serve as

  • v.用作;充当
  • 网络作为;担任;当作

serve asserve as

serve as


大学英语四级常用词组 ... a series of 一系列,一连串 serve as 充当;起作用 in session 在开会;在开庭 ...


介词短语_百度百科 ... send in 呈报,递交,送来 serve as 作为,用作 set aside 挑出,拨出,留出;拒绝 ...


字典中 服 字的解释 ... (9) 饮用或吞服药物[ take] (10) 担任;承当[ serve as] (12) 招认,承认,肯定,认可[ admit] ...


介词短语_百度百科 ... send in 呈报,递交,送来 serve as 作为,用作 set aside 挑出,拨出,留出;拒绝 ...


字典中 作 字的解释 ... (16) 充当[ work as] (18) 当作[ serve as] (20) 建筑[ build] ...


serve的用法有哪些?_百度知道 ... n. 发球,轮到发球 serve as 担任…,充当…;起…的作用 serve for 充当;被用作;起…的 …


雅思写作常用词组 - 雅思考试网 ... refer to… 参考…,查阅…,涉及…,提到… serve as用做… depend on… 取决于… ...

He dissolved the makeshift army and continued to serve as a kind of administrator for a short time, but he had never wanted to be a leader. 他解散这支拼凑起来的军队,并作为一个管理者工作了一段时间。但是,他从来不想做个领导人。
So we purchased a notebook to serve as a travel journal and a bag for Carmen to travel in, and Carmen was ready to begin her trip. 于是我们给卡门买来了一个记事本作旅行日志,还有一个袋子作她的旅行工具。就这样,卡门做好了出发前的准备。
But just as no nation can wall itself off from the consequences of a global crisis, no one can serve as the sole engine of global growth. 但是,如同没有任何国家能够在全球危机中独善其身一样,没有任何国家能够单独成为全球发展的动力。
Hospital from beginning to end improve medical treatment quality, excellent service, reasonable collect fees serve as a hospital live this. 医院始终把进步医疗质量、优质服务、公道收费作为医院的生存之本。
(Film critic)Libby's columns serve as a continuing account of her amusingly mundane life and the peripheral role that movies play in it. 影评家利比的专栏文章,是在不断描写自己那平凡而快意的生活,以及电影在她生活中所扮演的次要角色。
Let me share with you some interesting observations that I believe serve as great motivational lessons. 让我和你分享一些我观察到有趣的事情,我相信那可能成最好的励志课。
Their problem was to bind the black powder together again so it would be hard enough to serve as a writing instrument. 它们的难题是如何重新组合这些黑色的粉末,使它成为有足够硬度的书写工具。
He trusted that it would serve as a marked trail for Hem to follow through the Maze, if he chose to leave Cheese Station C. 他相信如果哼哼决定离开奶酪C站的话,这就是留给哼哼的路标,能帮助哼哼穿过迷宫。
The ships of Tarshish serve as carriers for your wares. You are filled with heavy cargo in the heart of the sea. 他施的船只接连成帮为你运货,你便在海中丰富极其荣华。
As I'm sure you know, when the Web first came along, it was hardly in a position to serve as a viable platform for application development. 我确定您知道,时网页第一次是以及,很不太会在位置,做为可用平台的应用程式开发。
The U. S. Department of Defense said the action would serve as an important milestone in the process verifying the North's activities. 美国国防部表示,此举是验证朝鲜核活动进程中具有里程碑意义的重要一步。
He might suddenly find himself in a fight--initiating one--and the smallest incident may serve as a trigger. 他会突然发现他自己变得一触即发,极小的事情会成为导火索而引爆。
I'll start out with a quick example of a standard Java Archive file procedure, which will serve as a foundation for the tips that follow. 我将以一个标准JavaArchive文件产生过程的简单示例开始,这将作为以下技巧的基础。
The winning bid is expected to shape India's air power for the next three decades and serve as the bedrock of a strategic partnership. 胜出的投标方将在未来30年塑造印度空军的格局,为胜出国与印度建立战略合作伙伴关系奠定基石。
Knowledge is going to have to serve as the fulcrum of progress or provide the key to a decent survival. 知识必将成为发展的支柱,也将是改善生存环境的关键所在。
Training received by a public servant and his academic record shall serve as one of the bases for his assessment, appointment and promotion. 公务员培训情况、学习成绩作为公务员考核的内容和任职、晋升的依据之一。
Medical students with previous hospital volunteer experience did not indicate greater willingness to serve as a hospice volunteer. 曾担任过医院志工的医学生较不愿意参与安宁疗护志工工作;
One might have thought this would serve as a lesson to other public officials dealing with the poor in the misery of Johannesburg's winter. 人们可能会认为此举将有助于其他政府职员在饱受约翰内斯堡严冬考验下学会在同贫民打交道上学点教训。
the president asked her to come back in 2005 after he was reelect ed for second term , to serve as in her current position. 在他2005年再次当选之后,总统邀请她回来担任现在的职位。
But that sense should not serve as a disguise for allowing extremists of any stripe to define what views can or cannot be aired. 但是,责任感不应当作为任何类型的极端份子规定什么观点能或者不能被公开的借口。
He said she "will continue to serve as our ambassador at the United Nations and a key member of my cabinet and national security team. " 奥巴马还称,她“将继续担任美国驻联合国大使,继续在我的内阁和国家安全团队当中扮演关键角色”。
This set of objects might then serve as an intermediate result used in the processing of a higher-level expression. 这组对象可接着作为中间结果用于处理更高一级的表达式。
He said the Chinese challenge could serve as a "fear factor" to energize the efforts of NASA and its space partners. 他说,中国的挑战将作为“恐惧因素”,帮助美国宇航局和它的空间合作伙伴努力重振声威。
The outer garment should serve as thermal barrier as well as a wind block, since cycling through cold air increases the wind chill factor. 外衣应作为热障以及风块,由于通过冷空气循环,增加风寒因素。
" This judge went on to say that, if confirmed, Judge Alito " will serve as a marvelous and distinguished associate justice. 这位法官接着说,如果提名获得批准,奥利特法官“将恪尽职守地成为一名非凡而卓越的大法官。”
They are simply intended to provoke you to think about common assumptions and to serve as a resource as you formulate your own opinions. 它们绝非这些常见问题的唯一答案,仅作为一种资源,唤起你对动物权利基本理念的思索,以形成你自己观点。
Review any technical papers you might have to see if they can serve as landing pages for your desired search terms. 任何技术文件审查,你可能要看看他们是否可以作为为自己想要的搜索字词的目标网页。
Look around at the abilities of the people you know. Some of them can probably serve as perfect examples of what not to do. 看看周围你认识的有才智的人们,他们中的某些人也许可以成为“不做什么”的完美榜样。
Mr. McCarthy has decided to get right with his tax obligations and his case should serve as a strong signal to other taxpayers. 托斯切说,麦卡锡已经决定正确承担他的纳税义务,他的案例应当作为对其他纳税人的一个强烈警示。
To serve as an inspector, liquidator, bankruptcy administrator, or executor of a will, or in any other fiduciary capacity. 三充任检查人、清算人、破产管理人、遗嘱执行人或其他信讬人。