on hand

  • na.现有;〈美〉出席;〈美〉在近处
  • 网络在手边;在场;在手头

on handon hand

on hand


大学英语四级常用词组 ... in hand 现有在手头;在进行中 on hand 现有;在手边;临近 hand down 把…传下来;传给 ...


大学英语四级常用词组 ... on guard 站岗,值班 on hand 在场,在手边 on one's own 独立,独自 ...


英语词组和固定搭配 - 豆丁网 ... in hand (工作等)在进行中;在 控制中 on hand 在手边,在近处 one hand 一方面 ...


大学英语四级常用词组 ... in hand 现有在手头;在进行中 on hand 现有;在手边;临近 hand down 把…传下来;传给 ...


2011最新版考研英语词汇下载 - 英语 考研论坛 ... on guard 值班,站岗 on hand 在手头,现有,在场 on one’s guard 警惕,提 …


英语动词短语 - 豆丁网 ... on one hand 一方面 on hand 在手边;在场;即将发生 left hand 左手 ...


雅思词汇词根+联想记忆法 ... on end 直立 on hand 手头现有 on no account 决不 ...

This is not a man who would watch "Steel Magnolias" without a fight, no matter how much Shiner Bock beer was on hand. 这不是一个看“铁木兰”而不打架的男人无论有多少ShinerBock牌的啤酒在他手中。
I had never seen his wife. I asked if he had picture of her on hand. 我从没见过他老婆,我问他现在手头上是否有他老婆的照片。
Counsellors were on hand, as well as four replacement jurors ready to step in if the evidence proved too hard to stomach. 律师还有四个后备陪审团成员就在边上,准备着如果证据太难以接受时进行替换。
That's part of why Berkshire always keeps at least $20 billion cash on hand for unforeseen events or investment opportunities, he said. 那也是为什么伯克郡公司总是在手上保持200亿美金已备突发事件之需和投资机会,他说。
Guessing from looks, some of the mules thought the matter on hand was war. 从外表揣测,有的骡子以为眼前的事情是战争。
Some suggested that he was just trying to work on his image given the number of national reporters on hand last month. 鉴于他上月给了国家很多记者他努力打球的照片,一些人认为他已经在去努力工作。
China's banks borrow money in the interbank market to make loans and meet regulatory requirements for how much cash they have on hand. 中国各银行在银行间市场上拆借资金,以筹措所需的贷款资金以及为满足监管部门对银行手头现金量的要求而需要的资金。
the company desires to have inventory on hand at the end of each month equal to 20% of the following month's budgeted cost of goods sold . 公司期望在每个月末的存货量相当于下个月销售货物预算费用的20%。
To be concrete about it, imagine you need to recalculate the value of every inventory item on hand and sum up the total. 说得具体一点,假设您需要重新计算手头每件库存产品的价格,并计算其总和。
How much would you have to have on hand every year to invest and be a billionaire at a time where you could still spend it? 每年需要投资多少钱,才能够在有生之年成为亿万富翁,并且还有机会来花这些钱?
He also used to have a Kazakh Army hat on hand, which he would wear when he wanted to scold his assistants. 他也曾经现场戴过一顶Kazakh的军帽,当他批评他的助手时,他戴过它。
At least one Harry Potter was on hand for the speech, wearing the trademark round glasses and a flowing black Gryffindor robe. 至少有一个哈利。波特被握在手里,戴着标志性的圆框眼镜和飘扬的格兰芬多黑色巫师长袍。
Bentley Motors, Ltd. was formed in 1919 with very little capital on hand, a plight that was to plague the company for the next decade. 宾特利汽车有限公司成立于1919年,当时资本很少,公司在接下来的10年都将处于一个困境。
happiness on hand is simple and transparent, just as two geese fly across the sky together. 紧握手里的幸福应该是简单而透明的。就像两只大雁,依偎在一起飞过天空,哪么简单。那么快乐。
With its large display and onscreen keyboard, iPad makes it easy to jot down quick notes and keep important information on hand. 由于有大的显示屏及屏幕式键盘,iPad使得随意记下留言及随时保留重要信息更加容易。
He thrust his head out of his revery and said: "Is there fighting on hand? " 他振作精神,伸着脑袋细听,说道:“是不是打起来了?”
The on hand balance of an item, less the allocation, leaves the balance available for production or to promise to customer orders. 一项物品的现存余额减去分配,剩余的便可用于生产或让客户下订单。
The company, criticised a year ago for hoarding cash, has seen its reserves fall from more than $40bn on hand to just under $20bn. 一年前,该公司曾因囤积现金而招致批评,如今其现金储备已从400多亿美元下降至不足200亿美元。
every time a man died , or a woman died , or a child died , she would be on hand with her " tribute " before he was cold. 每当一个男人死了,或是一个女人死了,或是一个孩子死了,尸体未寒,她便已把“挽诗”送来了。
Any organization that wants to be able to manipulate this data needs to have the staff on hand to read, transform, and validate XML. 任何希望操纵这些数据的企业都需要建立能够阅读、转换和验证XML的团队。
However, it is possible to have special classes on hand that will determine the behaviors of "objectified" XML nodes. 但却可以在手头上有一些特殊的用于确定“对象化”XML节点行为的类。
Thousands of lawyers are fanning out across the United States to be on hand if there is the slightest sign of voting irregularities. 数以千计的律师散开到美国的各个地方去维护各个可能出现投票混乱的地方。
One nurse from Pennsylvania placed responsibility on hand sanitizers for her failed test, according to the Wall Street Journal. 据华尔街日报称,一名来自宾夕法尼亚州的护士就认为导致她检测失败的罪魁祸首就是洗手液。
His role is to see that the required labor and material are on hand . 他的作用是看所需要的人力和材料是否备足。
One of the most useful tools to keep on hand is a live CD of some sort of Linux distribution. 最有用的工具之一就是Linux的发行版的LiveCD,最好手头上备有。
You may not need this much money each month, but overall, you will find that you need to have at least this much money on hand. 你或许不需要每个月花这些钱,但是总的来说,你会发现你需要这么多钱在手。
Both teams kept extra molds on hand for on-set accidents, and at least one of the bikes provided for Priest was destroyed during filming. 两支团队都为可能发生的撞击事故保留了额外的机车模具,还至少准备了一辆提供给电影《圣徒》的机车。
Mr. Liu denied having his own men on the spot, but it was almost certain that Chinese agents were on hand, the Asian official said. 刘跃进否认现场有他的手下,但上述亚洲官员表示,几乎可以肯定,当时有中国特工在场。
Both attack forces were to contain strong armoured reserves, which would be on hand to defeat any Russian counterattacks . 这两支攻击部队都有强大的装甲预备队,随时准备对付苏军军的反击。
A good rule of thumb is to have enough cash on hand to handle about four to six months of your living expenses in case you lose your job. 经验告诉我们,我们手头应该留有足够应付大约四到六个月日常开销的现金,以防哪天突然丢掉了工作。