dive into

  • na.探察(某人秘密)
  • 网络潜入;跳入;钻研

dive intodive into

dive into


高中英语动词短语分类_百度文库 ... dive for 冲向… dive into 潜入(水中) declare against/for 声明反对/赞成… ...


高考词汇高频词组汇总 - 豆丁网 ... distinguish oneself 使自己与众不同 204 dive into 跳入 ; make a dive for 向。。。猛冲 205 ...


高考英语短语整理 词组专题 - 豆丁网 ... burst into 闯入,突然„起来 dive into 潜入;钻研 fall into: 分成 ...


高中英语单词表---词组部分 ... dig out 掘出.发现 dive into 迅速把手伸入;一心投入 draw a conclusion 提出结论 ...


高中英语单词表---词组部分 ... dig out 掘出.发现 dive into 迅速把手伸入;一心投入 draw a conclusion 提出结论 ...


PEP英语六年级下... ... 58. keep in touch with sb. 与某人保持联系 22. dive into潜入…里 44. line up from … to… 站队从…到…

He wanted to dive into the heart of the matter. 他想要探究事情的真相。
If you're not sure you're ready to dive into this depth, take a look at my not-so-nitty-gritty overview. 如果你确定你不准备深究,看一看我的另一篇文章——Lucene概观。
This one Josephine did not dive into, she was unconcern for her part. 这张约瑟芬不够投入,对自己的角色显得漫不经心的。
Once you're comfortable with the introductory section you're ready to dive into the section on model construction. 一旦您熟悉了这个介绍部分您就准备好可以进入模型构造部分了。
In the long run, hopes for a more volatile yuan should tempt more hedge funds to dive into yuan trades, he said. 他说,长期而言,对人民币波动程度增强的预期应会诱使更多对冲基金进入人民币交易。
Finally, the last two W's can be addressed as you dive into the specifics of campaign planning. 最后,其他两个W就可以用于你具体的行销计划当中了。
"But I felt that going with a true MBA, I was going to get more information and be able to dive into things a little deeper. " “但我认为,要成为一名真正的MBA,我要得到更多信息,并能稍微更为深入地分析问题。”
The five remaining cons dive into a ditch when they see a police SUV parks at the end of a bridge near them. 剩下的5名囚犯潜入路旁的水沟,他们看到一辆警方的SUV停在桥的尽头,离他们很近。
That afternoon, I watched ants dive into the cups for a swim, staying under-water for up to thirty seconds. 那天下午,我观察蚂蚁跳进“杯中”游泳,在水下可以待30秒左右。
If you want to stay relevant, you're going to have to dive into the domain of the business you're in. 如果你想站稳脚跟,必须要深入了解你所处的领域。
In a hurry to dive into the cool water, he ran out the back door, leaving behind shoes, socks, and shirt as he went. 因为迫不及待地想投入到清凉的水中,他飞快地从后门跑了出去,边跑边脱掉鞋子,袜子和衬衣,把它们随手抛在了身后。
But before we dive into the greatest portable Linux apps out there, there are a few things that you need to be aware of. 不过在我们介绍几款最棒的Linux便携应用之前,有几件事情需要提醒。
Dive into a medical conversation about your illness and you're sure to have your friends putting alcohol as far away from you as they can. 深入讨论相关的医学问题,那你一定会让你的朋友把酒离你有多远放多远。
He leveled the T-33 jet , then put the nose down sharply and began, a dive into a second loop . 他拉平“T-33型”喷气发动机,接着猛然俯冲,开始翻第二个筋斗。
Financial-services workers are bracing for an icy dive into a shallow year-end bonus pool. 金融服务业从业人员的年终奖金池可能深海变浅滩。
After a few hours and a lot of sand in our shorts, my brothers and I would dive into the crystal clear water. 几个小时候后,当我们的裤腿里都进满了沙子,我和哥哥们就会扑到清水里!
Lazardis showed off the first of that investment, the Playbook tablet, to attendees here at D: Dive Into Mobile today. 拉扎里迪斯在“浸入移动世界”大会上,向与会者展示了在QNX上投资带来的第一个回报:黑莓平板电脑。
Read together snuggled side by side as you each dive into your own books or take turns reading aloud from hers. 你们可以依偎在一起看各自的书,或者轮流大声地朗读她的书。
The next exam objective, 312. 4, will dive into the details of making Samba act as and with Microsoft primary and backup domain controllers. 下一个考试目标312.4将深入探究如何将Samba用作Microsoft主备域控制器。
Anyone in my position would have been ruined if he had attempted to dive into depths which not even a lifetime of study could plumb . 任何一个处于我这样地位的人,要想深入钻研这种穷毕生之力也无法钻透的问题,是一定要累死的。
Before I dive into describing the import statements, let me make the distinction between an import and an include. 在深入描述import语句之前,让我们先来比较一下import和include之间的区别。
In the next chapter, I'll go back over to the client side and dive into the details of working folders. 下一章节,我将回头来描述客户端和深入钻研工作目录。
Dr. Lipkin is now preparing to dive into a new controversy. 利普金博士现在又介入到另一场学术争论中。
All right, if you lean forward in the chair, put your arms up (in) front of you, like you're gonna dive into a swimming pool. 对,像坐在椅子上一样身体前倾,胳膊放在身前,就好像准备跳入游泳池中的动作。
Russia's 135-ton Mir space station slammed through the atmosphere in 2001, but it was a controlled dive into the Pacific. 俄罗斯135吨“和平号”空间站2001年无预期地冲回大气层,但它在控制器引导下进入太平洋。
Shortly thereafter Little took a deeper dive into the sub-theme of this third item: impediment hunting. 此后,Little深入探讨了第三个因素的子话题:追捕障碍。
The best way to escape a scary world is still to dive into a good book. 看来,躲避恐慌世界的最佳办法仍然是静下心来读上一本好书。
Although this article does not provide a deep dive into the programming language, some Objective-C fundamentals are provided below. 尽管本文不深入挖掘编程语言,但是下面提供一些Objective-C基础知识。
Before you dive into the main body of this article, let's spend some time reviewing the existing sample. 在继续阅读本文主要内容之前,让我们先花些时间来了解一下这个附带的样例。
You've taken a deep dive into a single migration but still haven't created a single change in the schema. 现在已经深入研究了单一迁移,但是还没有在模式中进行变化。