dig up

  • na.查出;找到;开垦(荒地等);采掘(山芋等)
  • 网络挖出;掘起;发现

第三人称单数:digs up 现在分词:digging up 过去式:dug up

dig updig up

dig up


大学英语四级常用词组 ... dig out 掘出;挖掉 dig up 掘起;挖出 dip into 浸一浸;掏;翻阅一下 ...


大学英语四级常用词组 ... dig out 掘出;挖掉 dig up 掘起;挖出 dip into 浸一浸;掏;翻阅一下 ...


1 成语俗语总整理 - 豆丁网 ... be cut out for 能胜任, 适合于 dig up 发现, 挖掘 be dressed in 穿着 ...


英语词汇B - 英语学习乐园 ... dig in 开始吃 dig up 挖出,采掘,发现,开垦 dime 10 美分 ...


高考英语复习专题辅导教案 ... serve as 作为; 当作 dig up 挖掘,发掘 accompany sb 陪同某人 ...


hold - 英汉词典 ... ask for 要, 要求; 找 dig up 掘出; 设法找到 find fault with 挑剔; 找毛病 ...


BBC news 2011-05-28 加文本|BBC world news ... on board 在船〔火车, 飞机, 汽车〕上 dig up 掘起, 找到 in peace 平安地, 安 …


英语词汇B - 英语学习乐园 ... dig in 开始吃 dig up 挖出,采掘,发现,开垦 dime 10 美分 ...

The only way there was to do it was to dig up stumps but, of course, then you would have completely disrupted the habitat. 过去唯一的办法是挖入树桩内部,但这么做当然会完全破坏锹虫的栖息地。
He had to carry water and dig up the red earth and mix it into a stiff clay. 他要取水挖掘红泥,并把它混成稠密的粘土。
They would no more let me come away, without a promise to go back, than they would let the wolves dig up the bones of their fathers. 要是我不答应回去,他们是决不会让我出来的,就跟他们决不会让狼刨出他们祖先的尸骨一样。
One afternoon, the trainees tackled weed-picking with enthusiasm, competing to see who could dig up the largest clump. 某天下午,这些学员展开了除草竞赛,谁的草垛最大谁就算赢。
Every time I see Lily, I get very upset. She's always trying to dig up the past. 我每次见到Lily都会弄得很不愉快。她总想旧事重提。
Everything is fine. But I need you to do some research. See what dirt you can dig up on this. 一切都好但我需要你做点调查看看你能从这个人身上挖到多少料
If I have to, I'll dig up the garden and plant potatoes. 如果有必要的话,我会把花园挖起来种土豆。
The Derbyshire rain came down and the Queen waited until the Earl brought workmen to dig up the squares of black and white marble. 于是女王就坐在德贝郡的大雨之中,直到伯爵找来工人挖走了所有组成黑白格子的大理石。
I turned to look at a few other students and some have been dug, and I quickly held back excited to continue to dig up. 我转身看看,别的同学有的已挖出几个了,我连忙忍住兴奋,继续挖了起来。
He is still enthusiastic enough to dig up an old photo of himself. 他很热情地捐出他自己的老照片。
These days a candidate is fair game for the press: they'll poke into every corner of his past life to see what scandal they can dig up. 他们对候选人以往的所有一切都要仔细检查,看看能不能挖出什么丑闻来。我们再来举一个fairgame的例子。
First, Mr Yanukovich hired foreign investigators and prosecution lawyers to dig up dirt on her. But they found little. 亚努科维奇开始是聘用外国调查员和律师,挖掘关于季莫申科的丑闻,可是鲜有所获。
We spent weeks trying to dig up dirt on this guy. 我们用了几周试图去挖这个家伙的丑闻。
So he called over the most energetic of his fellow travelers and asked them to dig up the ground on that very spot. 于是他叫来同行的人中最有劲儿的几个人,让他们在长草丛的地方试着挖掘一番。
First, he used his hoofs to dig up the dirt and grass, to make it look like he had tried very hard to escape. 首先,他用蹄子挖起草和土,使这看起来就像他曾非常努力地逃跑;
The Natives used to dig up the roots, chop them smoothly and then steep them into water for about half an hour. 印第安人把根须刨出来,把它们剁碎后放进水中浸泡半个小时。
A long-term worker named Second Jewel Pao told how the landlord had forced him to dig up grain from a secret hiding place. 一个名叫二宝的长工诉说了地主王常盈怎样强迫他把埋藏在地下的粮食挖出来。
For the next four years Mrs Des Forges led a team of researchers to dig up the facts. 在接下来的四年里,德·弗基斯夫人带领一支研究一组,挖掘其中的事实。
So intense has been the rush to dig up the country's coal, gold and base metals that Mongolia has skipped a few stages of modernisation. 人们涌入蒙古挖掘煤炭、黄金和贱金属的热情是如此高涨,让该国跳过了现代化进程的好几个阶段。
"I think I'm going to dig up all these weeds, " she said, yanking a blossom up by its roots. 我看得把这些野草都拨了,“她说着,一边使劲把一丛蒲公英连根拨出。”
The tribe knows that if you dig up a particular root and mash it up, it will produce the appropriate shade of yellow face paint. 部落清楚如果去挖掘一种特殊的根捣碎,它能够作为黄色涂脸颜料。
Dig up nettles at the end of each season to prevent their fleshy roots spreading out of control. 每一季的季末要将荨麻根挖出来以防止它们的肉质根增长失控。
1: We spent weeks trying to dig up dirt on this guy. 我们几星期来都在竭力挖那家伙的丑事。
The children helped their parents to dig up potatoes. 孩子们帮他们的父母挖马铃薯。
And of course, we know many reporters, including ourselves, who dig up facts from old stories and put them into new ones. 当然,我们知道有很多记者(包括我们自己)也会从陈年旧文中挖掘事实,然后将它们写进新的报道里。
How was Guatemala? Dig up lots of massacre victims? Learn a thing or two about machete strikes ? 在危地马拉过得如何?挖了一堆大屠杀受难者出来?是不是也学到一点弯刀砍痕的经验了?
Just to humor an insistent reporter, Pauline scoured his workshop once to dig up 'plans " for a running machine he was creating. " 有一次,为了逗逗一位穷追不舍的记者,波林带他走遍自己的工作室,翻找正在开发的跑步机器的“计划书”。
The Street has gone back through the past decade to dig up some of the best examples of designs that make you wince and stare in disbelief. TheStreet网站曾回顾了过去十年手机发展史,筛选出一些令人瞠目的最佳设计范例。
Others analyze satellite photographs to determine storage levels or cultivate on-the-ground sources to dig up information. 其他人则分析卫星照片来确定储备水平,或培养当地信息源以挖掘信息。
The jeweler was able to dig up the ring we wanted. 宝石匠能发掘出我们想要的戒指。