on behalf of

  • na.替;为…的利益
  • 网络代表;代表某人;以…名义

on behalf ofon behalf of

on behalf of


大学英语四级常用词组 ... on account of 由于 on behalf of 代表 on business 因公 ...


电话英语对话 ... behalf n. 利益 on behalf of 代表某人 anywny ad. 无论如何,无论怎样 ...


英语—医学 ... on account of[ 因为] · on behalf of[ 以……名义] · on duty[ 值日] · ...


高二英语选修6 重点句子短语 ... on the average 平均而言 on behalf of 代表一方 advocate doing 提倡,主张做 ...


360教育网--最大的免费教育资源网 ... 26. set out 提出,制定出 27. on behalf of 作为……的代表 28. earthquake n. 地震 ...


会议致辞高频词汇_口译_海词英语 ... 揭幕仪式 unveiling 谨代表 on behalf of 以我个人名义 in my own name ...


2011年高考英语必背短语 - 豆丁网 ... to begin with 首 先 , 第 一 on behalf of 代 表 … , 为 了 … belong to 属 于 ; 附 属 ...


金牌就代表(On behalf of)中原百姓的德育。金牌第一就代表(On behalf of)中原是智育强国了!

All this law made by or on behalf of Parliament, taken together, is called legislation. 所有这些由或者代表议会制定的法律,汇集在一起,总称为制定法。
The United States is ready to join a global effort on behalf of new jobs and sustainable growth. 美国已经做好准备,参加创造就业机会和推动持续增长的全球性努力。
Isaac prayed to the Lord on behalf of his wife, because she was barren. 以撒因他妻子不生育,就为她祈求耶和华;
Now, he said, it would fall to the Senate "to take the baton and bring this effort to the finish line on behalf of the American people. " 现在,奥巴马语重心长地说道,“代表美国人们接过接力棒奔向终点的责任”就落在了参议院身上。
He may permit an appeal to BE made on BEhalf of the tenant by a person authorized under the lease to occupy the land or part of it. 则可准许根据批约有权住用该产业或其部分之人士代表承租人提出上诉。
Amazon on behalf of the Internet bulletin board, said the company is experiencing the event under the influence of order. 亚马逊代表在网上公告栏中称,该公司正经历影响下订单的事件。
On behalf of the our company, i wish to express our heartfelt thanks to you for your gracious assistance. Your majesty! 对您的大力协助,我谨代表我们公司表示衷心的感谢。
"I'd rather have them sacrificing on behalf of our nation than, you know, endless hours of testimony on congressional hill. " -George W. 我倒希望送他们去为国牺牲,而不是在国会山上没完没了的宣誓作证。
For a refund to any person issued a notice, notification may be sent to the parties themselves or sent to an agent on behalf of the parties. 如需向任何人发出退票通知,通知可发给当事人本人或发给代表当事人之代理人。
Pray, v. To ask the laws of the universe to be annulled on behalf of a singlepetitioner confessedly unworthy. 祈祷,动词。请求宇宙的法规为一个请愿者不足道的忏悔而被废止。
He said to him, "On behalf of my battery, I arrest you! " 他对他说:“我代表炮兵连逮捕你!”
The database administrator is able to audit actions of the middle-tier application acting on behalf of a given set of users. 数据库管理员可以对中间层应用程序代表给定一组用户执行的动作进行审计。
This Holy Mission on behalf of God I'm going to fulfill even if it means invading, killing, torturing and burning you and your country! 我将代表上帝执行这项神圣使命,即使它意味着侵略、屠杀、迫害和焚烧你们的国家和人民!
My husband can't be here today, so I'm going to speak on his behalf (on behalf of him). 我丈夫今天不能来,所以我要代表他说话。(不可用standfor)
He said he spoke on behalf of you. 他说他的言论代表你。
The president did not formally endorse McCain, but did say he was willing to campaign on behalf of the eventual Republican nominee. 布什总统没有正式表态支持麦凯恩,但是他说,他愿意为最后将赢得共和党提名的侯选人竞选。
On behalf of the American people, we congratulate Muslims in the United States and around the world on this blessed day. Eid Mubarak. 我们代表美国人民,在这个神圣的日子向在美国和世界各地的穆斯林致以祝贺。开斋节吉祥快乐。
On behalf of the Beijing Municipal government, I wish to express our heartfelt thanks to you for your gracious assistance. 协助,我谨代表北京市政府表示衷心的感谢。
That any Director of the Company be and is hereby authorised to execute the General Terms and Conditions on behalf of the Company. 这本公司任何董事之建议,授权执行对本公司所作的一般条款和条件。
Please allow me to be on behalf of everyone at seat to thank the host for such a nice evening. 2请允许我代表在座的每一个感谢主人让我们过一个美好的夜晚。
Hillary asks: "That piece of scrip that on behalf of me then husband overcomes Lin Du is in which. " 希拉里问:“那代表我老公克林顿的那张纸片在哪呢。”上地说;
If West Ham stay up, the clubs will back a legal claim for loss of Premiership status on behalf of any club who drop into the bottom three. 如果西汉姆没有降级的话这几家球队会继续为了失去超级联赛资格诉讼。
Bushmen do not know in real life people do not know how they object to on behalf of the water. 不了解布须曼人实际生活的人,是不会知道他们是怎样以物代水的。
The U. S. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission last week sued the company in U. S. District Court in Manhattan on behalf of the women. 美国平等就业机会委员会(U.S.EqualEmploymentOpportunityCommission)上周代表上述三人,在曼哈顿地区法院向彭博资讯提起诉讼。
On the screen to see the form on behalf of the property, which defines the form of property appearance and internal characteristics. 在屏幕上看到的窗体代表属性,这些属性定义了窗体的外观和内在特性。
So, when you're getting ready to make a request, imagine that you're doing so on behalf of your team or a colleague. 所以,当你准备提出要求时,想象自己是在代表团队或同事。
At present, China's finance ministry sells up to Rmb200bn a year in bonds on behalf of local governments. 目前,中国财政部代表地方政府一年至多销售2000亿元人民币的债券。
However, I am afraid that readers do not know, "to the tea liquor on behalf of" the three countries began in Soochow of The Last Emperor. 不过,读者恐怕不知道,“以茶代酒”始于三国东吴的末代皇帝孙皓。
Once again, on behalf of the less fortunate whom we serve, I thank you so much - from the bottom of my heart. 愿上帝的祝福在您的生活中成真!再次代表那些我们所帮助的不幸人们,衷心感谢你们!
In this international environment, some of the computations that Web services carry out on behalf of a client require internationalization. 在这个国际化的环境中,由Web服务所发出的一些计算指令是为了客户端的国际化支持。