over time

  • conj.随着时间的过去
  • 网络三十拉警报;随着时间的推移;久而久之

over timeover time

over time


日剧学院赏_百度百科 ... “FOR YOU 全为了你” “OVER TIME 三十拉警报” “to Heart 世纪末恋爱预言” ...


含有over的短语_百度知道 ... over the way 路对面, 街对面 over time 随着时间的过去 over there 那里 ...


Cheers 谢了-英语点津 ... shortened 缩短 over time 随着时间的推移 observed 注意到 ...


TOEFL短语词组 ... over millennia 数千年来 over time 久而久之 parking lot 停车场 ...


航海及海运专业英语词汇(O4)|无忧教育 ... over the side 在舷外 over time 超时 over turn 倾覆 ...


独家:历年中考真题阅读完型核心单词_英语网 ... little by little 逐渐地 over time 随着时间的流逝 volunteer group 志愿者小组 ...


模具日本语 - dwxydq的日志 - 网易博客 ... Processing 来料加工 Over Time 加班(正常工作日加班) Bailment Processing 委托 …


牛津高中版模块1... ... polish up 磨光,擦亮;提高,改进 over time 随着时间的过去,经过一段时间 centre around 以……为中 …

If you think a stock is good, you can pick it up in small amounts so that you average out the cost of the investment over time. 如果你认为一只股具投资潜能,可考虑分几次买入以把平均价拉低。
The light earth dream serves ascension as it strives to piece together all that has fallen a part over time. 光明地球梦想为提升服务,它努力将所有经时光流逝而坠成碎片的部分拼合在一起。
Since the Web site is likely to expand and change over time, we need to expend some effort up front to make the site easy to maintain. 因为Web网站将会随着时间而扩展和改变,我们需要预先做一些工作以使这个网站容易维护。
Over time, and perhaps even before, a pale was not just a stick, but a fence, and then it was the area within the fence. 一些年后,甚至在那之前,pale不仅仅是一根棍子,还有篱笆的意思,后来便指代篱笆之内的区域。
Measures like this will drive smaller players out of the market over time, allowing for higher margins for the remaining developers. 随着时间的推移,此类措施将把小型开发商逐出市场,并让其它的开发商获得更高的利润。
Over time, you learn that a particular site tends to fail due to one of a handful of usual suspects. 随着时间的推移,您了解到某个特定站点出现故障的原因无非就那么几个。
over time my memory has developed so much that, like an elephant, l never forget anything have been told! 经过一段时间,我的记忆力提高了很多,就像一只大象,我从没忘记过任何被告知过的事情。
"Happy couples that are still together over time change things up, " she said. "They knock each other off balance just a little bit. " “随着时间的过去,那些仍然在一起的幸福夫妻使得形势向上发展。”她说,“他们只是一点点敲击彼此的不平衡之处。”
But the skin is often due to vigorously rubbing swab produce aging, wrinkles over time to climb the face. 但是皮肤往往是由于大力摩擦拭子生产老化,随着时间的推移皱纹爬上脸。
They are the exact opposite of a loyal audience, the kind that you might expect, over time, to inculcate with your message. 他们和那些忠实受众完全不同,而后者是你期望通过长时间的信息灌输来培养的。
welcome their commitment over time to move to a more flexible, market-determined exchange rate, ' he said. 他说,我们……欢迎他们致力于逐步向更灵活的、市场决定的汇率推进的做法。
I believe that taking things a step at a time, it is possible over time to make a big difference in the levels of corruption in a country. 我相信,如果分阶段分步骤进行的话,随着时间的推进,就可以明显改变该国的腐败程度。
Steady drinking over time. Drinking too much on a regular basis for an extended period can produce a physical dependence on alcohol. 一段时间内坚持饮酒。在一段时间内有规律的酗酒能导致身体对酒精的依赖。
The main bag is only single stitched which over time will not be able to withstand the constant tension and weight of groceries. 主袋是单线缝合的,时间一长,这种购物袋将无法承受食品杂货的重量和张力。
However, the ancients noted that some stars "wandered" across the sky, popping up in different constellations over time. 然而,古人说一些星星在天空中“游荡”,随着时间的推移从不同的星座弹出。
If it's something so humiliating that you know you'll never laugh about it, understand that the pain is bound to fade over time. 第二,如果这件事让你蒙羞,你一辈子都不会觉得可笑,那么你应该明白一个道理,痛苦会随着时间的流逝而减轻。
Over time, then, the story should be gradually expanded with more specific information to suit the child's age and maturity level, she said. 然后,随着时间的推移,这个故事要渐渐涉及到更多适应孩子年龄和成熟程度的明确信息。
Over time, it became apparent that the US would not live up to its commitment, owing, as now, to opposition in the Senate. 时间证明,美国不会遵守其承诺,就像现在其参议院中反气候变化法案呼声强硬一样,继续虚与委蛇。
I said that not only had this word changed meaning over time, it had also changed from sincere to slightly mocking and back again. 这个单词不仅逐渐改变了其含义,还经历了从褒义到贬义再回到褒义的过程。
Originally the carton was developed as a patched bag, but over time it has evolved into a bag in a carton skeleton. 原本纸箱是发展成为一个补丁包,但随着时间的推移它已发展成为一纸箱骨架袋发展。
Children on long-term treatment with methylphenidate should be monitored carefully several times a year to assess growth changes over time. 患儿在长期接受利他林治疗时,每年应该进行几次详细的检查以评估治疗期间的生长变化。
But he said methods used to measure sperm have changed significantly over time and have not always been reliable. 但他同时也指出过去到现在测量精子的方法已经大不相同,而并不是所有的方法都值得信赖。
The CPU graph, which had previously consisted of cyclical fits of starts and stops, is now more consistently saturated over time. 此前,CPU图中包含表示启动和停止的周期,现在则是一直占满。
I mean the kind of real, honest conversations that couples have all the time at the beginning of a relationship, but which fade over time. 我指的是那种在恋爱初期无话不说,开诚布公的沟通,虽然它会随着时间的流逝而逐渐褪色。
Over time, Yancey's kidneys had failed to the point where he now needed 15 hours of dialysis a week to stay alive. 久而久之,扬西每周都需要的那15个小时的透析已经到起不了作用的地步了。
Over time, the results of this act, denounced by captains of industry at the time of its passage, would become clear. 随着时间的推移,在立法时曾遭行业巨头斥责的这项法案的效力变得有目共睹。
This command has changed over time, so depending on which version of sMash you're working with, you will need to adjust what you type. 此命令已随时间推移而更改,因此取决于所使用的sMash版本,您可能需要调整输入的内容。
While it might not seem like much saved, over time and with a heavy load, this adds up to a critical savings. 虽然这看起来可能并没有节省多少开销,但如果时间很长而且负载很大时,这样就能够节省不少的开销。
For the teachers, there seem to have always been outcasts around on campus, but over time, you can see some differences. 对于老师来说,学校里好像一直不乏这种被校开除的学生,但是,随着时间的推移,你会看到一些不同。
That combination makes code quick to write and easy to maintain over time, he said. 他表示,这样的兼收并蓄能让编写代码变得迅速,而维护起来也方便得多。