be available for

  • 网络有效;可利用的;可供……利用

be available forbe available for

be available for


大学英语四级常用词组 ... be attentive to 对…关怀 be available for 有效 on an average 平均起来,一般说来 ...


电影经典对白_英语杂谈_天涯论坛... ... fry up: (用煎锅)把食物热一下 be available for: 可得到的;可利用的 good at: 擅长... ...


高二必修5... ... a collection of … 一系列的…(收藏品) 20.sth. be available for可供…利用 a cross-word puzzle 纵横字谜 ...


牛津高中英语短语汇编 - 豆丁网 ... sb 把某物传递给某人 12. be available for 对…有用 13. from 远离;离开…很远 14. ...


高二英语必修5 Unit2 ... ... 7. ring out: 发出响声,响起 be available for 有空做…;可供…利用 delighted:adj. 高兴 …


高中英语会... ... be attached to 亲近;亲密; 附属于,隶属于 be available for 有效的,可获得的 be aware of 意识到,觉察到,知 …


华译网翻译公司... ... 对…敏感,觉察,关心 be all ears || 对…关怀 be available for || 不了解,对…是盲目的 be bound for || ...


一般现在时 - 豆丁网 ... be relevant to 与….相关 be available for 有空做某事 prefer….to…. 与….相比更喜欢 ...

Barazite was told in the summer that he did not figure in Arsenal's long term plans, and would be available for transfer. 今年夏天巴拉奇特被告知他不在阿森纳的长期计划内,他可以转会了。
Neither of these are going to be available for a while, but images and specs for a couple of new HTC phones have popped up online. 以下两款HTC新手机都得等上好一阵子才会发售,不过相关照片和规格都已上线,我们赶紧来瞧瞧吧!
Peterson said he wanted to give the Budget Committee time to decide how much money will be available for agriculture. 彼特森说,他希望给预算委员会留出时间,以决定农业拨款数额。
In general, the state of a process definition, process instance and user task must be available for an administrator. 通常,流程定义,流程实例以及用户任务的状态对管理员可用。
A real-world treatment will not be available for at least a few more years, but the researchers said they were confident it would happen. 临床治疗至少在好几年内都不可能问世,但是研究人员表示他们有信心将会实现。
And with his contract due to end shortly, he would be available for the club well before the start of the next A-League season. 他的合约即将到期,在下个赛季澳超开始前他就可以上任。
The company was performing studies on the issue, but the results would not be available for "some months, " she said. 该公司是从事研究的问题,但效果不会即时在“几个月”,她说。
This led Jobs to decree that the Macintosh operating system would not be available for any other company's hardware. 这一理念使得乔布斯决意让麦金塔电脑的操作系统无法与其他公司的硬件设备相兼容。
Water treatment is often necessary if surface water supplies are to be available for human use. 当把地表水供人使用时,通常需要处理。
I am not at my best but hope to be available for the next two games. 我还不在最佳状态,但希望在接下来的两场比赛里能出场。
The kind of dynamic performance appraisal system also can be available for the other middle and small scale business. 这种动态的绩效考核体系同样适合其他中小型民营企业,可为同类企业提供参考。
Products purchased with Alipay may not be available for up to 24 hours while Alipay confirms that the funds have been received. 使用支付宝购买的产品24小时内支付宝确认资金已经收到。
If I have adequate notice, I can arrange to be available for travel at almost any time of the year. 如果有提前通知,我可以在任何需要的时候出差。
But Alonso is now back in training and should be available for the clash at The Hawthorns. 但是阿隆索已经恢复训练,他将可能在西布朗的比赛中出场比赛。
The Kit will only be available for a few more hours , then Chris will be shutting down signups again until the next round. 只有几小时的订购时间了,然后克里斯将再次关闭网站注册系统,直到下一轮。
"I think he will be available for the weekend, but if we push him for that he will have to rest afterwards, " Benitez said. “我想他能够参加周末的比赛,但之后我们将让他休息,”贝尼特斯说道。
We're in a tough economic climate and the dream job you want might not be available for the next few years. 我们处于严酷的经济气候中,你想的理想工作也许在接着的几年不适用。
This product is expected not to be available for at least a month. 这种产品预计一个月内都会缺货。
I'm just getting back into training and with luck I'll be available for the next round (against Estonia in June). 我正好刚恢复训练,不过幸运的是我可以出战下一轮(对爱沙尼亚)的比赛。
All building blocks will be available for some of you to start a new chapter, a new season, a new SPIRITUAL dawn. 所有的砌块将为你们中的一些人提供,去开始一个新的篇章,一个新的时节,一个新的灵性拂晓。
Tim Cahill is expected to be available for Australia against Germany on Sunday after hurting his neck in a warm-up game against the USA. 蒂姆·卡希尔有望在周日澳大利亚对德国的比赛中出场,此前他在球队与美国队的热身赛中颈部受伤。
The wireless heart pump developed by Dr Bonde and Dr Smith will not be available for a few years, however. 邦德和史密斯博士开发的无线供电心泵在最近几年还不能进行临床应用。
Boys with a few inches of dreadlocks would be available for any tourist who wanted them. 任何旅客只要想要,随处就可以买到一些留着几英寸长发绺的男孩。
The authorities said the results from an autopsy may not be available for several weeks. 权威人士称尸检结果可能几周之后也不会有结果。
Hebrew-Greek dictionary should also be available for use for when there is a need to understand the original meaning of a word. 还应有一本希伯来语—希腊语词典,因为有时候会需要清楚词语的原义。
We credited the deposit to your account, but some or all of the funds will not be available for your immediate use. 我们记入到您的帐户的存款,但部分或全部资金将不会提供您立即使用。
Invite him to early breakfast meetings to keep him informed, and don't be available for him to interrupt you in the office. 请他大清早跟你一起吃早餐,向他通报工作情况,然后别让他在办公室里有机会打断你工作。
However, multiple workflows can be attached to one list and may be available for a given item. 不过,可以将多个工作流附加到一个列表并可能用于给定的项目。
Teammate Sebastiano Siviglia also hopes to be available for the Champions League fixture, as he is recovering from a knee injury. 他的队友西维利亚希望他能赶上冠军杯资格赛,目前他正在恢复中。
However, a limited number of designated smoking bedrooms will be available for your convenience (subject to availability). 然而,为了方便您,酒店提供数量有限的指定吸烟客房(视供应情况而定)。