


综的组词_百度知道 ... ◎ 综合征[ syndrome] ◎ 综计[ sum up;add up;put together] ◎ 综括[ sum up] ...

"China is obviously far too complex a place to sum up in an article in a magazine or a segment on the news, " he told me. “中国的复杂远非一篇杂志中的文章或者一段新闻可以总结。”
This year, because our gathering was earlier than usual, I'm trying to sum up the event reasonably soon after it ended. 这一年,因为年会的时间比以往的早,年会结束后我就试着作了总结。
It is not possible to sum up the British people with a few simple phrases. 《英语国家社会与文化入门》仅仅用几个词语来概括英国人是远远不够的。
The lines sum up in sufficiently forcible Latin all that need be known of Balthasar Gracian and his works. 以下若干行文字足以说明了解巴尔塔沙.葛拉西安和他的著作是多么必要。
It was necessary to sum up the lengthy article in two or three paragraphs. 有必要将这篇冗长的文章概括成两三个段落。
Hold regular production meeting once a week persistently, sum up the work done in last week and assign work for next week. 坚持每周一次的生产例会,并对上周工作进行总结,同时对下周工作进行布置。
If I had to sum up in one phrase what makes a good manager, I'd say that it's that ability to make decisions. 要用一句片语总结好管理者的条件,我会说是做决策的能力。
Those two lines of Yeats for me sum up the matter as it stands today when the very currency of belief seems debased. 对我来说,叶芝的这两行诗概括了今天的现实,信仰的货币似乎已经贬值了。
To sum up in a word, use these film to be forging teaching material, if why match a body with the heart, we master not hard. 一言以蔽之,利用这些软片为锻练教材,我们不难掌握如何以心配身。
If I had to pick a single image to sum up what I've seen so far in Morocco, I guess it would have to be this one. 如果我不得不选一张图像来描述我在摩洛哥所见所闻,我想会是这张照片。
Trying to sum up overall nutritional quality by looking only at a short list of negative considerations is silly to the point of . . . ugly. 仅仅依靠有限的几个负面因素,就想总结出食品的总体营养价值,这简直就是愚蠢到家了。
Imagine trying to sum up the health of a person with a short list of "negative" characteristics only. 你可以想象一下,如果仅仅使用少数几个“负面”特征来总结一个人的健康状况会是什么样子。
Yun-Min good at study and sum up the management ladder, and the company is the "best manager" honorary title of one of the winners. 韫敏善于学习和总结,管理水平不断提升,是公司“最佳经理人”荣誉称号的获得者之一。
To be concrete about it, imagine you need to recalculate the value of every inventory item on hand and sum up the total. 说得具体一点,假设您需要重新计算手头每件库存产品的价格,并计算其总和。
Save the record and report, sum up to the document control at the end of every year. 保存好报告以及记录,年末同一汇总至文控处。
Let me, like the lawyer that I am, sum up the case I've tried to present this afternoon. 作为一个律师,我要想对今天下午所呈献给各位的案例做一个结论。
Neither for me nor for you. (keep it a secret. ) I have no choice but to sum up my study experiences On the past days. 对本人来说也不给你的。(失密了。)本人别无选择,本人的学习经历总结过去的日子。
Let me take a minute to sum up the main points of this discussion. 请允许我概括本次讨论要点。
Sum up the main work of this paper, and carry out a preliminary prospect on the research trends of supply chain portfolio contracts. 总结论文的主要工作,并对供应链组合合同的研究趋势进行了初步展望。
Now, I'm going to sum up a year's worth of work in two sentences to say that we have been trying to figure out what the cause of this is. 现在,我来用两句话总结一下一年来的工作,告诉大家我们一直在努力寻找造成这种结果的原因。
Let Me. take a minute to sum up the main points of the discussion. 让我简短地把这次讨论的重点做个总结。
There is, besides, a deeper question to be asked of those who sum up the present deadlock in terms of Congress blocking Mr Obama's mandate. 还有,有一个问题我们必须要问,问那些认定目前僵局是由国会阻挡欧巴马完成选民托付的人。
As an integrated whole, they sum up the fundamental concept of socialist new countryside. 它们是一个有机的整体,概括了社会主义新农村的基本内涵。
Ushers, " said the President, " enforce silence, I am going to sum up the arguments. “执达吏,”庭长说,“教大家静下来,我立刻要宣告辩论终结。”
To sum up, life in the future will certainly be very different from that of today. 总之,未来的生活肯定会和当前的很不一样。
Sum up the quality problem of every product, bring forward the updating idea, carry out the improvment. 总结产品质量问题,提出改进方案,实施改进措施。
Of course, you know, afterwards you go further, but that's for me what I sum up right now. 当然,过段时间你可能会分析得更透彻些,但现在对我来说这就是这么回事儿。
To sum up, I do not honor you so much for what you have done as for what the force of vitality of your genius will accomplish one day. 总之,因为我并不这么尊重你的你的所做,但你的天才的生命力终有一天将得以施展。
The study of library reading in higher grades in primary schools is easier to sum up experience, to extract the model, easy to promote. 在小学高年级进行阅览室阅读的实验研究,更易总结出经验,提炼出模式,便于推广。
Commitment, passion, team spirit, defiance of the physical odds? if you were seeking a moment to sum up our season, there it was. 全心奉献、无限热情、团队精神、违反自然法则的怪事?假如你正在寻找一个可以总结我们这个球季的时刻,这就是了。