in contact with

  • prep.和…联系
  • 网络和……联系;接触;与…联系

in contact within contact with

in contact with


介词用法口诀 ... in connection with 和……有关 in contact with 和……联系 in addition to 除......以外 ...


模具机械专用词汇|各类常用英语词汇 ... impression 型腔 in contact with 接触 in terms of 依据 ...


考研英语翻译 ... far from: 远非 in contact with与……联系 instead of: 而不是 ...


Spool工程管线英语词汇 - 豆丁网 ... oxide layer 氧化皮 in contact with 与---接触 nondestructive adj. 非破坏性的 ...


with 的用法种种 - 英语教师网 ... in connection with 与……联系 in contact with 与……有联系 comparable with 与……相 …


语法词汇... ... in conformity with 和...相适应, 和...一致[符合]; 遵照 in contact with 和...接触, 有联系 in line with 符合 ...


Practical Professional English ... 9. due to: 介词 由于…,由于…原因[理由], 3. in contact with: 和……有接触(联系) ...

However, it did not indicate which part of the country the man was stationed nor how he might have come in contact with the virus. 然而,卫生部没有指出这位军人所在的地方以及他是怎样接触到了病毒。
Also, the International Commissioner may be able to put you in contact with someone in your country who has material from other countries. 或是你们的国际委员可以提供给你一些在你们国家内拥有一些可供展览物品的人的联络方式让你跟他们接洽。
Soon after Shane's mother contacted him about I. O. U. and found he had been desperately trying to get in contact with them. 此后不久,当沙恩的妈妈找他商谈“i.o.u”的事宜时,却发现他一直在想和男孩儿们联络。
So I give you the way to know yourself. Then you at least begin to be a teacher of yourself, or of whoever comes in contact with you. 所以我教你们认识自己的方法,这样你们起码可以渐渐当自己的老师,也可以指导那些和你们有关系的人。
When she looked up, I found that she was that very classmate whom I had not been in contact with since graduation. 她猛一抬头,我发觉竟是我那毕业之后,就未曾再联络的同学。
Until come in contact with an information concerning civilization continuously on this week, let me have further thinking to this problem. 直到这一周,接二连三地接触到关于文明的信息,让我对这个问题有了进一步的思考。
"But I may come in contact with you, " said the earthen pot. “但是我有可能会和你接触,”瓦锅对铜锅说。
As he emerged from the water, he came in contact with a stone and fell upon his knees. 他走出水时,碰到一块石头就跪着跌倒了。
Inner sunshine warms not only the heart of the oner, but of all that come in contact with it. 内心的阳光不仅温暖了自己的心,同事也温暖了所有跟他接触的人的心。
Even though it's been a while since the last match, Steve McClaren has stayed in contact with his players. 即使离上场比赛已经有一段时间了,SteveMcClaren和他的队员始终保持交流。
In contact with him, we find that they have no time concept, at the beginning we do not understand why? 在接触中,我们发现她们没有时间概念,开始时我们对此十分不解?
Even though he might have led an outwardly frugal life, Dennis was generous to everyone he came in contact with. 即使丹尼斯看起来生活节俭,但是他对认识的人都很慷慨。
For over a year we were in contact with the family who owned the Meyer technologies and negotiated with them to purchase the materials. 在过去的一年,我们在与家人谁拥有迈耶技术,并与他们协商,以购买物料接触。
Edward, having passed his whole life in contact with the earth, might have been expected to cherish a certain love of Nature. 爱德华一生与土地打交道,很有可能对大自然怀抱着某种爱。
A paedophile priest was taken into the diocese and swiftly reassigned to duties that would put him in contact with children. 一位恋童癖的牧师被带到主教教区后立即重新担任了神职,让他与儿童接触。
He said he wanted to write a book about fatherhood, so I put him in contact with my agent. 他说他想写一本关于父亲的地位和身份的书,因此我将他作为了我的经纪人。
Inner sunshine warms not only the heart of the owner, but of all that come in contact with it. 内心的温暖的阳光并不是所有者的心情,而是与之联系的所有生物。
You can enjoy the company of others and come in contact with an ideal mate, if you get out and mingle. 如果参与社交活动的话,你会开心的,也会遇到理想的伴侣。
Strickland made no particular impression on the people who came in contact with him in Tahiti. 思特里克兰德没有给那些在塔希提同他有接触的人留下什么特别的印象。
It would have been nice to remain in contact with everybody - and that was my intention - but I simply don't have the time any more. 我一直很友好地跟大家每个人都保持联系,因为交朋友就是我的初衷啊。可是现在我再也没时间去做这样的事儿了。
Teach me to help and heal those animals and people I come in contact with. . . especially by being all that God made me to be. 教导我去帮助和治愈哪些我进来接触的动物与人……特别是经由上帝创造我的所有存在。
Buying art quickly brought him in contact with artists. Mr Salahi spent much of his exile in Qatar with Sheikh Hassan as his patron. 购买艺术品是他快速和艺术家们建立联系的方式,比如萨拉齐在卡塔尔的大部分流亡时间一直受他恩惠。
Canned food: nutrients severely damaged, and packaging in contact with aluminum tin easy to pollution, susceptible to Alzheimers disease. 罐头食品:营养物质严重破坏,并与铝锡容易污染,易受阿尔茨海默氏症接触包装。
We're in contact with the children and with the children in hospital and it seems to be being managed well. “我们跟在酒店隔离和在医院治疗的孩子们都保持着联系,看起来各方面安排的都很好”。
He said the Sudanese government was in contact with the governments of both Libya and France. 他说,苏丹政府与利比亚政府和法国政府保持接触。
It said the European arm had been "in contact with potential bidders" for Nitel but did not name them. 它表示,中国联通欧洲公司“与Nitel的潜在竞标者进行了接触”,但没有提及这些竞标者的名称。
How do you keep in contact with your core when connections are so easy to let slip away? 当那些联系容易从身边溜走时,你要怎样与你重要的人保持联系呢?
Pertaining to the preference of a solid to be in contact with an oil phase rather than a water or gas phase. 指固体容易和油相而不容易和水相或气相接触。
All parts to be in contact with the pharmaceutical are made of stainless steel or Teflon for non-toxicity and corrosion proof. 凡与药物直接接触的零部件均选用不锈钢、聚四氟乙烯等无毒、耐腐蚀材料制造。
The data-recording device scans a tiny cantilever tip that rides in contact with the surface of a ferroelectric material. 这种数据存储设备使用一个尖顶悬臂对铁电体存储材料进行读写操作。