translate into

  • v.译成
  • 网络翻译成;转化为;把…转化成

translate intotranslate into

translate into


英语六级重点词汇_百度文库 ... be aware of/that 注意到 translate into 翻译成 set in 开始 ...


translate是什么意思... ... translate from ... 译自… translate into v. 翻译成,转化为 format translate 格式翻译 ...


笑吧 大笑可以治疗心脏病?_恒星英语 ... combine with 与…结合 translate into 把…转化成 bring in 把…拿进来, 带进来,引进 ...


郑景婷考研_2007ggsygl_新浪博客 ... 600. transistor 晶体管 601. translate into 转变成 602. transmit 传播(疾病或信号) ...


高中常用短语汇总_百度文库 ... divide into 把……分成 translate into 把……译成 14.动词+ over turn over 翻倒,细想 ...

So I write down the time of own Bo text each time, I will let the person translate into for me English lets me study so much. 所以我每写下自己的博文的时候,我会让人帮我翻译成英文好让我学习。
They said he could no longer assume that the backing of regional strongmen would translate into a popular victory. 他们认为卡尔扎伊再也不能认定有了部族强人的支持就可以轻松赢得胜利。
As he says, rising powers do not always complete their climb and economic strength does not always translate into political power. 正如他所言,崛起的强国并非总能完成崛起过程,经济实力也并非总会转化为政治实力。
So what could be considered a minor defect in an automobile could translate into a recipe for disaster for a motorcycle rider. 那么,可以认为是轻微的缺陷汽车可以转化成灾难的摩托车骑手。
We have been wondering for a while if that would translate into the arrangement of food in your kitchen, and found that it does. 我们觉得奇怪,要是改变一下厨房的布局就会发现,其实这个是真的有用的。
But at this stage we still need to wait and see whether this sort of a financial turmoil will translate into something more real. 但是在这个阶段,我们仍需要稍候,看一看这次金融上的动荡,会不会转成更为实际的现象。
Most of all, the surge in the market was so rapid that it did not translate into a strong effect on spending. 最重要的是,股市上涨速度太快,还未来得及对消费产生强劲效应。
That said, the effects of market losses are beginning to translate into more tight-fisted spending patterns. 那就是说,股市损失的效应开始转化为吝于消费的模式。
For Dubai, just like the other small Gulf sheikhdoms, the economic crisis does not automatically translate into a social issue. 就像海湾地区其他一些小的酋长国一样,对迪拜而言,经济危机并不会自动成为一个社会问题。
"Macro growth does not always translate into profitability, " Joe Bae, co-head of KKR's Asian operations, said at a recent conference. KKR亚洲业务联合主管乔·贝(JoeBae)最近在一次会议上表示:“宏观增长并不总是能转变为盈利能力。”
Not that this will necessarily translate into the kind of outlook for Chinese companies that investors are expecting. 不过别指望这一定能给中国企业带来投资者所希望的那种前景。
But if those recovery hopes do not translate into a rebound in profits, it is hard to see how the rally can last. 然而,若对恢复的期许并不能转化为盈利的回升,那此次反弹很难持久。
But Lagarde added that the pick-up in financial conditions in the US, Europe and Japan has yet to translate into a sustainable recovery. 但拉加德说,美国、欧洲和日本财政状况的好转尚未转化为可持续的复苏。
Other times, factors ranging from climate change to the resurgence of a prey population translate into sharks showing up in greater numbers. 其他的时候,鲨鱼出现的因素包括气候变化,以及食物数量的增加也会导致了鲨鱼大量出现。
And this growth in fund size seems to translate into a deterioration of investment returns. 而这种基金规模的增长,似乎会转化为投资收益的下降。
Yet, these ties do not translate into Moscow pushing the Palestinians into a settlement with the Israelis. 然而,这些联系并不意味着莫斯科正在推动巴勒斯坦和以色列达成和解。
And the allure of a big market share is often hard to resist, even if it doesn't translate into profits. 巨大的市场份额往往是很难抵挡的诱惑,即使它不能转换成利润。
Write first in easy-to-understand pseudolanguage; then translate into whatever language you have to use. 先写出简单易懂的伪代码,再将其“翻译”成你要使用的程序语言。
Kirk said the initiative would translate into jobs, as U. S. partners were forced to follow through on commitments to open markets. 柯克说,随着美国的伙伴被迫兑现开放市场的承诺,这项动议将转化为就业岗位。
Tools may be able to automate the conversion of some part of your application code, which could translate into significant time savings. 工具可能将您的应用程序代码的部分转化自动化,将会节省大量的时间。
Whether this experience will translate into a more general willingness to take IMF money remains to be seen. 这种经历是否会转化为更普遍地向IMF申请贷款的意愿,仍有待观察。
All good feelings toward the company will surely translate into visitations to its theme park. 所有的对公司的好感都将会转变成对主题公园的喜欢
Foreign firms are upbeat that this will translate into healthy growth prospects and are keen to get a foothold. 外国企业欣喜若狂,期待着这可能带来的可观增长前景,并渴望取得一个立足点。
Zoellick announced a new approach to help ensure that high energy and commodity prices translate into improvements in the lives of the poor. 佐利克宣布了一种新策略,其宗旨是帮助确保高能源和商品价格转化为贫困人口生活水平的提高。
Phil Gramm and Steve Forbes have both proved that truckloads of money do not necessarily translate into political momentum. 菲尔•格兰姆和史蒂夫•福布斯都证明了几卡车的钞票也不足以转变为政治推动力。
But those countries also provide a reminder that popularity does not always translate into business success. 但是两国的遭遇也给予了提示:受欢迎程度不一定能与赚钱相挂钩。
'Once bonuses pick up, it'll translate into salaries, ' particularly in hot fields like engineering and computer science, he said. 加德纳说,“一旦签约奖金重新出现,就意味着整体薪水会有所提升,”尤其是在工程和计算机学等专业领域。
'Concern and fear translate into greed, and speculators take [any news of refinery outages] and hype it into much higher prices, ' he said. 他说:担惊受怕变成了贪婪,投机者将任何有关炼油厂停产的消息都放大成油价将猛涨的信号。
"Women had to get an education to keep up, and over the years that has started to translate into a difference in wages, " Wittner added. “妇女必须受教育才能跟上男人,长此以往就开始转化为报酬差异了,”维特纳接着说。
The addition of those three, without any real subtractions , should translate into a playoff run in Portland this coming season. 三位猛将的加入,同时没有任何的减弱,将足以保证下个赛季波特兰的季后赛之路。