out of the way

  • na.向旁边;让开;迷失;误
  • 网络让路;不挡道;不碍事

out of the wayout of the way

out of the way


高一英语必修3知识点总结 - 好研 ... in the way 挡道 out of the way 让路 in a way 从某种意义上讲 ...


高一英语总复习资料 - 豆丁网 ... in the way 挡道;妨碍 out of the way 不挡道 in a way 在某种程度上;在某一点上 ...


新概念英语二册Red for danger ... look on 旁观,观看 out of the way 不碍事,不挡路 She is careful his coming. 她注意衣着 ...


石油词汇英语翻译(NO) -亿城英语 ... out of the plan price 计划外价格 out of the way 偏僻的 out of trim 失去平衡 ...


高三毕业班英语温书材料 ... in no way 决不,一点也不 out of the way 不挡道,不恰当,异常 show sb. the way 给…指/带路/指 …


第四季408_老友记剧本学习_新浪博客 ... guy: (男)人,家伙 out of the way: 不碍事的 mumble: 喃喃而语 ...


新概念英语二册Red for danger ... look on 旁观,观看 out of the way 不碍事,不挡路 She is careful his coming. 她注意衣着 ...

You can then go near them for a short time, as near as you are prepared to risk it, and then quickly get out of the way. 您可以接近它们一小会儿,近到你准备接受冒险,然后迅速离开。
You're even weaker than I thought. Get out of the way! 你比我想的还懦弱,给我让开
And when he saw them, that naughty Little Jack Rollaround began to tease. 'Out of the way, there! 调皮的小杰克摇摇看到星星,开始戏弄他们:“闪开,我来了!”
With many programmers, their recommended management strategy seems to be: get out of the way. 同许多的程序员一样,他们推荐的管理策略像是:躲避。
"They want their houses protected. They don't want people telling them: get out of the way. . . we want to put a freeway here. " “他们希望他们的房产得到保护,他们不希望听到:让开,我们要在这里修条高速公路”。
In this case, select the PictureBox control, and drag it to the bottom of the form to get it out of the way. 这种情况下,可选择PictureBox控件并将其拖到窗体底部,使其不再覆盖背景图片。
He was surprisingly quick, a skill developed over years of getting out of the way of his bullying cousin. 他惊人的敏捷,这都是多年来因躲避他欺负人的表兄而练就的本领。
The tag is nicely tucked out of the way but always visible from the corner of your eye, reminding you that this tasty app is free. 标签被优雅的卷起,但还是毫无悬念的出现在你眼角,提醒你这些优秀应用是免费的。
On and on came the train. The engineer saw the boy on the track and whistled for him to get out of the way. But Tony stood still. 火车越来越近了。火车司机看到了铁轨上的那个男孩,鸣笛让他不要挡可是,托尼仍然站在那里,一动不动。
And before I get started today, since many of you are wondering, I just wanted to get it out of the way. The answer is boxers. 那么今天在我开始之前,由于你们中的很多人都想知道答案我只想很快地说一下。答案就是:男士四角内裤。
He told Yemen's embattled president to quit. And he asked Syria's president to "lead that transition [to democracy] or get out of the way. " 他建议也门四面楚歌的总统辞职,也要求叙利亚总统“要么领导这场(走向民主的)变革,要么退位让贤”。
With Maurizio out of the way, she figured there was nothing to stop her from taking over the company herself. 她认为少了莫里齐奥碍事,就没有任何事可以阻止她自己接管公司。
It was really the perfect solution. With her out of the way, the rest of us would be more valuable and have a bit more room to spread out. 这可真是个绝妙的解决之道,她这么一走,我们几个剩下的孩子就更有价值了,房间的空间也大一点了。
Though it was the first time for her to take the job interview, she didn't say anything out of the way. 尽管这是她初次工作面试,他没说一句不得体的话。
Gone, too, must be the assumption that governments should merely get out of the way of markets. 政府就不应干预市场的假说肯定也已过时。
With all the background work out of the way, I think you're ready to take the plunge and develop your own custom JSF components. 有了这些基础工作之后,我认为您已经可以采取行动,开发自己的定制JSF组件了。
Get out of the way of your own authentic fulfillment. 别挡在自己真我实现的路上。
Nationalization will inevitably be the solution, so Beijing might as well get it out of the way now. 国有化将是必然的解决方案,因此中国政府倒不如现在就行动起来,清除这些债务负担。
He crept down into his hole, pushed the goose egg out of the way, and returned with an old piece of dirty white string. 它潜回自己的洞穴,把那个坏鹅蛋推到一边,然后,拿着一条又旧又脏的白线出来了。
The Fields dialog box remains open, so you may need to move it out of the way to see the field in the document. 字段对话框不用关闭,可以移动对话框方便地查看文档里的字段。
It has always been that you make money and then you run like hell and try to get out of the way. 情况一直都是:你赚到了钱,然后就拼命夺门而出,想赶紧溜之大吉。
With that out of the way God could give him his next instruction and lead him on to the main task God had for him. 随著他踏出第一步,神便会指示他第二步,逐步带领他作最重要的工作。
Though some men told her to get out of the way, others held up umbrellas to protect her. 在场有男人叫她离开,但也有为她撑伞保护她的。
He learned to watch for her blue eyes to go dark, nearly black with temper, and to get out of the way if they did. 他熟悉了她生气的时候,蓝眼睛会慢慢变暗,几乎成了黑色,好像一有可能,就要发作起来。
Our early years of my life in an out-of-the-way village full and enjoyable, isolated but not lonely. 我的早年是在一个偏僻的农村里度过的,生活充实而愉快,虽然与世隔绝,但并不寂寞。
It would have been a lot worse if Edward wasn't there. He knocked me out of the way. 如果爱德华不在那里,它就会是一件运气更坏的事。他从方法敲击了我。
Mary told me that she would graduate in June if she could get the chemistry course she needs out of the way. 马利告诉我如果她能把所需的化学课解决了,就将于七月份毕业。
This waiter was waiting for her to move out of the way, but she didn't even notice him. 有个侍者等着她让路,可她甚至就当没有他这个人似的。
Part of our growth strategy is to get out of the way of private sector recovery. 我们的增长战略之一,就是为私人部门复苏扫清障碍。
This is a powerful step closer to talking about your problem in the terms of your problem, letting the language itself get out of the way. 这进一步贴近了就事论事地讨论问题的目标,让语言本身不再成为阻碍。