in that

  • na.因为;以…的理由
  • 网络由于;在于;在…方面

in thatin that

in that


大学英语四级常用词组 ... at that 就那样,就这样;而且 in that 既然;因为 over there 在那里(指较远处) ...


雅思阅读考试必背的介词短语 - 雅思阅读 ... together with:as well as 和,连同 in that 由于,因为 now that 由于 ...


-就我一个-的主页 ... expose to 暴露;面临;曝露 in that 在于,原因是 in between 在中间;每间隔;在…期间 ...


英语短语大全... ... in line with 什么意思及同义词 a. 1.有库存的,有现货的 in that 因为,由于;在于… in person 亲自,亲身 ...


Drill 1 - 16-班级博客-搜狐博客 ... D. smashed 砸烂 D. in that 在…方面 D. prevalent 流行 ...


高考英语高频词汇精选-第111期 ... now that 既然 in that 基于…的理由 given that 考虑到… ...


新东方笔记 ... other things being equal 在这里是独立主格做条件状语。57. _ in that 由于,因为; 2 now that 既然,由于; 3 ...


2011年十月联考7月6日每日一练 ... )though 而、却。 )in that 因为,由于,后接从句。 )though 尽管。 ...

was the wordless cry of my soul, and the light of love shone on me in that very hour. 这就是发自我内心深处的无言的呼唤,也就在这时候,爱心的光芒照到了我的身上。
These grassroots movements have differed from previous protests in that religion has not been a driving force. 这些平民运动与先前的抗议活动有所不同,其中并未有宗教因素推波助澜。
As the animation plays, activity first builds up in the genital area of the sensory cortex, a response to being touched in that region. 正如短片显示的那样,大脑活动先从负责生殖器官那部分的感觉皮层开始,触发了此区域的感应。
Today, just like back in that afternoon, a person on the road, head down the steps Duo, the heart was filled with big stones. 如今,就好像回到了那个中午,一个人在路上,低着头踱着步,心里面装着块大石头。
He said: "I do not think there's going to be any change in that [US] commitment. " 他表示:“我不认为[美国的]这一承诺会有任何变动。”
But if the eyes did not meet, there was no activity in that brain area at all. 但是如果没有目光的交流,则大脑中根本就不会有任何反应。
But weeks lecherous nature, have a person to see his wife, the talented people are very interested in that woman. 但周好色性质,有一个人看到他的妻子后,人才的那个女人很感兴趣。
Mysmall participation in that process was one of the most humbling and inspiring experiences of my life. 我用自己微薄的力量参与了这一过程,也获得了更大的启发。
He said he would never set foot in that office again. 他说他永远不再踏进那个办公室了。
In some respects she was a little bit of a moral imbecile, in that nothing was sacred. 她在不少事情上都缺少一种道德观,在她的眼里,没有一样东西是神圣的。
The long-term design of the program proved to be important in that the major effects were shown only after a few years of work. 仅仅施行了几年后就表明该方案的长期计划在主要效应中的重要性。
Solution Explorer is flexible in that it allows you to work independently of a project; you can edit and create files without a project. 解决方案资源管理器非常灵活,它使您得以独立于项目之外工作;可以在没有项目的情况下编辑和创建文件。
"We went into a market and established a kiosk in that market out of a butcher's shop, " Kalanda says. 卡兰达说,“由于一家肉店,我们进入这个市场,在那个市场我们建立了一个公用电话亭”
My small participation in that process was one of the most humbling and inspiring experiences of my life. 我的小小参与在这个过程中是我生命中最令人谦卑和最令人振奋的经历之一。
Hey Tobias, your character says that the cavern "is a dud" to let you know that the crown is not in that dungeon. 你角色说那山洞深处是个“坑爹的废物”,是为了让你知道骷髅王的皇冠不在那个地牢里。
"It would be a good thing if they did, " he went on, half to himself, half to her, though he felt that something was amiss in that quarter. “如果他们真这么做的话,那倒不错,”他继续说道,半自言自语,半对着她说,不过他已经感到他老婆今天有点不对劲。
I would love to see you shaving without a safety razor. And that't the first brand I saw in that picture(Gillette). 我很希望你不用安全剃须刀刮胡子。那是我第一个在海报上看到的品牌(吉列)。
If I had my choice of a second knife to have along with me in that circumstance, it would likely be a $40 Swiss Army knife. 如果在那个环境里我可以有第二个选择,会是一把40美金的瑞士军刀。
In that case I would be watching and ready to leave with very little notice. 在那种情况下,我会观察着,并准备带着很少的关注离开。
And it was broken in that day: and so the poor of the flock that waited upon me knew that it was the word of the LORD. 当日就废弃了。这样,那些仰望我的困苦羊,就知道所说的是耶和华的话。
Who could have thought that such a pretty rose could grow in a porter's lodge, or bloom in that dismal old flower-pot of a Shepherd's Inn? 谁能想到,这么一朵鲜花却生长在看门人的小屋子里,在牧羊人草屋这只阴沉破旧的花盆里也能开出这么漂亮的花朵!
It has mainly been used in patients with unresectable cancer and made some progress in that area. 索拉非尼主要用于无法切除癌症的治疗,并取得了一些进展。
But I loved the way being in that art studio naked seemed to reinforce that this place was not like the world outside. 不过在画室里裸露身体,感觉与外面的世界截然不同,这种感觉也不错。
He had previously experienced some severe health problems, and he began to wonder "what would happen to me in that situation. " 由于先前遭遇过几次大病,开始思考“那种情况下会发生什么”这一问题。
Every one of them does his work in a way peculiar to himself, and the peculiarity means only that he finds it more easy to work in that way. 他们每个人都是他自己独特的工作方法,并且这种独特的意思是他发现它更容易的工作。
Tens of thousands of refugees had been killed in his journey west; in that sense Kabila was no better than his predecessor. 叛军在西进过程中杀害了数万难民;从这一角度来说,卡比拉同他的前任都是一丘之貉。
The bank has no branch in that place but we can arrange for you to deal with its correspondent there. 这家银行在当地没有分行,我们可以为你安排与当地代理银行的接洽。
"If it is under siege for a long time that country's currency gets destroyed, so gold in that country's currency will take off, " he said. “长期处于战火煎熬的国家,该国的货币会遭到毁灭性打击,之后黄金将取代该国货币,”他说。
Moran must have felt strange and out of place in that other kingdom he was entering, perhaps while his friends were drinking in his honour. 朋友们在为他痛饮,而将要进入另一个王国的莫兰怕是会觉得陌生和不适吧。
He thought the better of her in that she had a lot of imagination. 他对她评价很高,因为她想像力丰富。