in and out

  • na.迂曲;忽隐忽现
  • 网络进进出出;里里外外;进进出出的

in and outin and out

in and out


大学英语四级常用词组 ... be in for 参加(竞赛、考试等) in and out 进进出出 be inferior to (质量等)比…差 ...


幼儿学英语ABC(2DVD)-DVD-亚马逊 ... 06 My balloon 我的气球 07 In and out 里里外外 09 Can I play? 我能玩吗? ...


TOFE听力习语总结斑斑要加精哦^... ... 18,in a sense 从某种意义上说 19,in and out 进进出出的 20,in any case 无论如何,总之 ...


32、《情难禁》(In and out)——————— (如何让“同志”不受社会歧视?) 33、《紫醉金迷》(Velvet gold mine)—(揭 …


像 XX and XX... ... 41. here and there 到处;四处 42. in and out 忽隐忽现;时进进出 43. now and then 偶尔;有时 ...


hustler中文 ... Video input/output 视频输入/输出 ... In and Out 新郎向后跑 ... High Off the Hog 舒适的生活 ... ...


...党》(Le Complici),以及欧洲和美国的《进与出》(In and Out),《众神与野兽》(Gods and Monsters),《The Doo…

Gradually increase the distance between you and your dog until you can call it from room to room or in and out of the garden. 此后逐步拉大你和爱狗之间的距离,直到你可以隔着屋子或者在隔着花园叫来你的爱狗。
Zooming in and out on an image preserves the location of the top corner instead of the center. 保留放大和缩小图像上的,而不是右上角的中心位置。
This makes it easier for other contributors, and also for the reader who may be jumping in and out of the documentation at various points. 这样做可以方便其他贡献者,而且读者也可以免于思维的跳跃。
like most elementary schools , it was typical to have a parade of students in and out of the health clinic throughout the day. 和别的那些小学一样,这是个典型的学校,每天都会有许多学生在卫生所进进出出。
During dinner Mr Brownlow stayed in a separate room, and the older members of the group went in and out with serious faces. 晚餐时,布朗洛先生待在一个单独的房间里,其他年长的人进出这房间时都板着严肃的面孔。
His health began to fail, and he was in and out of the hospital with two mild heart attacks. 他的健康状况开始越来越糟了,曾两次因犯轻微的心脏病而住进医院。
You need only to breathe in and out to see that those you love are still alive around you, and you can be very, very happy. 你只需要吸气和呼气就能看到,你爱的人仍然活在你身边,你就能非常非常幸福了。
It's like beachcombing, you know? Every time the tide comes in and out, you find some more shells. 就像那些在潮汐间隔的海滩中找宝物一般,你会找到更多的贝壳。
Child asthma is a lung disease that involves the breathing tubes (airways) that allow air to go in and out of the child's lungs. 儿童哮喘是一种肺部疾病,包括允许空气去中和孩子的肺部呼吸管(航空公司)。
Al-Megrahi's family says he is being kept alive with oxygen and a fluid drip, is falling in and out of a coma and has stopped eating. 迈格拉希的家人说,迈格拉希现在依赖呼吸机和输液维持生命。他陷入了断断续续的昏迷,而且已经停止进食。
Going in and out of a relative balance is a natural process that happens constantly throughout the cycle of life. 达到或失去相对平衡是在生命周期中不断发生的自然事件。
They are stationed at the entrances to the hotel and help the guests or other visitors in and out of cars and taxis. 他们站在宾馆的入口,帮助客人或其他来宾进出轿车和出租车。
The swivel seat will turn easily enabling you to comfortable access in and out of your car. Made from durable, easy clean quilted material. 在旋转座椅会变成很容易让您在舒适的访问进出你的车。耐用材料制成,易于清洁棉。
But to the naked eye, Firefox looks just as smooth when zooming in and out of Google Maps or opening e-mails in Gmail. 然而据肉眼观察,当在谷歌地图中放大和缩小页面,或者在Gmail中打开电子邮件时,火狐表现得与Chrome一样平滑。
Iron foundries, smelting plants, and cement factories loomed in and out of the haze as I traveled along the roads leading into Linfen. 在我前往临汾的路上,铸铁厂、冶炼厂、水泥厂在阴霾中隐隐出现。
As developed as the world has become, it is still possible for one volcano in Iceland to stop all air traffic in and out of Europe. 尽管现在世界如此发达,但是冰岛的一座火山仍然有可能阻碍欧洲内外的全部交通。
The boat drifted, the wind blew in and out of my clothes. 舟摇摇以轻,风飘飘而吹衣。
So what does all of that tell us about the App Store ecosystem and how developers will fare in and out of it? 那么,这一切关于应用商店体系的事例究竟告诉了我们什么呢?开发商又该如何面对呢?
Having bounced in and out of the room, Margaret finally came and knelt down on the floor beside him to see what he was doing. 玛格丽特一直踱来踱去,象热锅上的蚂蚁。后来,她走到屋里蹲在地的旁边,看他在做什么。
Ysera had seen him, floating in and out of her dreaming. She had thought she understood his. 伊瑟拉当时静静地看著他在自己的梦境中漂浮。她原以为自己已经了解了他做事的原则。
Could we postpone our meeting until tomorrow? I expect to be in and out of the office most of the day today. 我们可以把会议推迟到明天吗?今天我会经常不在办公室。
The U. S. central bank in its monetary policy pushes interest rates up or down by moving money in and out of the financial system. 美联储在制定货币政策的时候,通过增加或减少金融体系中货币的数量来降低或提高利率。
This diffusion of water in and out of our intervertebral disks is also important because these disks aren't hooked up to our blood supply. 水份在椎间盘的进出的扩散也是重要的,因为这些椎间盘不能不能从血液中获得供应。
Her back was aching from having to get down in order to put things in and out of the bottom drawer. 由于必须弯下腰来从最下面的抽屉中把东西拿进拿出,她腰酸背痛了。
In practice small amounts leak in and out in industrial systems, but overall, the bulk of mass circles in a " closed loop . " 实践中工业系统少不免有小量的泄漏,但总体说来,大多数物质都在一个“闭合环路”里面循环。
Make shift coffins occasionally weaved in and out of the crowds of people, carried by groups of men. 时不时有男人抬着棺材在人群中进进出出。
also felt we were kind of imprisoned as we had to buzzed in and out of hotel and had to return keys back and forth everytime we left. 另外,我们每次进出旅店,还要来来回回跟总台借钥匙,感觉像坐监狱一样,很不自在。
Did I make it that easy to walk right in and out of my life? 我所做的只是让从容去面对让你走入我的生命再离开
Work friends can become some of your best friends, in and out of the office. 同事可能会成为你工作上和生活中最好的朋友。
Blink - Teleports the Warden a short distance, allowing her to move in and out of combat. 闪烁-短距离传送守卫者,允许她从战斗中移进或移出。