by all means

  • na.必定;千方百计;不惜一切;好的
  • 网络务必;一定;无论如何

by all meansby all means

by all means


大学英语四级常用词组 ... beyond question 毫无疑问 by all means 尽一切办法,务必 by and by 不久,迟早 ...


大学英语四级常用词组 ... may as well 最好,不妨 by all means 尽一切办法;一定 by means of 用,凭借,依靠 ...


雅思写作常用词组 - 雅思考试网 ... at a loss 困惑,不知所措 by all means 无论如何,必定 by no means 决不 ...


大学英语四级常用词组 ... may as well 最好,不妨 by all means 尽一切办法;一定 by means of 用,凭借,依靠 ...


英语专八改错常见固定搭配_百度文库 ... By no means 绝不 一点都不 By all means 当然可以 By this/that means 名词短语 ...


雅思写作常用词组 - 雅思考试网 ... at a loss 困惑,不知所措 by all means 无论如何,必定 by no means 决不 ...


关于英语中“动词加介词”的短语_百度知道 ... by means of 通过….., 靠…… by all means 用一切办法 keep up with 紧跟….. ...

He said to them, "Empty it, by all means, but leave an old man his humble bag so that he might gather a coin or two in future. " 我师父对他们说,“你们完全可以把里面的东西全部拿走,但是,请给一位老头留下他的破钱包,让他将来可以用来讨要一两个硬币。”
By all means possible you have been kept ignorant of our presence, and any other civilization that has attempted to communicate with you. 无论如何你们都被刻意的远离我们存在的事实,还有任何其他已经企图接触了你们地球的文明。
The art is the matter of the mind, so any science research belongs to the psychology category by all means. 艺术是心灵之事,所以任何一项科学性的研究必然属于心理学范畴。
"Herb-brandy by all means, " said Tushin; "but still to conceive of a future life . . . " He did not finish his sentence. “可以请您喝一点草浸酒,”图申说道,“还是要明了未来的人生……”他没有把话说完。
On the days that you're feeling some cabin fever, by all means, get out of the house. Bundle up and go for a walk. 如果你在某一天醒来,从一开始就感觉很疲劳,那么你就不能去请假,试着做下一件事情。
Reform by all means, but reform methodically and with a sense of what you will gain by it. 改革当然可以,但是要在有条不紊并且对你会得到的收益有所了解情况下进行。
So as you read, certainly try the examples, but if the book inspires an idea of your own, by all means work on that for a while. 在你阅读的过程中,一定要试一下示例程序,但是如果书中鼓励你可以用自己的思维的话,那么就尽力去做吧。
By all means concentrate on all that is good and wholesome as it is of benefit to you and everyone else. 请务必把意识的焦点放在【善念】与【健康】的思想上,因为这会利益你与所有其他人。
If anyone wants to leave Japan, an FSA official says with uncharacteristic bluntness, "by all means get out. " 而如果有人想要离开日本,一位财政署官员直言道“想要用什么方法都可以”。
It is respectable to be one of the high-ups in the government, but it is no good trying to reach the goal by all means. 成为政府机要部门的一员是很体面的事,可是为达到此目的而不择手段则太不足取。
By all means, if you think China is the best country and far superior to the United States. . . then move there. 当然,如果你认为中国是最好的国家而且远远比美国好…就搬去那呗。
If you're interested in a specific language project, by all means, check it out for yourself. 如果对某个项目感兴趣,请务必自己查看一下。
Yes, by all means bring your in laws with you to the party tonight-the more the merrier . 好的,把你的亲朋好友都带来参加今晚的聚会——人越多越好。
Thanks to its excellent location the hotel can easily be reached by all means of transportation. HotelCentral酒店优越的地理位置使您可以搭乘所有交通工具方便地到达。
Each national's special culture mode comes out of the speech and behavior of that race by all means. 每个国家的特殊文化模式都源于这个民族的言论和行为方式。
Dudu was , by all means, a great mother as well as a wonderful wife, a strong and austere queen for the country. 嘟嘟也称得上是一个好母亲,好妻子,一个坚强而朴素的王后。米亚和她的妈妈相继死去。
Keep things as simple as possible at the start of a project, and by all means do not start writing lengthy Word documents. 项目启动之初,凡事能简则简,千万不要一头扎入冗长的Word文档中。
By all means let the 20-something traders set up derivative trades via IM-just make sure all the trades take place in full view . 通过各种方式使得借助即时信息建立起的衍生交易,确保其发生在监控之下。
If your stomach can handle it prior to a run or you need it to wake up, then by all means have a small cup before heading out the door. 假如你的胃能承受在跑步前喝咖啡,或者你需要它来让自己清醒,那么在出门前务必来上一小杯。
So by all means continue to observe, but observe with the intention of continuous change in the direction of your desires. 竭尽所能通过不同角度观察,但注意力应放在你的目标是否在向着你所期望的方向变化上。
If you're curious as to what Java code was produced by JavaCC, by all means, have a look (but don't try to change any of it! ). 如果您对于JavaCC生成怎样的Java代码感到好奇,就想尽方法看一看(但不要试图进行任何更改!)
Maintain your respect for the water, but experiment, and by all means, remember that this is supposed to be fun! 保持对水的敬意,但是要体验。务必记住,这应该是很好玩的!
And by all means, put thought into the layout of your text and images. But don't obsess over the technology at the expense of your story. 以各种方式将你的想法以文字和影像呈现出来,但是不要让网页技巧与你的故事喧宾夺主。
Set the expectation by breaking the delivery into phases, and then by all means publish this to the business to see. 通过分解成多个步骤的方式来设定预期效果,然后通过一切手段公开给企业,让他们了解。
"We use [anti-anxiety medications] with caution in aggressive animals, by all means, " she said. “我们对具有攻击性的动物使用(抗焦虑药物)时,都尽一切可能的保持谨慎,”她说。
Miranda: By all means, move at a glacial pace. You know how that thrills me. 动作越慢越好,你知道我很欣赏那样。
That's enough cable to strangle most of California, but by all means feel free to add in your own cable trivia down in the comments. 加利福尼亚州使用的大部分电缆就是这些了,如果你想增加更多的,阅读下面的注释部分。
If you can persuade your board of directors to share your moral convictions, by all means take the high road. That would be a wise decision. 如果你能说服你的董事们和你抱持相同的道德观,请尽管去做,这是最好的办法,也会是明智的决定。
Then by all means get a tutor to help you with your learning activities. 那么无论如何找一个家庭教师,在学习行为方面给你提供帮助。
You would not encourage such a deceiver? Dismiss her, by all means, at once! 你不会鼓励这样一个骗子吧?一定得马上把她打发走。