out of order

  • na.杂乱无章;不合规则;情况反常;有故障
  • 网络乱序执行;发生故障;坏了

out of orderout of order

out of order


驽鸟公寓 ... (Organic Land Grid Array, 基板栅格数组) (Out of Order乱序执行) (Pin-Grid Array, 引脚网格数组,耗 …


大学英语四级常用词组 ... in order to 以便,以…为目的 out of order 不整齐;发生故障 take order to do 采取适当办法去做… ...


[英语语法] 介词 ... out of fashion 不时新 out of order 坏了 out of sight 看不见 ...


09年中考英语词法复习题_免费试卷_当知网 ... out of date (过时了), out of order (出故障) because of 后接名词,如: ...


考研英语常考固定词组(word下载版) - 豆丁网 ... in order that 以便 out of order 发生故障,混乱 put in order 修理,检修 ...


高中英语新课程标准词汇表 ... out of breath 上气不接下气 out of order 运转不正常,出毛病 out of work 失业 ...


大学英语四级常用词组 ... in order to 以便,以…为目的 out of order 不整齐;发生故障 take order to do 采取适当办法去做… ...


大学英语四级常用词组 ... out of date 过时的 out of order 出故障的 out of place 不适当的 ...

The order of execution is perceived to be out of order, but is allowed to happen given the current memory model. 执行的顺序是颠倒的,但鉴于当前的内存模型,这也是允许发生的。
The ATM beside the door of the bank is out of order . 这家银行门口的柜员机坏了。
Out of order? Who the hell you think you're talking' to? I've been around, you know? 过分?你以为你在跟谁说话?我是见过世面的,明白吗?
A trunk to which a call for a vacant number or changed number or a line out of order is connected for action by an operator. 一种将空号、变址号或故障线路的呼叫转给它并由操作员处理的干线。
If he keeps fiddling with the clock, he is sure to put it out of order. 他若继续摆弄那钟表,那非把它弄坏不可。
He keeps fiddling with the dials on the radio, he is sure to put it out of order. 他老是玩弄收音机上的刻度盘,一定会把它弄坏的。
You were expecting college to be the happiest time of your life, but it turns ou that everything is out of order. 你一直期望着大学成为你一生中最快乐的时光,但结果是每件事都不是你期望的那样。
Both the server and the client must be prepared to get Ajax requests and responses out of order, and some of them might even be missed. 服务器和客户机都必须做好获得不规范的Ajax请求和响应的准备,有些请求或响应甚至可能会丢失。
Our car stopped at a road around the Mountain, it looked as if the engine was out-of-order and the car could not run again. 我们的车停留在山边公路上,看来是发动机出了故障,无法再行驶了。
A I could put it where you just said not to put it and you could take it out of order. That's the best way. 我可以不要把他放到最后,而且你也可以重新安排他们的顺序,这是我觉得最好的办法。
It was out of order for him to make such a tactless remark. 他说出这种不得体的话是不合适的。
This vending machine is out of order , Get a mechanic to see to it . 这个自动贩卖机已经坏掉了,让修理工看一下。
While this approach might seem to be out of order, the editor posits that it might be in order of difficulty. 尽管这种方式的顺序看起来有些不合常理,但编辑假定这可能是按照困难程度来安排的。
Well, it seems like an awfully long ride. (after a while) Driver, how come your meter is running so fast? Is it out of order? 呃,好像走的时间太久了。(过了一会儿)师傅,你的计费表为什么跑得这么快?是不是坏了?
She isn't afraid to tell him when he's behaving poorly, and he likewise feels comfortable enough to tell her when she's out of order. 赫敏不会害怕告诉哈利他什么时候会举止异常,哈利也同样能很舒服地告诉赫敏什么时候她也会变得不正常。
The elevator is out of order. We've got to go up the stairs. 电梯故障了。我们必须爬楼梯了。
Never in his experience had he found anything out of order, but to-night, after shutting down his desk, he came out and tried the safe. 他从未发现任何东西出过差错,可是今晚,他锁好自己的写字台后,出来检查保险柜。
"It was quite chaotic, totally out of order, " he said. 他说道:“简直乱成一团,毫无秩序。”
Fault diagnosis and error detection results are used to perform the system reconfiguration when some subsystems being out of order. 利用故障诊断和故障检测来实现故障后的系统重构。
The front wheel of my bicycle is out of whack and the brake is out of order, too. 我的自行车前轮坏了,刹车也不灵了。
"A, two, three, pull out" everyone a make neck, is out of order that a while of the tooth pulled out to come out. “一,二,三,拔”大家一使颈,一下子把那颗坏了的牙拔了出来。
The motor is out of order. Can you find out the place in which the trouble lies? 马达坏了,你能找出毛病在什么地方吗?
Unemployed problem is a domain that the market is out of order, also be finance ought to somewhat factitive a domain. 失业问题是市场失灵的一个领域,也是财政应当有所作为的一个领域。
Making the run on a drunken spree is totally out of order: It's just plain stupid and a danger both to yourself as well as to others. 让路跑在嘻闹中进行是相当失控的:这只是表示愚蠢及置自己与其他人于危险之中。
In a multi-processor environment, event messages are likely to be received out of order. 在多处理器环境中,事件消息的接收顺序可能是紊乱的。
In an extremely highly loaded system you will sometimes see out-of-order events in your log, usually by a few milliseconds. 在一个极其高负荷的系统中你有时候会看到日志中有顺序被打乱了的事件,通常在几毫秒之间。
In a trainee-led class students may be dismissive of their teachers' orders and therefore make teaching activities out of order. 在一个以受训者为引导的课堂当中,学生们可能会对教师的命令不理不睬,并使得教学活动失去秩序。
Therefore, you might receive progress update events out of order, with a subsequent event showing a decrease compared with a previous event. 因此,可能收到不按顺序排列的进度更新事件,后面事件的序号可能比前面事件的序号要靠前。
In case of the machine goes out of order, alarm signal will appear and the machine will return the original condition and halt cycle. 当机器发生故障时,发出报警信号,机器将回到循环初始状态并停止循环。
The electrical toy father bought for her has gone out of order. 爸爸给她买的电动玩具坏了。